Originally prepared manuscript.

It’s completely useless now.

Although Shinomiya Kaguya was smiling, she actually sentenced Fujiwara Chika to death again in her heart. but.

In fact, even if Fujiwara Chika doesn’t disrupt the situation.

Shinomiya Kaguya may not be able to carry out plans normally.

The moment he saw Gu Zeyuan again.

The moment Gu Zeyuan smiled at her.

Shinomiya Kaguya’s heartbeat began to accelerate uncontrollably.

The original plan was thrown into pieces by the restless mind.

“Anyway, take a seat first.”

Gu Zeyuan stood up, pulled out the chair on his left, and made a gesture to sit down.

Shinomiya Kaguya immediately felt happy and sat next to Gu Zeyuan.

By the way, this is the right hand side of Gu Zeyuan.

Sitting behind the dining table was Kato Megumi.

As usual, she was ignored by everyone.

The difference was that this time, Kato Megumi was a little awkward.

“By the way, let me introduce to you, this is Megumi, Kato Megumi, and this is Kaguya, Shinomiya Kaguya.”

Just when Kato Megumi was competing with the chopsticks in her hands,

Gu Zeyuan said.

After hearing this, Kato Megumi immediately smiled beautifully.

The little awkwardness in her heart disappeared.

It didn’t matter if others ignored her, as long as Gu Zeyuan could notice her. Okay.

Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly realized that there was a girl beside Gu Zeyuan.

The two girls stepped over Gu Zeyuan and shook hands.

Their eyes met in the air, and then some sparks were generated.

“Megumi Kato, I have heard about it for a long time and finally saw it.”

Kaguya Shinomiya said with a smile.

She did know the existence of Megumi Kato.

Because she liked Gu Zeyuan, she devoted her efforts to Gu Zeyuan’s foundation.

Kaguya Shinomiya was very concerned about its situation.

This famous head of the meme department , naturally I have heard about it

“Hello, Shinomiya Kaguya-san.”

Kato Megumi responded calmly.

However, for Kato Megumi, this was already full of gunpowder.

After all, Hui Bao is a super gentle and considerate type.

Gu Zeyuan was speechless.

Although he guessed that there might be a Shura field scene on this overnight trip.

But I didn’t expect it to be so early.

After a simple handshake,

Shinomiya Kaguya looked away, then smiled at Gu Zeyuan and said:

“Yuan, it’s lunch time now, why didn’t you order food? Hearing this, Gu

Zeyuan said helplessly:

“I don’t have much appetite, and I don’t like the hotel menu.”

When Shinomiya Kaguya heard this, she tilted her head slightly, touched her cheek with her palms, and suppressed her restless heartbeat.

“That’s it. By the way, I happened to prepare a lunch box, which I planned to eat by myself.”

“But leave it to Yuan. I looked at the menu of the hotel, and there are some dishes that I am interested in.”

This is a lie!

This woman named Shinomiya Kaguya has known for a long time that Gu Zeyuan does not like the traditional cuisine of Sakura Country!

So, while booking the hotel, he used his money power to change the hotel’s menu.

Designed At this moment, Gu Zeyuan gave up on eating the food provided by the hotel.

He also prepared a Chinese lunch box early as a decisive prop to increase his favorability! The reason why Shuchiin arrived in Kanagawa during lunch time was also part of the plan!

Hearing this, Gu Zeyuan laughed. nodded

“If this is the case, then I won’t be polite to you Kaguya.”

Taking the bento that Kaguya took out, Gu Zeyuan opened the lid.

He saw a Chinese bento that was obviously just made, with expensive ingredients and excellent presentation.

“It’s Chinese food, just my type. Thank you, Kaguya.”

Gu Zeyuan showed an expression of surprise.

Listening to Gu Zeyuan’s words, Shinomiya Kaguya felt a huge sense of satisfaction.

If it were other women, after succeeding, they would probably show off and cast a protest look at the woman next to them.

But Shinomiya Kaguya It won’t be like this at night.

She is more greedy for Gu Zeyuan’s joy than showing off her power to other women.

Kato Megumi looked at this scene thoughtfully.

Lunch time passed in a hurry.

In the afternoon, whether it was Sobu’s students or Xiu The students of the Academy do not act in groups, but go out in groups.

There are many hot springs in the hot spring hotels here, so even if everyone goes to the hot springs together, it will not seem crowded.

At most, they will just change clothes.

It’s just that they met occasionally in a certain hot spring pool.

Speaking of which, Hakone’s hot springs have male baths, female baths and mixed baths.

Many brave boys are encouraged by their companions to try to invite girls to mixed baths.

Of course, Most of them were stared at by girls with rubbish eyes.

However, in the final analysis, mixed bathing cannot be as lewd as the rumors on the Internet.

Regardless of whether you are a boy or a girl, you must wear a proper swimsuit to enter a mixed bathing.

Although the atmosphere is a bit ambiguous.

But To put it bluntly, it’s the same level as beachside or public swimming lessons.

“Kaguya-san! Classmate Yuan! Let’s go take a mixed bath!”

The person who said this line was, as expected, Chika Fujiwara.

Because the volume was not lowered deliberately, the eyes of the surrounding classmates inevitably turned to her and they began to whisper excitedly.

The boys and girls who were friends with each other looked at their appearance. Sticking with children is also a pleasant thing for the body and mind.

It is similar to the principle of cp.

Yu Ishigami is wearing a rough dress behind Chika Fujiwara, looking exhausted.

As an otaku. (Read the cool novels and go to Fei Lu Novel Network!)

Ishigami Yu’s physical strength is really unable to completely restrain Fujiwara Chika. Don’t look at Fujiwara Chika like this.

As the eldest daughter of the Fujiwara family, Fujiwara Chika has the habit of maintaining physical exercise.

Ishigami Yu leaned on his knees, He looked at Gu Zeyuan with the look of”I tried my best”.

Gu Zeyuan looked back with the look of”I understand and appreciate your hard work”.

Ishigami Yu, you are the real hero!

“Mixed bathing or something…It’s against the rules!”

Iino Yako also came over.

In fact, she wanted to say shameless, but for Gu Zeyuan’s sake, she changed it to the more euphemistic word”violation of ethics.”

As a member of the ethics committee,

Iino Yako was always catching Shuchiin men and women who planned to bathe together. Student.

Even if it is a graduation dormitory, she cannot relax! She will probably be hated by some classmates because of this matter.

However, the righteous Miss Iino Yako will not care!

“Well, it seems that Secretary Fujiwara’s proposal has been rejected by three votes. There are five people in the student union, and more than half of them rejected it!.”

Gu Zeyuan said with a faint smile.

Fujiwara Chika was immediately discouraged.

But she quickly came to her senses.

“Eh? Isn’t it just Iino-san who voted against it? Who are the other two votes!”

Gu Zeyuan raised his hand.

Shinomiya Kaguya also raised his hand.

Although he really wants to bathe in the hot spring with Gu Zeyuan, they will definitely not be the only two in the mixed bathing place.

Regarding the matter of mixed bathing with other men, the four Gong Kaguya couldn’t accept it.

Seeing this, Chika Fujiwara could only give up.

But soon, the light appeared in her eyes again

“If mixed bathing is not an option, I actually have another proposal!”

I don’t know where the child got the hot spring map from.

She pointed to two springs somewhere on the map.

“There are two hot springs here, one for men and one for women, but there is only a bamboo wall between them!”

“In this case, although you can’t see it, you can still hear the voice, isn’t it great!”

The other four people in the student union looked at each other.

They all saw the surprised look in each other’s eyes.

Unexpectedly, Secretary Fujiwara would also make reliable suggestions.

In the end, the proposal was adopted.

At five o’clock in the afternoon.

The sunset was about to When the sun has just set and the sky is getting darker, it is hot spring time in the Xiuzhiyuan Student Union.

Because it is close to dinner time, there are not many students going to the hot springs at this time.

When they come to the designated hot spring pool,

Gu Zeyuan sinks slowly. He entered it and let the warm spring water engulf most of his body.

Then he squinted his eyes and enjoyed it.

In fact, Gu Zeyuan enjoyed this comfort more than this physical sensation.

Sure enough, peaceful daily life and so on The best.

Ishigami Yu also entered the hot spring pool.

It seemed that he was not used to the temperature. He took a deep breath and grinned a little.

But soon, he also imitated Gu Zeyuan and sank into the spring water.

On one side, there was the thin Thin bamboo walls.

The ceiling is not sealed. You can hear the occasional sound of water coming from the women’s hot spring on the other side.

Kaguya, Fujiwara and Yako should not have entered the hot spring yet.

For girls, changing clothes is always a bit troublesome.

At this time , Yu Ishigami suddenly lowered his voice and said:

“Fuchun-senpai, Fujiwara-senpai, she really doesn’t have long to live!”

Gu Zeyuan almost couldn’t hold back his smile.

(Family members, the monthly ticket is still very important, please beg me! There are also rewards and reminders! A free vote and review are also a great support for Sanqi! Thank you readers Sir! Please please! Thousand).

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