Although he killed the evil spirit, Su Mu was not satisfied in his heart.

“Sure enough, the affairs of the battlefield cannot be completely obeyed.”

He murmured slightly.

And at the same moment, a white light flashed away from the head of the rolling demon and fell on his eyebrows.

“Energy Point 68/100.”

The increased energy points made him excited in his heart, but he regretted that the ghost hunting mission was completed, but he could not reach the energy points required for upgrading after all.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, he took out a bamboo tube from his waist and shot it into the sky.

And then

Wait in silence.

Half an hour later, someone arrived, looked at the corpses all over the ground, looked horrified, and at the same time, also saw Su Mu sitting on the ground, holding his hands over his chest.

The boy’s age was already pale.

Apparently, he was seriously injured.

This wound was not caused by a battle with a ghost, but by a firearm, which had previously been shot in the chest and abdomen, and although it had avoided the fatal part, the lead bullet remained in the body.

Coupled with a fierce battle with the ghost, the wound continued to deepen.

Until the moment

It’s already bleeding.

Moreover, it cannot be cured in a short time.

You know, the reason why the previous injury was quickly repaired was because the huge energy brought by the upgrade repaired the injury.

Now, the conditions for upgrading have not been met, and this injury naturally cannot be repaired immediately and needs to be slowly recuperated.

This made him feel quite bitter inside.

“I’ve seen adults.”

A hidden person walked quickly, and when he saw the situation in front of him, he looked solemn.

Su Mu stood up, his face calm, even… A little wary.

After all, there was just a betrayal of the so-called ‘hermits’ before, then, will these ‘hermits’ …

Therefore, there should still be vigilance.

But fortunately, the ‘hidden people’ are mostly composed of people with no talent in swordsmen, although these hidden people who come are physically strong and seem to be Kong Wu powerful, but their strength is not high, even if these people betray, he is sure to deal with it.

“Clean up the battlefield and do follow-up.”

He spoke.


The hermit immediately agreed.

“In the meantime, prepare a carriage, I’m leaving.”

Now, he has been shot in the chest and abdomen, and the lead bullet is still in his body and needs to be removed as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be difficult for him to recover from his injuries.

Moreover, if the lead bullet stays in the body, it is also a hidden danger for him.

“Yes, my lord.”

The hermit immediately agreed.

Soon, a carriage was ready, and just as he was about to get on the carriage, a hermit quickly walked over: “Lord Kaiyu, Tokuji Yuki seems to…”

“I’ll report this matter, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Su Mu said calmly, Deji Yuxi is suspected of colluding with ghosts, and the matter is serious, and it is necessary to report to the ghost killing team for further thorough investigation.

“Yes, my lord.”

The hermit immediately said respectfully.

Su Mu nodded and also boarded the carriage.

With the carriage starting, he sat silently in the car, it stands to reason that the ‘hidden one’ here is also a stored doctor, and his lead bullet can be completely here, let the doctor here take it out.

But with Tokuji Yuki’s precedent, he is not at ease with the hermits here.

The car quickly left the village, and he lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw that there were hidden people constantly cleaning up the battlefield.

Although this ghost hunting operation was generally successful, it made Su Mu realize for the first time that ghost hunting was not as easy as imagined.

The last time he hunted ghosts with butterflies, although it was also very dangerous, it only showed the powerful strength of the evil ghosts and the almost immortal body.

But this time, he saw another aspect of the devil.

Evil spirits are not without wisdom, and even, some are higher in wisdom than people.

This is the most terrifying thing.

Closing my eyes and meditating, I also have a deeper understanding that ‘while hunting ghosts, you are also hunting.’ ‘s meaning.


Along the way, Su Mu did not speak.

The horse rider doesn’t say much.

Around the evening of the second day, he finally arrived at the branch.

Disembarked from the carriage.

He covered his chest, and although he had been initially bandaged, blood still oozed from the bandage with each step.

Fortunately, he is now a level 4 controller, and his physical fitness has been enhanced to a certain extent, and he can barely withstand it.

But deep down

He remains vigilant.

The power of firearms alerted him in his heart, people, after all, flesh and blood.

After walking slowly and slowly, I finally came to a courtyard.

Wisteria flowers bloom in the courtyard, with a variety of fragrances, and butterflies flutter their wings among the wisteria flowers.

At the same time

A young girl stood in the middle of the flowers, her eyes slightly closed, and around her, there was a lingering aura that swirled around the girl.

Su Mu knew at the first glance that the other party was cultivating.

“Breath of flowers?”

He murmured slightly, a hint of envy in his eyes.

The breathing methods practiced by ordinary ghost hunters like him are very ordinary breathing methods.

Also known as ‘concentrated breathing’

After that, there are more powerful breaths.

For example, at this moment, the butterfly Kanae is practicing ‘Breath of Flowers’, or ‘Breath of Water’, ‘Breath of Rock’, ‘Breath of Wind’, ‘Breath of Thunder and ‘Breath of Flame’.

As for the above, it is the origin of all breaths, the breath of the day.

These ‘breaths’ will have a certain ‘breath’ attack effect with the attack, for example, the most powerful ‘breath of the sun’, which often carries a trace of daylight energy in its attacks, which is the biggest weapon against evil spirits.

The man who is known as the god and Buddha who walks on earth once said, “Those who are poor will return to the same place.” ”

When you practice ‘breathing’ to the end, you will all go to the same end.

But, after all, something is different.

Otherwise, why would Ghost Mai Tsuji kill all the people who practiced ‘Breath of the Sun’, so that now the ‘Breath of the Sun’ is completely cut off.

When Su Mu stopped, in the courtyard, the aura surrounding the butterfly Kanae was also very terrifying, like a torrent lingering on her side, and at the same time, the surrounding flowers naturally surrounded her.

The girl’s figure is becoming more and more terrifying, and it also makes people feel more and more mortal threats.

And the next second, the girl seemed to sense something, a pair of purple eyes opened, all the breath dissipated, and the flowers fell, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

The girl’s eyes turned sideways and fell on the boy’s body, and finally, her gaze focused on the chest he was holding.

Faintly, the girl’s calm eyes flashed a very thick anger, breaking the girl’s usual gentleness.

But that fleeting aura was hidden deeply, like a terrifying aura that had just dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

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