[Successfully contained the anomaly: Giant Power – Super Large Giant.] 】

[Successfully contained the anomaly: Giant Power – Armor Giant.] 】

[Containment level 3 disaster, good degree of containment. 】

[Reward two third-level draws.] 】

A system tone rings in my head.

Gu Zeyuan nodded in satisfaction.

The needle does not poke!

Reiner and Xiaobei were taken away by the Investigation Corps and imprisoned for investigation.

When I left, I was wrapped like a mummy.

Arnie couldn’t bear it.

However, under Gu Zeyuan’s enlightenment, he soon lost his unbearable emotions.

After all, Reiner and Xiaobei were arrested at most.

Killing cannot be killed, and the power of the giant will be randomly transferred.

Not even torture.

Causing wounds, and then pressing people urgently, maybe these two heads and irons, transformed on the spot, or even a super giant nuclear explosion.

The Corps captured the two men, that is, detained and questioned them verbally.

And the intelligence of these two people love to talk or not, Gu Zeyuan is finished spoiling.

In the meantime, the 104th training corps was brought back to the training corps.

No fatalities were caused in this containment, although several soldiers of the Survey Corps were burned.

But it’s not serious.

It can be said that this is the first great victory of mankind.

It’s a pity that the corps can’t be happy.

Because of Gu Zeyuan’s existence, although Ani exposed his identity as a giant, he can still move freely.

At the same time, according to Gu Zeyuan’s behavior in persuading Yumir and the others, Erwin guessed that there were giants among those people.

However, it was not pursued.

Just some exclamations.

The 104th training soldier can be described as a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

As far as Erwin knows, there are at least five-body giants in issue 104. (Count Gu Zeyuan.) )

There are nine wisdom giants in total.

However, Erwin was conservative.

Excluding Gu Zeyuan, there are also six-body giants in issue 104, accounting for two-thirds of all intelligent giants.

The Jin giant and ancestor on Allen’s body, the female giant of Arnie, the jaw giant of Yumir, the super giant of Xiaobei, and the armor giant of Reiner.

It’s really a gathering of heroes.

Pull away, the book is back to business.

After the 104th training soldiers returned to the corps, they were all a little worried.

The oversized giant suddenly appeared, and everyone was a little scared.

Four people did not return from this mission.

Reiner and the two, as well as Gu Zeyuan and Arnie.

This made the trainees a little sleepless.

Four companions, just lost like this, is difficult to accept.

After Yumir and Hrista returned, they were worried about Gu Zeyuan.

Although after the mission, Gu Zeyuan met with the two and told them that he had something to leave temporarily.

But worry is worry.

The 104th training corps fell silent, with one exception.

Eren jumped up and down, wondering what was going on.

However, there was no answer from the instructors.

Mikasa looked at Eren’s appearance and became more and more worried.

It’s in such an oppressive atmosphere.

The training life lasted for more than a week.

Suddenly, one day, outside the training corps, there was shocking news.

The exaggeration and spread of the news were so widespread that even the people locked up in the training corps also heard about it.

Early that morning, Keith gathered all the trainers in one place.

His gaze swept over everyone, and he said in a loud voice

“Recently, you must have heard some rumors about the royal family from the outside world. ”

Everyone in issue 104 looked at each other, and immediately looked a little excited.

They heard some news, and they were shocked, and they almost scratched their hearts, wanting to know the truth.

Now, it looks like the instructor is going to announce the truth.

“The rumors are basically true, the royal government is corrupt, and the nobles bury the real royal family and elect a puppet to the throne. ”

“For so many years, the royal aristocracy has blocked science and technology, and the equipment of the corps has not been updated. ”

“The fall of the Wall of Mary, 250,000 people died in vain, and many disasters and kings bore great responsibility. ”

“Now that the Corps, under the leadership of the President, has appealed to the nobles involved, the puppet king has been imprisoned, and the decision-making power is temporarily controlled by the Corps. ”

Before Keith’s words fell, there was an uproar.

“What a joke, that group of nobles actually elected a pseudo-king!”

“Block technology! Under the threat of giants, there is actually infighting, just for power!?”

“Damn nobles, damn kings, my home disappeared because of these people!”

The cursing that sounds like a big disobedience on weekdays is now rising and falling.

Of course, the fall of the Wall of Mary cannot actually be blamed on the king.

However, the impact of blocking technology is enormous.

Wang Zheng’s group of nobles belong to the lord who collapsed first and then asked, and there were no wrongs.

In the crowd.

Yumir and Hrista looked at each other.

We both saw the stunned look in each other’s eyes.

“What was the step he said would take to save humanity?”

Yumir muttered softly.

Christa recalled and said

“Yuan seems to say that he must first eliminate the giants, then overthrow the regime, and make everyone equal, and then I don’t remember. ”

Ah this

“It can’t be that he did it, is it?” asked Yumir incredulously.

Hrista did not answer.

But in her heart, she vaguely felt that this was what Gu Zeyuan did.

He’s really saving humanity.

“But that’s none of your business. Keith said with a cold face: “Train well!”

Although that’s right.

But when everyone is training, they are always a little absent-minded.

Outside the corps, after the people inside the wall were making an uproar….

Just calm.

Regime change, in fact, has nothing to do with most people.

It only matters if the policy changes.

Therefore, the people’s interest comes and goes quickly.

At this time, Gu Zeyuan was hanging out with Ani in the corps.

On the eve of the incident, Gu Zeyuan gave the equipment box he brought to the corps.

Therefore, the operation to eliminate the private soldiers of the nobility went smoothly.

It’s also hard not to go well.

Just ask, body armor + bulletproof helmet + fully automatic vs musket.

Can this not go well?

7.62 Can it not beat inferior gunpowder doped iron balls?

World power subversion within the walls.

The intelligent giant already has six bodies under control.

Counting the time, the monkey giant and the car giant are about to go to the island to send people’s heads.

Sheltering these two, there was only the warhammer of the Malay native.

Turned around and ran to the horse, grabbed the warhammer, and took Arnie’s father away.

The purpose of coming to the world of giants is basically completed.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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