Chapter 0085: Times Have Already Changed!!

Su Mu came to the stall and picked up the comb that Zhen had just put down again.

“I bought it, how much?”

He looked at the vendor.

The vendor said the money, and after Su Mu paid the money, he handed the comb to Zhen Han: “It’s for you.” ”

“Gave it to me?”

Makata took the comb a little stunned.

“Some gadgets, not worth any money.”

Su Mu didn’t care much.

As a swordsman of the ghost killing team, he may encounter great danger in the ghost hunt, but the treatment of the ghost killing team for the sword ten of these ghost killing teams is very ~ good.

If not, it would be impossible for the ghost hunter to concentrate on the path of ghost hunting.

“In the future, I will pay you back.”

The girl held the comb in her hand, raised her head, and said seriously.

Su Mu smiled and didn’t care much.

After that, Su Mu bought some things for Zhenjing when passing by some stalls.

For example, hairpins for a few beautiful clothes to groom your hair

They are all things commonly used by girls, and they don’t cost too much money, at least, for Su Mu, it’s not too much.

These days, he continues to hunt ghosts, and the remuneration he receives is extremely rich, and these money are not too taken to heart.

But for Mako…

The girl hugged the things that Su Mu gave her, she seemed to cherish them immensely, for Zhenhan, she had never received so many things in a day, and no one had ever bought them for her.

A feeling of being cared for arises in my heart.

There is another very inexplicable feeling

It’s a wonderful feeling

The first time she was given something, it was something she liked very much, which made the girl’s heart feel caressed by the soft spring breeze.

It’s the feeling of being cared for.

This feeling of being cared for is not different from the feeling of concern for her by Master Taki or Ji Ji, but another feeling of concern.

It’s a very happy feeling

It also made Zhenjing feel an inexplicable excitement in her heart.

After buying some things for Zhenhan, Su Mu also came to a weapons store

This is a relatively complete weapons shop, including long knives, swords, axes, etc.

Seeing the guests come to the door, soon a waiter walked up quickly.

“What weapons do you two want to buy?”

The waiter smiled and spoke.

Su Mu did not speak at the first time, but fell his gaze on the wall of the weapon store, and there were various weapons hanging on the wall, and there were all kinds of them.

But in this world, there is a ‘ban on knives’, the government’s jurisdiction over knives is extremely strict, ordinary people who walk on the street with knives are very likely to be interrogated, if they carry knives without a knife order, they will even be imprisoned.

But in this store, these forbidden knives are displayed in the lobby.

If it is an ordinary storefront, I am afraid that it is impossible to do it, and it is conceivable that these weapons can be placed in the store, and the owner of this store must be quite powerful, and even, not afraid of the official government.

However, if it was just an ordinary storefront, Su Mu would not be able to come over, after all, the weapon he wanted to buy was not a knife, but a firearm that was more strictly controlled.

“These knives have never been bladed, so they are not within the scope of the ban on knives”, so customers can buy them with confidence? ”

The waiter spoke at this time.

“What if I want to buy a bladed weapon?”

At this time, Su Mu suddenly spoke.

Hearing Su Mu’s words, the waiter was slightly stunned, and then revealed a smile: “Is Sir sincerely trying to buy it?” ”

“If not, what am I doing here?”

Su Mu replied flatly.

Hearing Su Mu’s answer, the waiter also laughed: “Then please come with me, my boss will personally receive you.” ”

Su Mu nodded and followed the waiter.

The waiter led him up a staircase and then down, seemingly into the basement.

The further you go, the lower the light gets, about two or three minutes away, there is no sunlight that can reach here, and the lighting is the burning lamps on both sides of the aisle.

However, this time also reached the destination.

It is a fairly spacious underground space with many window-like utensils placed in the space, and many weapons are placed on each appliance.

On a table and chair next to him sat a man wearing a military hat, on which was a wolf’s head badge, a man wearing a black cape, a pair of white gloves on his hands, and bangs on both sides of his hair that looked like triangles connected together.

With his arrival, the man also raised his head and could clearly see the triangular lines above the man’s face and on the left and right.



The man looked at Su Mu, who followed the waiter in, and raised his eyes slightly, revealing a black pupil.

Su Mu looked at the man in front of him and felt an extremely terrifying aura from his body, and at the same time, there was also a very familiar aura.

That breath was very similar to the breath of those demons he had killed.

“Boss, this is the guest who came to buy weapons.”

The waiter spoke respectfully, a little afraid of the mysterious boss.

“Well, go down.”

The man waved his hand.

The waiter immediately walked down quickly.

At this time, the man also stood up, and the light fell on Su Mu’s body

As his gaze fell on his body, Su Mu instantly had a feeling of being targeted by something extremely dangerous, and he unconsciously had a creepy feeling in his heart.

At this moment, his hand unconsciously pressed on the hilt of the knife on his waist, and the muscles in his body also tightened at this moment.

The man’s gaze unconsciously fell on the hilt of Su Mu’s hand on his waist, and an intriguing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“The sword has long been outdated.”

Saying that, the man had an extra pistol in his hand, and the pistol was playing and spinning in the man’s hand like a toy.

It can be seen that the man is familiar with firearms.

It’s just that when the man said that the sword was long outdated, his words carried an indescribable complexity.

Under the torrent of the times, the emergence of firearms completely crushed the sword that the samurai were proud of, no matter how skilled the swordsman was, he could not resist an ordinary pistol.

“What weapons would you like to buy?”

The man spoke calmly.


Su Mu’s hand pressed on the hilt of the knife on his waist, wary of abnormalities.

When the man heard Su Mu’s words, it was as if he had heard something funny, and he couldn’t help but spread his hands: “I didn’t expect it!” Even the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team gave up their swords and chose firearms. ”

“Sure enough, times have long changed.”

The man muttered, but his gaze fell on the shelf not far away, on which was placed a blade, but it seemed to have been placed for a long time, and there was even a layer of dust accumulated on the shelf…

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