shook his head.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka felt that he was thinking too much.

How can this setting of a third-rate light novel become real in reality.

And take advantage of the time for Kasumigaoka Shiyu to think.

Gu Zeyuan completed the order.

And he implicitly expressed to the clerk (foundation staff) that there was no need to be vigilant.

“Senior sister, do you want to talk about literature?” asked Gu Zeyuan.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa came back to his senses and nodded.

From his handbag, he took out two light novels.

One is a love light novel that is currently on fire, while the other is a light novel called Love Metronome.

“I want to ask my junior to read these two novels and compare them. ”

“Although the junior debuted in manga, he is better than the plot, and I want to hear what the junior brother has to say about these two books. ”

Gu Zeyuan took the two light novels and flipped through them.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka put her hands on the table and waited quietly.

The love metronome is her work.

Judging from his heart, Shiwa Kasumigaoka felt that he had some knowledge of literature.

This debut book also took a lot of effort.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka didn’t expect it to be a hit.

But, at least, want to get a good feedback.

However, sales unexpectedly hit the street.

It’s a street that can’t see the expectation of reprinting at all.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka also has some pride of his own, not because he can’t accept the facts, but because he wants to understand what the problem is.

Q: The editor always feels a little unspoken.

And coincidentally, I saw Gu Zeyuan’s work explode.

So, I want to hear the opinion of this junior.

Although I haven’t read all of them, it seems not rigorous enough, but the first three sections are the beginning of a book.

The so-called peeping leopard in the tube is like this.

Closing the book, Gu Zeyuan thought for a while, and then looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

“Senior sister, I have read the beginning of the two books, the evaluation may not be rigorous enough, but please listen. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa nodded and made a gesture of deference.

Gu Zeyuan launched that light novel of the fire.

“The writing is good, relaxed and witty, the bridge is a bit tacky, but it has its own novelty, so it will probably be very popular.” ”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka heard this and nodded.

Gu Zeyuan’s evaluation coincided with what she thought.

“And this one. Gu Zeyuan launched the love metronome.

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard this, he immediately pricked up his ears.

“The writing is super good, the writing is smooth, and you can feel the emotions conveyed between the brushstrokes. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa blinked.

The rating is too high.

She had some doubts about whether Gu Zeyuan knew that the author of this book was her, so she deliberately touted it so much.

“However, it should hit a wall, sales will be cut off, and sales will be dismal.” ”

Gu Zeyuan said.

“Why?” asked Shiwa Kasumigaoka immediately. “The junior has a higher evaluation of the latter, but feels that sales will be cut off. ”

Gu Zeyuan shrugged helplessly.

“Because it’s totally unconventional. ”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka was stunned when he heard this.

What is the reason for this?

“Senior sister, although the brushstrokes of true feelings are good, the premise is that readers can read them attentively to feel it. ”

“There are clichés that have the benefits of clichés, such as being able to quickly comprehend the main points, so that they can go on boredly. ”

Gu Zeyuan explained.

“So it is. Kasumigaoka Shiwa nodded. “Solved my confusion, junior. ”

Gu Zeyuan snorted, and prepared to return the two light novels.

“As a thank you, this book is sent to the junior. ”

Kasumi Hills Shiyu said with a smile, with some cunning thoughts in his heart.

Gu Zeyuan looked at the senior sister in front of him and suddenly asked, “Could it be that this is the work of the senior sister?”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka:!

It was suddenly pierced, which made Kasumi Hills Shiyu’s expression a little flustered.

“So it is. Gu Zeyuan didn’t wait for Xia Zhiqiu to refute, so he accepted the book. “I’ll read it well. ”

Dessert and coffee were served.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka hurriedly picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, hiding his expression with the cup and steam.

This junior in front of him… That’s great!

Simply super skilled.

Could it be that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes is actually Sea King?

Hanging many women at the same time, thus honing the skills?

Shiwa Kasumigaoka blushed and guessed wildly in her heart.

Until the two left completely.

A few Foundation agents in the store breathed a sigh of relief.

Although received instructions without warning.

But that’s going to be a grown-up.

And the other side.

“It’s still early, does Junior have anything to do?”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka asked.

Gu Zeyuan thought about it, and it seemed that there really was.

“Exactly, please ask Senior Sister to help choose some women’s clothing, probably such a tall, petite girl.” ”

Gu Zeyuan raised his hand and gestured at Bai’s height and posture.

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard this, an exclamation mark immediately appeared on his head.

The junior brother is really the sea king, and he actually wants to choose clothes for other women by himself!


Looking at Gu Zeyuan’s posture, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s eyes widened.

“Is the junior brother hopeless 1oli control?”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka showed a disgusted look, as if he was looking at a paramecium.

Gu Zeyuan:?

“Where did you draw the conclusion?” Gu Zeyuan was at a loss.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu learned Gu Zeyuan’s gesture just now and gestured.

“It’s my sister!”

Gu Zeyuan rolled his eyes.

“Oh oh…” Shiwa Kasumigaoka finally realized that his thinking was seriously off.

It seems to make up for it.

Kasumi Zhiqiu pulled Gu Zeyuan through the commercial street of Chiba.

I carefully selected several sets of white-body outfits, both casual and uniform-style.

And he also preempted Gu Zeyuan and paid.

In this regard, Gu Zeyuan did not shirk.

Kasumigaoka doesn’t look bad for this money.

Accepting the kindness of others is also an important part of social interaction.

Soon, a large bag and a lot of things appeared on Gu Zeyuan’s hand.

I don’t know if it’s a woman’s nature.

It was obviously Gu Zeyuan who wanted to buy something.

Kasumi Hill, who was invited, was able to walk around at this time.

Gu Zeyuan was almost unable to take it in his hand, but Xia Zhiqiu was still on Xing’s head.

“Senior sister, I think it’s almost enough. ”

Gu Zeyuan said silently.


His body actually feels tired during shopping.

Is it wear and tear!?

When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard this, he looked back at Gu Zeyuan, only to realize that he seemed to be a little on top.

“Cough, Junior Brother thinks it’s enough, then stop here, this can be regarded as thanking Junior Brother for solving my confusion.” ”

Kasumigaoka examined himself in his mind.

Because I heard that I bought it for my sister.

I unconsciously thought that in the love light novel, my sister has always assumed the responsibility of a wingman.

Can contribute subtly at critical moments.

So, some are on top, too much is bought.

Kasumi thought to himself.

But at this time, a woman next to him hurriedly walked by.

It seems to be inadvertent, colliding with Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s shoulder.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka was hit by a kick, and her body fell to one side.

“Hmm!” only had time to let out an exclamation, Kasumigaoka Shiwa closed her eyes, tensing her nerves, ready to meet the pain of falling to the ground.

Shiha Kasumigaoka felt like she had crashed into a warm arm.

When he opened his eyes, he found that at some point, Gu Zeyuan had already come to his side.

At this moment, Shiwa Kasumigaoka suddenly understood why some cliché light novel plots could be a big seller.

Because, right now, her heartbeat is accelerating irrepressibly.

After immersing for a while, Kasumi Hills hurriedly straightened up.

“Junior is really… Like a hero. ”

Unlike Eiri’s frankness, Shiwa Kasumigaoka is the type who speaks bluntly about feelings.

It’s just that there is some literature in the wording.

However, Gu Zeyuan’s gaze at this time was still on the woman who hit people. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

“Private Marseille. ”

The woman bowed and apologized, then turned and hurried away.

Seeing this, Shiyu Kasumigaoka snorted softly.

“It’s true, bumping into someone has no attitude to apologize at all, it’s really not as good as paramecium.” ”

However, the next moment, Xia Zhiqiu saw Gu Zeyuan put down a pile of bags and chased after him in a big stride.

Kasumigaoka’s eyes widened.

With this thought running through his mind, Xia Zhiqiu hurriedly reached out to grab Gu Zeyuan.

However, Gu Zeyuan moved so fast.

In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed forward and knocked the woman to the ground with a grappling technique.

The woman shouted in horror.

This is the most prosperous commercial street in Chiba, which immediately attracted onlookers from the surrounding crowd.

Such violence on the street is extremely eye-catching.

Someone has already taken out their phone and started recording.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka stepped forward anxiously.

“Junior, don’t…”

However, the words of persuasion have not yet been spoken.

I saw Gu Zeyuan suppressing the woman with one hand, and the other hand brushing over her body.

When I raised my hand, I had an extra pink wallet in my hand.

Seeing this, Kasumigaoka immediately widened his eyes.

It was her wallet.


Taking the wallet, Shiwa Kasumigaoka opened it and immediately saw his student ID card in it.

“When I hit you just now, I went by and left, a habitual offender, inform JC.” ”

Gu Zeyuan said.

This woman’s hands and feet are quite sharp.

It’s a pity that Gu Zeyuan’s eyes are more precise than the strongest high-speed cameras in existence.

If you want to hide Gu Zeyuan’s perception, unless it is an abnormal meme of cognitive interference.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers also understood the reason.

I don’t know who took the lead, and the crowd applauded.

This kind of righteous and courageous deeds are always praised by the melon-eating masses.

Shiha Kasumigaoka reacted after realizing it, took out his mobile phone, and dialed it.

After putting down the mobile phone, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Gu Zeyuan, and his sharp skills flashed in front of his eyes.

I have to say, super handsome.

After a while, the Chiba Metropolitan Police Department sent people and cars.

The woman was let go by Gu Zeyuan and handed over to the people of the Metropolitan Police Department.

As a result, the woman also tried to quibble.

However, there were too many witnesses around.

There is a lot of monitoring in the high street.

People are stolen and seized, and they are directly hammered to death.

“Hello two, I’m Officer Twilight, can I take a note?”

After pressing the woman into the car, a police officer came to Gu Zeyuan and Xia Zhiqiu and said.

The two nodded and got into another police car together.

“The old brother is so skillful, not only protects his girlfriend, but also catches the criminal in time, which is very powerful.” ”

In the car, Officer Twilight smiled and praised.

Just now he had seen the video of the surrounding shops.

Gu Zeyuan’s skills are indeed amazing.

When Xia Zhiqiu heard this, he glanced at Gu Zeyuan to see the reaction of this junior.

Mistaken for a couple.

Will it be like the male protagonist of a light novel, anxious to argue?

Under the gaze, Gu Zeyuan just smiled and did not refute anything.

“Junior brother, it’s really Sea King. ”

Kasumi complained.

This guy is also too good at it.

Gu Zeyuan tilted his head in bewilderment.

Why did he become Aquaman?

Although there are indeed bad ideas, they are not yet implemented.

Officer Twilight sat in front, looking in the rearview mirror, a little embarrassed.

It turns out that this dude…

Real flowers for young people to play.

However, after all, people are so handsome, they are good and have the potential to slag.

“Speaking of which, brother, I see you so familiar. ”

Seeing that the atmosphere was awkward, Officer Twilight pulled away the topic.

This is not a fake, it is really familiar.

When Gu Zeyuan heard this, he smiled awkwardly.

He is under the name of the Chiba Metropolitan Police Department, which has fake information, but the photo is real.

It is normal for the other party to look familiar.

However, now that this identity is exposed, it is impossible to explain it to Kasumi Hill.

Fortunately, Officer Twilight did not delve into this eye.

In the Chiba Metropolitan Police Department, Gu Zeyuan and Kasumigaoka Shiyu walked through the scene.

The police officer described was very kind.

Because there was no doubt, the transcript was quickly written, and the two quickly converged in the corridor of the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Thank you Junior Brother this time, when school starts, I will invite Junior Brother to dinner.” ”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka shook her pink wallet.

Of course, rewarding is an excuse, and making an appointment is real.

Although he had only met two sides, Kasumi Zhiqiu had already sensed that he had a lot of good feelings for the junior in front of him.

So, it’s time to take the initiative.

Gu Zeyuan nodded with a smile.

It’s nice to have lunch with a beautiful girl.

Although most of the time, he will not go to school in the General Martial Arts High Academy.

Just as the two were about to leave the Metropolitan Police Department and say goodbye to each other.

An officer chased him out.

“That, two wait a minute, there is still something I want to trouble the two of you…”

The two turned around, a little puzzled.

“The woman wants to see them both. ”

The officer said.

Gu Zeyuan frowned.

Not because of the officer’s request, but because of the wording of the other party.


It should be called the perpetrator.

In the end, Gu Zeyuan and Kasumi Hills Shiyu followed the police officer and walked to the interrogation room.

Through a glass of glass, the two saw the woman again.

On this side of the glass, there is also a young girl.

The pear blossom that the woman cried at this time brought rain, and the appearance was quite bluffing.

Especially when he saw Gu Zeyuan and Xia Zhiqiu, he cried even more miserably.

“I’m sorry, two, I’m really sorry! I became greedy for a moment and did something wrong. ”

The woman cried and apologized.

“I know my actions are crimes and should not be forgiven, but I also have a young daughter. ”

“Without me, she would have died! Please, at least this child is innocent!”

Cries echoed through the room.

The officer lowered his head and said helplessly:

“This is the case, she has a daughter, the only caregiver, if sentenced harshly…”

“I want to ask the two of you if you can issue a letter of understanding and let her be punished lightly.” ”

Before Gu Zeyuan could say anything, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was angry first, and asked:

“What is your name this officer?”

“Eh, Takagi. Officer Takagi was stunned when questioned.

“Officer Takagi, are you helping criminals kidnap morally?” said Shiwa Kasumigaoka coldly, “We are the victims!”

In a word, Takagi was speechless.

Seeing that the two did not put on the set.

The woman used the ultimate skill.

“Love, my desperate daughter, please brother and sister, or my mother will be shot.” ”

Through the glass, the woman cried to the girl on this side.

The girl’s body trembled, and finally came to Gu Zeyuan.

After half a ring, she raised her head, revealing a pair of watery star eyes.

“Big brother, please let my mother go, I can’t live without my mother…”

The voice was trembling, the face was pale, tears came out of the eyes, and they fell to the ground with a click.

With such a look, even Shiyu Kasumigaoka on the side was a little unable to open his mouth.

Gu Zeyuan looked at the girl and raised his eyebrows.

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