"Oh? Little Aomine, you are really motivated!" Kise stared at Aomine while holding a basketball.

"It's okay, because today's opponent is a bit difficult..."

"No way, the one who can make little Aomine feel pressure must be very powerful!" Kise passed the basketball to the Teiko player while speaking.

Aomine thought that he would play against him next.

He was delighted and said, "Hmm..."

Under another basket, Murasakibara Atsushi saw Midorima standing there motionless, and asked curiously, "What's wrong with Midorima?"

"No... nothing, just this morning's morning fortune-telling..."

"Oh? Why... the result is not good?"

Murasakibara Atsushi knew that Midorima was more "superstitious" about fortune.

He felt that Midorima's interest was just like that of an unreasonable child, and said expressionlessly, "Ah... don't believe in this kind of thing, Midorima!"

Midorima ignored Murasakibara Atsushi, but turned his head to look at the three items on the chair.

"My ranking is third, no problem, and I have brought all the lucky items.

The one with the problem now is... Aomine!

He is ranked last.

But the prediction tells me that the last place may also be the first place and be tied with Sagittarius."

At that time, such a prediction confused Midorima.

Midorima glanced at Aomine who was in good condition and murmured, "It would be best if nothing happened..."

"Please form your team."

The starting players of both schools slowly walked to the center, and the others moved off the court.

"Now let's start the game between Teiko Junior High School and Kamisaki Junior High School."


"Please give me your advice." The two teams saluted each other...

Aomine looked at Inoue excitedly.

Inoue smiled slightly.

At the same time, in another venue——

Someone in the audience exclaimed: "Look at those two people..."

"Really... So rare!"

"Those two players are twins."

These two people with the same appearance are filled with a certain airflow...

——The game is already in the second half.

In the first half, Akashi passed the ball to Aomine many times, and did not choose to play steadily.

He felt that this game could be completely handed over to Aomine.

Because Aomine's ball sense and condition are very good at this time, he can score better goals with low physical consumption.

Aomine is in great condition, and Kuroko is doing his best to assist him.

He shot and broke through as he pleased in the first half, and steadily scored many goals from the opponent.

Finally seeing the full-strength shot of Teiko's "ace", many spectators were excited: "Wow! How could that goal be scored?"

"Damn, Aomine is in first-class condition!"

"So handsome..."

Every time Aomine scored a goal, there was a steady stream of applause.

"That's too much. Why are they only applauding little Aomine?" Huang Lai was a little dissatisfied.

Midorima replied: "When you have as good a sense of the ball as Aomine, you will win everyone's applause. They are only interested in strong dunks and strong attacks."

Song Cheng did not play in the first half, and Akashi controlled the situation on the court.

Not long after the second half started...

"Beep! Teikou requested a substitution."

"Song, the second half is up to you." Akashi smiled slightly and walked off the court.

"Okay..." Song Cheng walked onto the court.

Akashi replaced Song Cheng, and Song Cheng took on the role of point guard.

Song Cheng stood in the paint and looked at the opponent's lineup.

It can be seen that the players of Kamisaki Middle School are in a very bad state at this time.

The five people's eyes are deep, and their positions are also very lazy.

It's like...

They have lost their love for basketball?

As the game progressed...

Song Cheng passed the basketball to Midorima steadily, and rarely passed the basketball directly to Aomine.

Because the score was far ahead at this time, what he had to do was not to consume everyone's physical strength.

Instead, he slowed down the pace, reduced the chances of scoring, and saved everyone's physical strength as much as possible.

Song Cheng caught Kuroko's pass and jumped into the air.

The two players standing in the inside line on the opposite side looked up at Song Cheng who was jumping in the air.

They did nothing, and had no intention of jumping up to defend Song Cheng.

Song Cheng flicked his wrist and elegantly pushed the basketball into the net.

"Beep!" It also announced that the third game was over.

Song Cheng jumped down and stood firmly on his feet, running out from between the two people.

One of them was hit by Song Cheng...

The man lowered his head and swayed to the right, and fell back like a tumbler. The whole person did not react at all, and still looked decadent.

Song Cheng frowned, feeling the atmosphere standing in the team of Uezaki players at this time.

He had seen people who lost confidence and didn't want to fight in the qualifiers. They didn't play in the second half because of the huge difference in strength and score.Desire.

"It's really unpleasant."

Since entering the bronze gate, the upper limit of strength has increased.

Song Cheng began to feel that the game was a little...


At this time, a silver light flashed outside Song Cheng's body, forcibly suppressing the strange feeling (negative effect) that was about to rise in Song Cheng's heart.

"Little Song Cheng, that dunk just now was so cool!" After saying that, Huang Lai jumped up excitedly, as if cheering for Song Cheng.

Look up at the people of the "Miracle Generation".

It turned out that I had run back to the "Miracle Generation" team without realizing it.

Song Cheng replied: "Yeah."

For some reason, my mood suddenly became much better.

"Next, let's end the last game!" Song Cheng said to everyone enthusiastically.

"Humph, you know it without you saying it!" Midorima replied arrogantly.

Huang Lai was also very excited: "Come on, everyone, win this promotion game!"

Qingfeng nodded, his eyes glanced at Inoue.

"Little guy... I want to eat your food after the game."

Okay, Murasakihara Atsushi is not on the same topic at all. He has already started thinking about eating after the game.

Song Cheng smiled and said, "Okay, okay..."

The game was in the last game, with three minutes and eight seconds left.

Score: Teiko 150-Uezaki 81.

Aomine took the basketball passed by Kuroko.

He shook his shoulders and passed Inoue like a phantom.

Inoue stood there disappointedly, without any intention of defending, just watching Aomine break through him.

The four Uezaki players behind him panted and sweated as they watched Aomine jump over the inside line and dunk, without thinking of stopping Aomine.

Midorima pushed his glasses and thought to himself: With such a big score difference, it's no wonder he can't maintain his enthusiasm for the game.

What does this mean...

Have you even given up the game?

Aomine's eyes widened, looking at Inoue in disbelief.


I've been looking forward to fighting you!

I thought I would be very happy if I was your opponent...

Inoue snorted coldly.

Your thoughts are written on your face.


You don't understand... what a terrible monster you are, and even how terrifying your teammates are.

I realized it just a few minutes after the game started. This is an overwhelming gap...

It's impossible to catch up even if you spend your whole life...

A gap that doesn't even leave a glimmer of hope for mortals.

After thinking about this, Inoue suddenly raised his head with bloodshot eyes and yelled at Qingfeng: "There is absolutely... absolutely no chance of winning!

With such an overwhelming score, how can you let me keep the desire to fight!!"

"Ah..." Qingfeng said in confusion.

Qingfeng has been standing on the top of the mountain since he was a child. His super talent allows Qingfeng to always stand on the top of the mountain and overlook the earth.

So he can't understand the feelings of the weak at all.

Inoue didn't expect Aomine to understand. He said sadly, "Tsk... There's no way there's anyone who's qualified to fight you..."

"Are you making fun of me?"

Aomine clenched his fists, and he could see his arms trembling slightly.

"...Hahaha" Inoue laughed.

Aomine no longer paid attention to his good buddy who used to play basketball with him - Inoue, and walked slowly to the team with a depressed mood.

This is the result of being a little serious?

If you completely take away the opponent's fighting spirit.

Playing basketball...

What is there to be happy about?

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