It was noon, and Qin Yan, Bai Lu, Reba, and Song Yuqi randomly found a restaurant to eat.

While Qin Yan was adjusting the chair because it was uneven, Reba, Bai Lu, and Song Yuqi huddled aside and whispered weakly.

Song Yuqi felt that since there were so many exciting events in the amusement park, she had to choose one for Qin Yan to break through.

She and Bai Lu had suffered losses at his hands all morning today, so they had to go back to the factory in the afternoon.

"Qin Yan chose the bumper ball activity in the morning, and we should also choose one for Qin Yan to challenge in the afternoon. We have no chance of winning in a strength competition with him. If we want him to break through the defense, we can only use external force!"

Reba was helpless after hearing Song Yuqi's words. In her opinion, no matter what activity she chose, she had no chance of winning.

Qin Yan was particularly powerful in her heart.

He would lose more than nothing!

Sure enough, Bai Lu thought the same way at this time, She shook her head helplessly:"I have given up, Qin Yan is too powerful, we have small arms and legs, we can't defeat him no matter what we choose!"

Of course Song Yuqi knew this, but she still thought of a bad idea.

"How about we play the bungee jumping machine later? I just want to see if Qin Yan will really not break his defense!"

Looking at Song Yuqi's smirk, the audience laughed and complained about Yuqi's brother's damn desire to win. Judging from her expression, she would be really uncomfortable if she didn't see Qin Yan break his defense.

Reba and Bailu could accompany Song Yuqi to play the bungee jumping machine.

However, the two of them felt that they didn't know whether Qin Yan would break his defense after getting on the bungee jumping machine, but they would definitely break their defense because they were really cowardly.

Song Yuqi asked herself that she had played a lot of bungee jumping machines. She had just seen the bungee jumping machines in the amusement park, but it was not to the extent that she broke her defense.

Thinking that if a bungee jumping machine could break Qin Yan's defense and she was not hurt at all, it would be a small victory for her!

After the four of them had a simple rest after eating and drinking, Song Yuqi extended an invitation to Qin Yan.

"Qin Yan, it’s up to us to decide what to do in the afternoon. Do you dare to get on the jumping machine next?.?"

""Hi!" Qin Yan was so bored about this activity that he almost rolled his eyes. It was just a bungee jumping machine. It would be too funny if he was easily defeated by it! How could Qin Yan not see that Song Yuqi invited him to the bungee jumping machine, which meant that she still had the fighting spirit to challenge him.

Then Qin Yan was determined to wipe out this fighting spirit.

Soon, four people sat on the bungee jumping machine side by side. The order of the four people from left to right was Song Yuqi, Qin Yan, Bai Lu, and Reba!

Bai Lu started to take a deep breath as soon as she sat on it:"It's over, my heartbeat has accelerated before it even starts!"

Reba also wanted to cry but had no tears, saying:"I'm also afraid of this kind of excitement. This bungee jumping machine looks scary! I don't think I should go on it!"

Song Yuqi didn't care about this thing at all. She smiled and comforted:"It's okay, just close your eyes and it will be over in a while."

After comforting Bai Lu and Reba, Song Yuqi did not forget to say to Qin Yan:"If you want to scream, just scream, don't hold it in!"

"hehe!"In Qin Yan's eyes, a jumping machine is absolutely childish.

In the eyes of the audience, it's just a jumping machine. How can we not let Qin Yan break his defense? Everyone in the observation room also feels that Qin Yan is not someone who can be easily broken by a jumping machine..

As the jumping machine fell down, the staff came in and buckled everyone's safety buckles. After confirming that everyone's safety buckles were fastened, everyone could faintly hear the sound of the jumping machine accumulating power and then left the venue after checking. , Song Yuqi took a deep breath and felt that it was just a jumping machine, and she could handle it easily.

She was confident that she had played with it more than Qin Yan, so her condition should be much better than Qin Yan's! Thinking of the moment when the jumping machine was about to start, Song Yuqi suddenly felt Qin Yan patting herself on the side. She turned to look at Qin Yan curiously, and saw Qin Yan's panic expression at this moment.

Qin Yan showed a rare nervous expression, and Song Yuqi couldn't understand what was wrong with him. Unexpectedly, Qin Yan opened his palm in front of Song Yuqi. As his palm opened, Song Yuqi was surprised that there was a screw in Qin Yan's hand.

Question mark, Qin Yan quickly said:"Song Yuqi, ask the staff to stop running the machine, your machine has lost a screw!"

"I just touched your shoulder pads, and I didn't expect a screw to fall into my hand!"

Song Yuqi was stunned when she heard this and exclaimed"Ah!!" The next second, the jumping machine started up and took Qin Yan and his group to the sky.

During the process of going up to the sky, Song Yuqi was already overwhelmed and screamed.

".Ah ah ah ah ah~~~"


Qin Yan burst into laughter when he heard Song Yuqi's shrill scream. The audience burst into laughter when they saw the scene just now.

Damn, Qin Yan is so bad, how can he cheat like this?

Qin Yan's acting skills are such a pity that he doesn't win the Golden Man!

I learned it, how to break Song Yuqi's defense with one sentence, hahahaha (to read the exciting novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I was wondering why Qin Yan kept holding that screw just now, it turned out that he was waiting here

After experiencing this, I think brother Yuqi will never dare to say that he likes excitement again, hahahaha!

The screw that Qin Yan just took out was of course not dropped from the machine, this screw was just picked up by him at lunch just now.

At that time, he felt that his chair was not flat, and when he adjusted the chair, he noticed that there was a screw jar under the chair. He originally wanted to throw it away, but he accidentally heard that Song Yuqi was still unwilling to give up (Li Damn) and wanted to play the jumping machine, so he simply kept it, he thought it would be very useful.

Sure enough, Qin Yan just teased her a little bit, and Song Yuqi screamed much louder than Reba and Bai Lu.

Qin Yan was sandwiched between several people, and he felt that his eardrums were about to be broken.

The bungee jumping machine they were playing was more than 140 meters high, which was taller than the Statue of Liberty in the Lighthouse Country and equivalent to a 40-story building.

After Qin Yan came up, the view in the distance was particularly good.

Before, Song Yuqi only felt excitement about this height, but now she was so scared that she dared not open her eyes, and Bai Lu and Reba cried out that their legs were weak.

The bungee jumping machine did not give everyone much time to adjust, and the next second it fell from the sky again.

The feeling of weightlessness appeared, and feeling the whistling wind in their ears, Song Yuqi, Bai Lu, and Reba screamed even louder.

"Mom, I want to go home!!".

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