Su Mu was taken down to rest, and Butterfly Shinobu breathed a heavy sigh of relief after carefully checking his situation and confirming that he was really okay.

“Next time, you have to be safe.”

Although it was confirmed that Su Mu was fine, Butterfly Shinobu still instructed.

Su Mu nodded.

“I see.”

Butterfly Shinobu looked at his face seriously for several seconds before going elsewhere, after all, this time the evil ghost raided the branch, I don’t know how many swordsmen of the ghost killing team were injured.

As a healer, Butterfly Shinobu also needs to help other injured swordsmen heal.

When the butterfly forbidden left, Su Mu looked away, at this moment, there were many people lying here, almost all of them with injuries.

For them, this is already lucky, at least they survived, and many more have already died in this evil ghost sneak attack.

Thinking of the cruel scenes he had seen along the way, he couldn’t help but sigh slightly.

The evil ghost was far more cruel than he had imagined.

At the same time

He was also a little frightened in his heart.

Because, in his impression, it has always been the ghost killing team that is involved in the operation of killing evil spirits.

But the truth is that ghost killing teams are also the prey of evil spirits.

Fortunately, the branch here has the ‘flower pillar’ butterfly Kanae sitting in the town, which can repel this attack of the ghost hunt, otherwise, I am afraid that this branch will already die.

“It seems that the situation of the Ghost Killing Team is far more severe than I thought.”

His gaze looked outside, his eyes inexplicably solemn.

Even if they have repelled the attack of evil spirits, everyone is still full of solemnity, for fear that evil ghosts will come back again.


Time passes slowly.

The night slowly faded, and when the first rays of the morning sun fell, everyone who had been on guard breathed a sigh of relief.

When the warm sunlight fell on his body, Su Mu also opened his eyes.

At some point, Butterfly Kanae, who was draped in colorful butterfly feathers, walked over.

“Rest for half an hour, and then prepare for the transfer.”

The girl’s voice reached everyone’s ears clearly.

There was some disturbance among the people for a while, but it quickly subsided, and it was considered to digest the news.

After saying this, Butterfly Kanae also turned around and went elsewhere.

Watching the butterfly Kanae leave, Su Mu hurriedly followed

“Is there something going on?”

Butterfly Kanae turned around, and her voice appeared very gentle.

“Why transfer?”

Su Mu was a little strange.

“Because this place has been exposed.”

Butterfly Kanae smiled wryly.

Hearing this, Su Mu’s heart couldn’t help but be shocked, he clearly knew the meaning of this sentence.

You know, ghost hunters are specialized in ghost hunting, but they are afraid of being known by evil spirits, what does it mean?

Imply…… Afraid.

“Is this kind of relocation common?”

Su Mu asked.


Butterfly Kanae shook her head: “The only time the station was attacked by evil spirits was a long time ago, and that time, it was the ghost ancestor Ghost Mai Tsuji Wuxi and Black Death Mou personally attacked. ”

This Su Mu knew that in that attack, the ghost killing team suffered heavy losses, and all the swordsmen who could ‘breathe the sun’ died under that battle, so that now, the ghost killing team no longer had a swordsman who could breathe the sun.

“Why did this happen all of a sudden?”

Su Mu couldn’t help asking.

He wanted to know more.

Butterfly Kanae stared at Su Mu’s body with a pair of purple eyes for a long time, and the girl’s face was hesitant.

Obviously, he was considering whether to tell Su Mu.

“Please also tell us the details.”

Su Mu spoke again.

Butterfly Kanae hesitated for a moment before she spoke gently: “It should be… The guy showed up. ”

The girl’s voice was very light and gentle, but Su Mu could feel a boiling, fiery from the girl’s voice… Killing intent.

This is a certain temperament that is completely opposite to the gentleness that butterfly Kanae shows.

“Ghost Mai Tsuji is not miserable?”

Su Mu asked tentatively.

“If the guess is good, it should be.”

Butterfly Kanae couldn’t help but clench the hilt of the sword in her hand.

The root cause of the woes of this world.

Only by truly killing the other party can we detach all the evil spirits who have fallen into the cycle of darkness.

This is her, and it is also the ultimate purpose of the establishment of the Ghost Killer Team.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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