“Drip, number o5-1.Trust level 5 (Thaumie1), room open!”

After layers of verification by passwords, identity cards, fingerprints, iris, blood DNA alignment, and cognitive tests.

Gu Zeyuan’s identity was finally confirmed.

The containment room was finally opened.

“Apologies o5-1, this is the foundation’s necessary certification process. ”

The armed man said to Gu Zeyuan.

Gu Zeyuan shook his head.

“No need to apologize, it’s necessary. ”

In the final analysis, such a system was actually formulated by Gu Zeyuan himself.

After all, some abnormalities can disguise their appearance, and if they are not carefully screened, they will be abnormalities mixed into the foundation

The consequences are unimaginable.

“How long have I been away for this containment operation?”

Gu Zeyuan asked in a deep voice.

“According to the record, 45 days, 13 hours, 23 minutes, and 17 seconds passed from the time you disappeared into the light containment layer to the time you reappeared. ”

Gu Zeyuan nodded.

A month and a half.

It seems that there is no problem with the time anchor theory given by the subsystem, and it is indeed ten times the time difference.

“The cocoon is wrapped in containment, no need to increase control, just put it in the light containment layer.” ”

“I have recorded the information of the shelter and entered this record into the foundation system. ”

“Due to the transmissibility of the containment project, it is forbidden to open the containment measures of the project and conduct experiments until there is a breakthrough in scientific research. ”

“Some of them are in the process of studying, increasing training in firearms and other weapons, and the list is here. ”

“These people, after completing their studies and training, formed into Task Force A, named Wings of Freedom. ”

“Call up all the abnormal records of the Foundation for these forty-five days. ”

Gu Zeyuan gave various instructions in an orderly manner.

Foundation personnel moved quickly.

Erwin and the others were guided to the residential layer to systematically learn the basics of Blue Star.

Heatelia and Yumir also have to stay at the foundation temporarily to learn the basics.

At the same time, the foundation sent personnel to the world of giants to contact the corps.

The development of the world of giants is an important direction for the future development of the Foundation.

Then, a tablet was sent to Gu Zeyuan.

There is only one document in this tablet, which records the activities of the Foundation for the month and a half, as well as anomalous findings.

Gu Zeyuan quickly flipped through these records.

“Big brother, you’re finally 343 back. ”

There was a girl’s funny voice from the side.

Gu Zeyuan did not raise his head, and replied:

“Well, the containment of the world of giants is complete. Nao, are you staying in the shelter all this time?”

The silver-haired girl showed her figure next to her.

“Yes, when Big Brother is away, I’m helping with the Foundation’s affairs. ”

Yurina put his finger to his cheek, made a thoughtful gesture, and then said:

“Sister Mipoli, who was recruited by the big brother before, came and temporarily carried out some shallow scientific research in the residential layer. ”

When Gu Zeyuan heard this, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Oxushan Mipori, the girl who rubbed abnormal medicine with her hands, Gu Zeyuan still cares about this talent.

“I didn’t let her touch anything else about the foundation.” ”

Gu Zeyuan asked.

He saw that Mibori’s character was a rather kind type.

If you let the other party know, the foundation is consuming D-level personnel to do experiments.

and inhumane experiments on some human anomalies…

Although it can be explained, it will inevitably lose the favorability and loyalty of the other party to the foundation.

Yurina shook his head.

“I didn’t open much information to her, and Mibori Oyama’s authority was only one for the time being. ”

Gu Zeyuan nodded when he heard this, and reached out to rub Youli Naoxu’s silver hair.

“I’ve worked you in my absence. ”

Gu Zeyuan felt that this girl’s style of acting became more and more agreeable.

Yuri Nao squinted his eyes and enjoyed Gu Zeyuan’s touching and killing.

“Is there anything else?” Gu Zeyuan put away the tablet and asked Yuri Naixu directly.

Hearing this, Yuri Nao nodded solemnly.

“The town of 1,000 households has been reduced, the population of the town has been reduced by ninety percent, and there are very few survivors. ”

“It happened seven days ago, and this is a comparison of pictures before and after the incident. ”

Yuri Nao handed a set of aerial pictures to Gu Zeyuan.

Gu Zeyuan glanced at it and couldn’t help but be shocked.

This town, although not prosperous, is also quite populous.

The streets and houses are located in an orderly manner, revealing a simple style.

And the picture behind is a little miserable.

The whole department guarded the town, as if it had been ploughed over.

The landscape has changed slightly.

On the scale of aerial maps, countless traces of destruction can be seen.

It’s as if someone uses a brush to randomly draw irregular lines on the picture.

These lines span the houses, streets, and infrastructure that guard the town.

Everywhere it passes, everything along the way will be destroyed.

In some places, even the ground turned upside down.

Gu Zeyuan looked at the picture, and his expression became serious.

If it is abnormal, I am afraid that it will be very difficult to cause such horrific damage, and it will have to be contained as soon as possible.

Seeing that Gu Zeyuan finished looking at the photo, Youli Naoxu continued:

“At the time of the incident, the foundation sent armed men to surround and take over the town. ”

“The claim to the outside world is that there has been a huge earthquake in the town of Jieshou and that it is being rescued and rescued. ”

However, the foundation’s takeover was blocked by the official Sakura no Kuni, and it could not be delayed for long. ”

“After an official inquiry by the affiliated forces of the foundation, there is a military base of Sakura no Kuni in the town. ”

“But now it seems that this military base should also be reduced, and there is no news.” ”

Hearing this, Gu Zeyuan’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

The town actually has a military base in Sakura no Kuni, which is even more troublesome.

Bluestar’s technology is not weak.

If a country’s military base is reduced, then this abnormal risk assessment will be much higher.

Moreover, although the foundation is powerful, it is estimated that it will not be able to support it for too long in the matter of military bases.

It is necessary to quickly contain the abnormality and let the foundation withdraw from the guarded town.

“Have you sent D-level personnel to survey the interior of the guarding town?

Gu Zeyuan asked in a deep voice.

The Foundation’s implementation of the anomaly is to first control the location of the incident, and then send D-level personnel to contact (send to death).

After obtaining key information, we study countermeasures and carry out containment.

Yurina nodded.

“Send 3 teams of D-class, all dead. And the rate of death is extremely fast, and the D level does not have time to report information. ”

“The first team of D-class, after entering the guarded town, found the armed personnel of the military base. ”

“After picking up the tactical helmet of the armed man, when the information in the picture was read, it was instantly destroyed. ”

“The foundation judged that the anomaly might be triggered by an image, so the latter two D-class teams were not allowed to wear camera devices. ”

“The two D-class teams did not touch the items of the armed men again, but they were still destroyed. ”

“Before the group was destroyed, the message transmitted through the headset was as follows. ”

After Yuri Naixu finished describing, he handed Gu Zeyuan an audio material and a calibrated text material.

Opening the audio material, there was a heavy gasping sound inside, as well as the sound of speaking.

The sound stopped abruptly.

Behind came a screaming cry sharp enough to pierce the eardrums.

And a huge explosion.

The headset should also be destroyed at this time.

When the D-class personnel were killed, they could not even scream, and it was judged that they died instantly.

Turning off the audio, Gu Zeyuan took a deep breath.

It’s a big problem.

“I’ll go to the shelter. Gu Zeyuan said.

When Yurina heard this, he nodded worriedly.

After that, Yurina went to prepare the vehicle to go to the town.

Although Gu Zeyuan himself will fly over faster. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

However, in Bluestar, a place full of cameras and aerial photography of satellites in the sky …

In unnecessary cases, it is better not to expose abnormal characteristics.

Otherwise, it is necessary to engage in message blocking on the Internet, as well as offline memory clearance or something.

Very troublesome.

And Gu Zeyuan, hec) straight.

He wanted to liquidate the harvest of the world containing giants first.

Strengthen yourself as much as possible with rewards.

After all, the rest of the containment work is quite dangerous.

Although Gu Zeyuan is now, the black light virus has devoured the giants and the seeds, and the vitality is terrifying.

Although it has not been tested, it is estimated that even if the head is cut off and the heart explodes, it can be easily recovered.

As for whether it can be reborn by dripping blood…

Haven’t tested, it’s hard to say.

There was only a giant cocoon wrapped in black feathers in the containment room.

After entering the room, Gu Zeyuan stretched out his hand and pressed his finger on the cocoon.

These black feathers are actually Gu Zeyuan’s cells.

The moment Gu Zeyuan came into contact, he could easily control these cells that had detached from the body.

Controlling the feathers inside, it pierces the body of the grotesque worm, sucking a drop of bodily fluid from it.

The grotesque worms struggled among the feathers for a while, but to no avail.

This drop of liquid was transmitted by the feathers, and finally passed through the fingers into Gu Zeyuan’s body.

The black light virus immediately devoured it, and then began to feed back to Gu Zeyuan, evolving in place.

I saw that Gu Zeyuan’s body suddenly became a little illusory, and his skin became translucent.

It’s like that grotesque worm.

But soon, it returned to normal.

Gu Zeyuan opened his eyes and felt the changes in his body, as well as the information that appeared instinctively.

“It’s a great harvest. ”

Gu Zeyuan sighed.

From the grotesque worm, Gu Zeyuan only got one characteristic.

That’s the power of communication.

Now Gu Zeyuan can assimilate others with inferior quality through blood.

That is, it can make Gu Zeyuan’s blood infected with the characteristics of giant power.

More importantly, Gu Zeyuan can tamper with the body structure, thinking memory, etc. of the infected person.

It was like the power of the ancestors controlling the Eldians.

“In addition to the D-level memory clearing method, there is now an A memory clearing method available. ”

Gu Zeyuan sighed.

Compared with the amnesia crowbar, Gu Zeyuan’s assimilation control is more refined in memory control.

Much more high-end!

After devouring the genes of the grotesque worm, Gu Zeyuan opened the system panel again.

Previously, various abnormalities were successively contained, plus harvests in the world of giants.

It also saved up a ten-company third-level lottery, as well as a fourth-level lottery.

Some time ago, he was too busy, and Gu Zeyuan hadn’t carefully studied the power of this world.

[The power of the world, when the containment root is abnormal, the things that the world feedback is extremely precious and can be used to upgrade the containment system of the ten thousand worlds. 】

Looking at the information given by the system panel, Gu Zeyuan couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

It was actually used to upgrade the system.

So, Gu Zeyuan directly clicked the upgrade button.

The system panel flashes for a moment and then returns to normal.

Gu Zeyuan:?

Is this the end of the upgrade?

Isn’t it a little too hasty?

Although it felt unreliable, Gu Zeyuan still checked the upgraded system.

The system interface has hardly changed, except for two more options.

They are the exception monitor program and the exception characteristics view.

[Exception monitoring program: It can monitor abnormalities within a spherical radius of 6,371 kilometers.] 】


Previously, although the system also detected anomalies and marked them.

But the scope is really hard to compliment.

And now, this monitoring radius is directly the radius of the blue star.

For the Foundation, this monitoring process is of great significance.

[Anomaly characteristic view: Anomalies that appear within a radius of ten meters, you can view all their characteristics. 】

Even better.

It’s much easier to see anomalies, containment work, and experiments on them after containment.

Can a lot less D-class people die!

In addition to the somewhat small viewing radius, this function is god-level.

After checking the system upgrade function, Gu Zeyuan moved his attention to the lottery.

It’s time to witness the lineage again!

Rubbing hands in anticipation.

Gu Zeyuan clicked ten times under the third-level lottery.

Ten streamers streaked across the panel.

“Wipe! what blue sky and white clouds!”

The so-called no one can keep Europe, this time ten times, Gu Zeyuan was finally sanctioned by luck.

[Bonus white: 30,000 cherry blossom coins, very straight wooden sticks, red and blue wallpaper, beautiful girl’s original white silk, and Haoyang’s book manga.] 】

[Get Bonus Blue: A support stick that never goes out, a dazzling orange paint.] 】

[Get the reward purple: Containment Universal Medicine (SCP500), Treasure Knife Boy Che’an Gang, Ark Reactor.] 】

Looking at the reward list, Gu Zeyuan sighed.

There is no withdrawal, I can only say that Ou has been for a long time, and it should be wrong.

However, three purples are not bad.

Containment panacea, a small jar of red tablets, one pill taken orally can effectively cure all diseases.

Diseases here even include anomalies that can be classified as diseases.

As for what cancer, leukemia and other so-called terminal diseases, it is even more a pill, just on the spot.

Tong Zi Che An Gang, the legendary sword that kills the monster and swallows the boy, has a serious injury effect and curbs resilience.

As for the Ark reactor, the black technology energy of the cold nuclear reactor.

Although it is useless to Gu Zeyuan, it has a great effect on the scientific and technological development of the foundation.

Handed over to researchers, if it can be cracked, the foundation’s energy technology will go a long way.

“There is also a fourth-level lottery, people can’t always be wrong!”

Gu Zeyuan took out his mobile phone and put a good luck song.

Then click on the four-level draw.

A golden light streaked across the panel.

Gu Zeyuan was relieved.

Although it did not become popular, at least it withdrew money.

It will not be completely sinking this lottery.

[Get the Bonus: TheWorld.] 】

“Wuhu! Wonderful!”

Gu Zeyuan cheered.


Of course, here is not a stand-in, but power.

Gu Zeyuan, who had obtained this power, could pause the entire world’s time for a full nine seconds.

This is the power of the world!


With Gu Zeyuan lightly heh.

The whole world suddenly fell into silence and became slightly gray.

Gu Zeyuan looked around.

Whether it was the foundation personnel outside the room or the dust in the air, the pause button was pressed.

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