“Another elf is waking up?”

Shiraishi’s eyes lit up slightly.

“Calculate the time, it’s indeed up.”

Shiraishi sank his consciousness into the spiritual space.

A large number of stone skins fell down.

A new elf awakens.

Shiraishi looked over, and a name floated in Shiraishi’s mind.

“Happy egg!”

A Pokémon with general attributes.

Gentle personality and good at healing.

When he saw the happy egg, Shiraishi couldn’t help but look forward to it.

The level of medical ninjas in Iwahide Village can only be said to be average.

However, if a ninja can complete the contract with the happy egg, he may be able to obtain an incredible healing ability.

“No, all the stone skins have already fallen off, why are they still shaking?”

Shiraishi sensed something was wrong.

A speculation emerged.

“Could it be that the happy egg has found a suitable ninja?”

Shiraishi quickly looked around.

This is in the soil, and there is nothing around.

“Who will it be?”

Shiraishi thought quickly, and one name after another crossed over.

First of all, it is impossible to hunt, and Kai has already completed the contract with Longlongyan.

Nor could the bodies that fell to the ground.

Kusahide ninja is unlikely, even if it is a Kusahide ninja, Shiraishi will not let him contract with the happy egg, unless this Kusahide ninja can turn his back on Kusanagi Village and join Iwahide Village.

“Fragrant phosphorus!”

The person Shiraishi thinks is the most likely person is Kazuki.

Fragrant phosphorus has strong healing ability, which is just in line with the characteristics of happy eggs.

Shiraishi hurriedly came to the temporary cave built for Xiangphos.

Xiangphos looked over.

After seeing that it was Shiraishi, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Trotted over.

“Big brother.”

Shiraishi felt that the happy egg shook even more, and immediately knew that his guess was right.

“Something for you.”

Shiraishi stretched out his hand and gave a small pat on Xiangphos’s body.

The next moment, Xiangphos felt a force enter his body, and his whole body was a little hot.

“Wait for me.”

Shiraishi left the cave and went to the ground where Kai was located, ready to support Kai.

Dozens of Kusahide ninjas unite and lay siege to Kai.

Kai has already fought very fiercely before, and his physical strength and chakra are very consuming, and he has gradually become a little out of state, but Kai is not worried and does not panic.

Because Kai still has a hole card.

That is the ability brought by Rumble Rock, self-detonation.

One self-explosion can take away all the Kusahide ninjas in the vicinity in one wave.

These Kusanagi ninjas are no stronger than the Konoha ninjas last time.

“Earth Escape, Earth Movement Core Art!”

A piece of ground suddenly sunk.

A Kusahide ninja didn’t expect it and fell.

Then, there is no then.

The blade in Shiraishi’s hand pierced the vital point of this Kusanagi ninja, and stabbed it at the waist.



A large amount of blood splattered out.

Above, a Kusahide ninja saw this and only felt a chill in his waist.

“This little devil is really subordinate, the way of fighting is subordinated, even the position of the attack, it is so inferior!”

In Xiangphos’s mind, a scene emerged.

A pink creature, trying his best to help other huge creatures, looks strange in Xiangphos, but this friendship between companions is something that Xiangphos has never felt.

This made Xiangphos subconsciously have a good impression of this pink creature.

In Kusanagi Village, Xiangphos lives like a tool.

Not a single friend.

Especially after the death of the mother.

Even in the village, not to mention ninja beasts, even cats and dogs live stronger than themselves.

After a while, the picture disappears.

Xiangphos felt that there was something more in his head.

“Drops of Life!”

A burst of chakra surged, a ball of water appeared, suspended next to Xiangphos, Xiangphos was stunned for a moment, and then it was surprised, and he couldn’t help but smile.

“It turned out to be true!”

Phosphorus controls the water balloon and makes it land on his back.

During the previous process of Shinji escaping Kusanagi Village with Koto, Koto fell several times and suffered some minor injuries.

When the water balloon fell, Xiangphos felt that his injury was recovering very quickly.

“That’s nice.”

“In the future, if others need treatment, they don’t have to bite me.”

“I can use this ability.”

“This is the ability that Big Brother gave me.”

The favorability of aromatic phosphorus to white stone has been further improved.

And Shiraishi also felt that when the happy egg and Xiangphos completed the contract, the improvement he obtained, the progress of the first stage of the 1% gurado, made his basic attributes improved a lot.

“I haven’t reached the level of upper patience yet, but I have reached this level now, even if it is only a little improved, the actual combat ability will be improved a lot.”

Just as the so-called master moves, it is on the front line.

“Tudun, the art of the earth flow wall!”

An earthen wall appeared behind Kai, blocking the attack that should have hit Kai.

“Shiraishi-sama, thank you.”

Kai rushed towards one of the Kusahide ninjas in front of him and threw a punch.


This punch is not only the power of the fist, but also the power of the blood succession limit and explosion.

In one fell swoop, he smashed the Kusahide ninja into a serious injury.

The face of the elite Shangren of Caoyin Village became very ugly.


“You won’t be proud for long.”

“Kai’s physical strength and chakra, it’s not very good anymore.”

“Shiraishi, or, you will run away alone by yourself now, bearing the stigma of abandoning your companions!”

“Or, you will die with Kai.”

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