The cold white sword blade easily cut off the god Daili Shi’s Hezi.

The intense pain slowed Shen Daili’s reaction by half a beat.

Gu Zeyuan’s figure instantly came to the face of Shen Daili Shi.

An unpretentious punch blasted out.

Although the recovery speed of the scales is fast, it also takes a few seconds to regrow.

Godelisk could only raise his arm for defense.

However, the strength of this punch exceeded the imagination of God.

The arm was instantly fractured.

She herself was wrapped up in a powerful force and crashed into a wall on one side.

With a loud bang, a hole was knocked out of the cement brick wall.

God’s head broke through in an instant.

Gu Zeyuan had no intention of pitying Xiang Xiang Yu at all.

Grab each other’s arms and suddenly exert force.

With a click.

The two arms of the gods were twisted, obviously broken, and very badly broken.

Raise your foot and kick, and also scrap your legs.

At this time, Hezi of the god Daili Shi once again rushed out from the tail vertebrae.

However, the Dawn Divine Sword swung, and Hezi was easily cut off by Gu Zeyuan.

I don’t know when, Gu Zeyuan’s eyes were already bloody.

Under the gaze of the Sharingan, Naheko’s speed was as slow as a snail.

God let out a scream.

Aiming the Dawn Excalibur at the tail vertebrae of the gods, he simply stabbed it down neatly.

Subsequently, the skin and muscles there are cut.

From it, Gu Zeyuan found the Hebao of Shendaili Shi and dug it up.

God let out a mournful wail.

Obviously, the pain of being dug up is far more than the broken hands and feet.

Soon, the gods had no resistance and passed out.

Hebao’s thing is the root of the Kaoru species, and it will not be able to recover for a while.

Put the bag away.

This thing has great research value.

Gu Zeyuan simply sat on Shen Daili Shi, took out his mobile phone, and began to call.

“Send a team of armed men over and come to the location to receive the containment. ”

“Hey, Miss Ai Hasaka, please locate here and deal with the scene. ”

After making these two calls, Gu Zeyuan let out a sigh.

Raise the Dawn Excalibur.

It was stained with the blood of God.

Kaoru has a negative restriction that humans can only eat.

However, Gu Zeyuan does not think that the black light virus will bring negative restrictions after swallowing the gene.

The main purpose of the black light virus is evolution, not receiving all genes.

Therefore, Gu Zeyuan was ready to devour the gene of the Xuan species.

At this moment, Gu Zeyuan’s movements suddenly stopped.

He looked up at the corner at the end of the alley.

There, a young girl was sticking her head out.

It was a black straight type girl.

The two looked at each other.

Gu Zeyuan felt an incomparable headache.

Why are there witnesses in this kind of place?

Go back half an hour.

Yukino under the snow.

Miss Senjin of the Yukinoshita family.

Although the Yukinoshita family is not one of the four major chaebols, it is also a famous family in the country of cherry blossoms.

Yukino was born in a wealthy family, and has a good mind and perfect appearance for a wealthy family.

Straight appearance, transparent white skin, long black hair over the shoulder, a cute face to foul.

Although the chest is as flat as the Kanto plain, it has slender and well-proportioned limbs, a just right thin waist, and a perfect body curve.

Slightly floating black hair, crystal clear and delicate skin, bright big eyes, thin cherry colored lips.

As the name suggests, the snow under the snow makes people feel unattainable and can only marvel at the beauty.

Today, Yukino is wearing a black evening dress.

It sets off its posture more symmetrically and slenderly, which is pleasing to the eye.

Coincidentally, Yukinoshita Yukino was also promoted to a college of higher learning this year.

This time he appeared in Chiba and participated in a party for famous schools.

In order to enter the General Military Higher College, lay a foundation for networking.

It’s just that under the snow, Yukino can’t cope with interpersonal communication.

She can’t get along with people as easily as her sister Yono Yukinoshita.

Yukinoshita, who felt at a loss during the party, unknowingly sneaked out of the meeting place.

While wandering the streets of Chiba, I saw a white cat outside the alley somewhere.

Yukino, alias Cat Encyclopedia and Cat Insect, is easily attracted to cute cats and cats.

After all, she is an extreme cat lover.

Because of family restrictions, Yukinoshita Yukino can’t keep cats and cats at home.

In normal times, Yukinoshita likes to stay in the pet store and pet the cat.

At this time, there are cute cats and cats on the side of the road, and the snow under the snow will naturally not let go easily.

“Meow meow. ”

Yukinoshita Yukino meows in an attempt to approach the cute white cat.

However, the white cat seemed wary and ran towards the alley.

Yukino followed.

Finally, the white cat was taken into his arms in the alley.

Just as she was content to tease the cat, a loud noise sounded deep in the alley.

At the same time, it is accompanied by the wailing of women.

The cat in Yukino’s arms exploded instantly.

It was as if there was something terrifying, right in the depths of the alley.

And Yukino himself was vigilantly looking into the depths of the alley.

After thinking for a moment, Yukinoshita decided to go over and see the situation.

Maybe someone needs help.

Just take a look.

Whispers will not be noticed.

She held the cat and walked lightly to the depths of the alley.

Finally, at a bend, when Yukinoshita poked his head out, he saw a terrifying picture.

A teenager, sitting on the body of a purple-haired woman, handed a sharp weapon to his mouth.

The purple-haired woman fell to the ground, her limbs twisted, and her life and death were unknown.

Not far away, there was also a half-flesh and bloody corpse, which was gnawed by unknown creatures.

The alley was full of splattered blood, a mess, as if a monster had raged havoc.

Such a scene instantly made Yukinoshita think of a perverted ogre.

That boy is like Hannibal in the movie.

No, even more terrifying than that.

What suffocated Yukinoshita was that the other party raised his head and looked at her.

The boy’s eyes were a bloodthirsty crimson.

At this scene, Yukino didn’t think more, turned around and began to run away with all his might.

She definitely doesn’t want to be caught by an ogre!

The new book sets sail, asks for flowers, asks for tickets, monthly pass tips are not too much, every point of support of the reader’s master is a hundred points of motivation for the author!

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