People Are Eating: I, The King Of Hunters!

Chapter 68 Atasino: What is the origin of this man? (Please order!)

Atasino, the youngest staff member of IGO Habitat 0.

Only 27 years old.

She is very powerful.

And has the cooking skills comparable to a seven-star chef.

At the same time, he is also a gourmet surgeon with countless doctors and a high reputation in the world.

Su Yun had heard of her name long ago.

I didn't expect to meet her here.

"How do you know me, you are..."

Atasino looked at the handsome man in front of him and felt very familiar.

Soon she remembered it and said in surprise: "You are the disciple of President Yilong, Mr. Su Yun, right?"

"it's me."

Su Yun nodded, then asked suspiciously, "Why are you here?

"Hey... that's a long story. I was commissioned by President Yilong to do an ecological survey in the underground forest."

"An hour ago, I found an ingredient that is very suitable for herbal medicine, but I didn't expect that when I captured that ingredient, I was attacked by a beast that was lying on the side..."

"Although he escaped by chance, he suffered a lot of injuries. It is estimated that the smell of blood attracted this group of horses. 99

"Thanks to you, Mr. Su Yun, otherwise I might have been miserable today."

Hearing this, Su Yun nodded and said, "It turns out that this is the case, I am still surprised that your cell activation level is comparable to that of a 200-level person, yet you are still trapped here by a group of horses.

"Mr. Su Yun laughs, it's really powerless.

Atasino smiled embarrassedly.

After saying this, she frowned, the torn wound on her body continued to bleed, causing her great pain, so she said: "Let's get out of here first, the night is about to come, the danger here is The level will soon increase several times, and I also need to find a place to recuperate."

"Then let's go to the cave next door.

With that said, Su Yun put all the corpses of Ma Mu into the kitchen space, and then took Atasino into the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, a gate of ice with a thickness of ten meters was built.

This can at least block many weak beasts.

"Mr. Su Yun's methods are amazing..."

Seeing that Su Yun made so many Ma Mu's corpses disappear out of thin air, and also had the ability to create ice, Atasino was also secretly shocked.

After building the Ice Gate, Su Yun came to Atasino's side and said, "You are seriously injured and need to be treated."

At this time, Atasino's face had become very pale due to the prolonged injury and excessive blood loss.

Breathing also became more difficult.

So she had to take off her mask so she could breathe more oxygen.

"My backpack and scalpel fell off during the escape, and I'll have to wait until dawn tomorrow.

Atasino, who took off her mask, showed a bright and moving face. When she heard Su Yun's words, she shook her head, saying that there was no way to treat herself for the time being.

The beast that attacked her had a special substance on its claws.

Those special substances will act on the gourmet cells.

Therefore, the injuries she suffered cannot be cured by eating ingredients alone.

Must rely on special gourmet medicine, and gourmet scalpel to cure.

"It's okay, I'll treat you!"

"Mr. Su Yun, you can still heal?"

"Well, if you don't believe me, just let me try it. Anyway, I don't need to pay any price."

"OK then…"

Hearing this, Atasino blushed.

But looking at Su Yun's warm and jade-like eyes.

Still nodding involuntarily.

Immediately go to unbutton the clothes.

Seeing this, Su Yun hurriedly stopped: "Miss Artasino, don't take off your clothes.


Atasino looked at Su Yun stupidly after hearing this, how could anyone in this world treat an injury through clothes?

It's too surprising, right?

"Just wait a minute quietly."

Su Yun smiled slightly and didn't care what Atasino thought.

Mobilize the power of regeneration and cover her whole body.


The wounds were no longer bleeding and were healing very quickly, as could be seen through the torn clothes.

Atasino who felt the change in his body.

The eyes that were full of doubt and disbelief suddenly turned into surprise and shock.

"It should be almost there.

Su Yun stopped after pouring the power of regeneration on Artasino for three minutes.

With such a large amount of regeneration power, even a broken limb can be repaired.

He couldn't believe that Artasino could not be cured.

"This... Mr. Su Yun, how on earth did you do it?"

Artasino rolled up his sleeves and looked at the original injured position, without even leaving a scar, and suddenly looked like he had seen a ghost.

It stands to reason that with such a serious injury, she will more or less leave scars.

As a result, the treatment was done so quickly that no scars were left.

What is this ability?

She really wants to learn!

Su Yun smiled without saying a word, walked aside, took out Ma Mu's body, and started cooking.

Seeing that Su Yun refused to speak, Artasino did not ask any further questions.

But she was still very grateful to Su Yun, so she said: "Mr. Su Yun, let me cook, my cooking skills are okay!

"No, although your injury is cured, your energy and stamina have been depleted a lot, so let me do it!"

`You go to the side to rest for a while, and you will have a hot dinner in no time.

"Okay..." Atasino said helplessly, but she didn't choose to rest, but stayed to watch Su Yun's cooking.

It's okay not to look, but after a few glances, I can't take my eyes away.

In less than a moment, Atasino was sure that the man in front of him was better at cooking than himself.

For a while, she looked at Su Yun with brilliance in her eyes, and she was also full of curiosity about him.

Incredible medical ability, powerful strength, outstanding cooking skills...

What kind of man is this?

"Okay, let's eat!"

Su Yun naturally didn't know what Atasino was thinking.

He devoted himself to cooking Ma Mu, and then called Artasino over to eat.

"Then, thanks to all the ingredients in this world, we're on!

After Qi Qi finished the etiquette of eating, the two of them couldn't wait to start eating.

"Well, the meat is tender and chewy at the same time, the sweet juice is delicious, even the bones are fragrant, and it is accompanied by the delicious blood like sparkling wine... Gulu, I have to say (Zhao's Zhao), Mr. Su Yun, you The cooking skills are amazing.”

While eating, Atasino was full of praise, and she didn't have the appearance of the high-cold royal sister on the surface.

"It's too much, Miss Atasino, you can eat more if it's delicious.

Su Yun smiled slightly, it seems that Artasino should be the type that is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

After about two hours of eating, ten horses were eaten. Both of them were full of wine and food, so they started chatting.

"By the way, Mr. Su Yun, can you tell me the purpose of your visit to the Underground Forest this time?"

"Me?" Su Yun picked his teeth and said, "I came this time to go to the Cold Pool of Death to find an ingredient called ice crystal stalactite!""

"Ice crystal stalactite? Isn't that the special ingredient I reported to President Yilong a while ago?

"Oh? So that clerk is you!

Su Yun's eyes also lit up, not expecting such a coincidence.

In this way, he doesn't have to waste time looking for a way, just ask Artasino to take him there.

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