Pay attention to the boy.

Then Gu Zeyuan left directly.

Well, he is not a small-bellied chicken intestine person.

It was just a glare.

If you remember it later, let Kyoko Saito check the details of this person and ban him.

Gu Zeyuan felt that he was not a devil.

Exit the venue from the backstage.

Then Gu Zeyuan saw Kato Megumi, who had been waiting here early.

“Does it sound good?”

Gu Zeyuan asked with a smile.

Megumi Kato nodded seriously.

“It’s super good, although I’m not the hot-blooded type, but I still like it.”

“Well, let’s sing you a sweeter song next time.” Gu Zeyuan said.

He, a traverser, has not yet played the characteristics of a crosser in addition to being a copyist.

Now just borrow a few songs to flirt with the girl, there should be no problem.

“Good!” Megumi Kato answered happily.

Before, let alone someone singing to her, not even anyone who could detect her.

For Megumi Kato, Gu Zeyuan is really a super special existence.

“Let’s go, let’s continue to visit the school festival.”

Gu Zeyuan said with a smile.

“According to the time, a certain light novel male protagonist should deal with the next girl.”

Megumi Kato said.

Gu Zeyuan recently smoked.

In fact… And really.

The date with Ai Hoshino was about when Ai Hoshino finished performing and changed into a disguise and sneaked out.

Seeing Gu Zeyuan’s embarrassed expression, Kato Megumi smiled slyly and waved his hand.

“It’s okay, it’s better to say it yourself than to be abandoned, and besides, there are enough experiences today.”

Gu Zeyuan was still a little overwhelmed.

Huibao her wife is very good.

However, Gu Zeyuan was still ready to say something.

Megumi Kato suddenly came over.

Standing on tiptoe, he smoothed out the height of the two.

Warm cherry lips pressed up.

So, nothing could be said.

Gu Zeyuan gently wrapped his arms around Kato Megumi’s slender waist, took the girl into his arms, and aggravated the kiss.

After a long time, the two separated again.

“I’m leaving.”

With her head down, Megumi Kato hurried away.

Obviously, even Sage Megumi, after Brave A goes up, he will be shy.

Looking at Kato Megumi’s departing back, the corners of Gu Zeyuan’s mouth unconsciously rose.

Sure enough, Huibao is the first in the world!

“Yuan, what are you thinking?”

Hoshino’s cunning voice sounded from his ears.

Gu Zeyuan tilted his head and saw that Hoshino Ai, who was dressed in ordinary clothes and wearing a cap, had already run out of the background.

“This costume will definitely be recognized, there are many fans of your school festival.”

Gu Zeyuan complained.

Hoshino Ai heard this and tilted his head.

“Huh? Is that so? I read manga and anime, don’t I wear a cap, can I hide from everyone? ”

When Gu Zeyuan heard this, he was slightly helpless.

“Don’t use the setting in the comics as a basis for cognition.”

Hoshino loved hearing this and stuck out his tongue.

“So what to do? No more superfluous camouflage. ”

When Gu Zeyuan heard this, he simply untied his scarf and wrapped it around Hoshino’s neck.

Pull the scarf up a little so that it blocks the lower half of Hoshino’s face.

Plus a cap, it should be fine… bar.

Feeling the residual temperature of Gu Zeyuan on the scarf, Hoshino Ai’s mouth covered by the scarf revealed an exaggerated smile.

“Then again, Abyshit’s song… Super super good, it feels like it can run through people’s hearts. ”

Hoshino said, covering his chest with his hands, making a gesture of being hit.

“I can’t do it at all, the songs I sing have no feelings, they are all lies, and I can only deceive laymen.”

When Gu Zeyuan heard this, he shook his head.

“When love is on stage, it is completely shining, it has nothing to do with lies, love is worthy of everyone’s love.”

Hoshino loves to hear this, and his eyes flashed with inexplicable brilliance.

Every time she was encouraged by Gu Zeyuan, she felt that her once empty heart was filled.

The atmosphere between the two is just right.

However, there was a voice that broke the good atmosphere.

“Miss Hoshino.”

When Xingye heard this, he immediately vigilantly hid behind Gu Zeyuan.

This is Gu Zeyuan’s instruction.

Be wary of strangers’ pick-ups.

Idols are high-risk professions.

Gu Zeyuan looked for prestige and couldn’t help frowning.

Come, the boy with cold eyes before.

Ai Hoshino also saw the person coming, and a fake smile appeared on her face.

However, people like Gu Zeyuan who are familiar with her can see that her eyes are full of disgust at this time.


Gu Zeyuan asked Hoshino Ai behind him.

Hoshino shook her head.

“It’s not familiar, the colleague who has worked with him twice, Shenmu Guang, a very popular artist.”

When Shenmu Guang heard this, he laughed and said:

“It’s really sad that Miss Hoshino said this, obviously they have already worked together twice, at least they should be considered friends.”

Hoshino shook her head.

“We don’t call it friends.”

If it is a previous love, it should be dealt with with lies and handled well.

However, since the day he was picked up by Gu Zeyuan.

Hoshino Ai was repeatedly told a concept by Gu Zeyuan.

She is important, she deserves to be loved, and she does not need to be deterred to please others.

So, although on stage, Hoshino Ai is still used to piling herself up with lies.

However, in private, she will not let others approach casually.

For love, Gu Zeyuan is enough.

Gu Zeyuan will not hurt her, will not abandon her, although he is not sure that he is loved, but Hoshino Ai believes that Gu Zeyuan will always be by his side.

Pushed away mercilessly, a vicious light flashed in Shenmuguang’s eyes.

“It’s really sad to be so guarded, in fact, I came to find Miss Hoshino Ai, I want to talk about wanting to love you in this drama.”

(The play is a fictional love fire script.) )

Gu Zeyuan looked at Shenmuguang and couldn’t help but sneer.

This man

The city is really deep.

That acting, lie level is even higher than Hoshino Ai.

If it weren’t for Gu Zeyuan’s meticulous observation, others would not have noticed the malice hidden in this person.

Moreover, if the conversation fails, use resources to attract female idols.

This kind of method is not like a teenager can play. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“You go talk to Aunt Kyoko.”

Hoshino Ai refuses again.

Kamiki Hikaru smiled, and that smile made people shudder.

“In this way, that drama is quite rare. In other words, Miss Hoshino, is this your boyfriend? ”

He pointed the finger at Gu Zeyuan.

The words hint that he can give the resources of the fire script.

And Gu Zeyuan, an amateur, can’t give anything.

In fact, if it weren’t for Gu Zeyuan’s inferiority, and the song just now, his talent would be fully displayed.

Then Shenmu Light should also step on it without a trace in terms of appearance and talent.

Gu Zeyuan only felt funny.

than resources?

What status do you have, what status do I have!

Gu Zeyuan said flatly.

Hoshino Ai, who was hiding behind Gu Zeyuan and was about to speak back, turned into an O shape.

And Shenmu Guang froze for a moment.

Kamiki Hikaru asked with some doubt.

All kinds of resource investment, as if you don’t want money, into the market.

Or simply use the heavenly power behind it.

It simply doesn’t make sense.

Who doesn’t make money? Umbrella doesn’t make any money by investing in this way.

If it weren’t for this alien company, he would have deceived Hoshino Ai a long time ago.

Gu Zeyuan said with a sneer.

Shenmuguang’s eyes looked at Gu Zeyuan coldly.

Haven’t spoken yet.

I saw Gu Zeyuan suddenly raise his hand and slap Shenmuguang’s face.

It is the degree of blood splattering.

Shenmu Hikaru’s whole person was slapped by a fan.

He looked at Gu Zeyuan in disbelief.

He Shenmuguang is a popular artist, dare to make a move on him, are you not afraid that netizens will praise you in minutes?

However, to Gu Zeyuan’s indifferent eyes.

For the first time in his life, Hikaru Kamiki felt fear.

“, don’t make me say it a second time.”

Gu Zeyuan said coldly.

Shenmu Light was afraid and could only run away in ashes.

After Shenmuguang left, Hoshino Ai came out from behind Gu Zeyuan and exaggerated his chest.

This girl… Has a super-age developmental ability.

So when doing this action, it will be particularly eye-catching.

“Wow, Yuan is so domineering, is this the legendary domineering president?”

Hoshino said with a smile.

Gu Zeyuan rubbed her head, and then looked up.

“Stop touching this person.”

Hoshino Ai (Qian’s) heard this, and his eyes lit up.

“Could it be that Yuan is jealous?”

Gu Zeyuan looked at the direction Shenmuguang left and said in a low voice:

“You remember, I told you that there are countless abnormalities in this world.”

Hoshino was stunned, but nodded anyway.

“That guy is an anomaly, and it’s the anti-human kind.”

Gu Zeyuan took out his mobile phone and called the foundation.

“Send a mobile task force, Wings of Freedom, to target an entertainer named Hikaru Kamiki and thoroughly investigate his experience.”

“Which hospital was born in, what time did my mother give birth, and the surveillance video from childhood was tuned out!”

“If the person behaves abnormally, or endangers the safety of others, execute directly.”

Listening to Gu Zeyuan’s instructions, Hoshino Ai was a little stunned.

After Gu Zeyuan hung up the phone, Hoshino couldn’t help but ask curiously:

“That person, is it an abnormality?”

Gu Zeyuan nodded.

“He is a reincarnated being, he has been reborn many times, and worst of all, he himself is a disgusting trash.”

Just now, Gu Zeyuan slapped it, but not just to vent his anger.

This guy really doesn’t match his age with the city.

Gu Zeyuan’s move was also to obtain the other party’s blood and then read the memory.

(Family, the monthly pass is still quite important, please please!) There are also tips and reminders! Casting a free flower and evaluation is also a great support for Sanqi! Thank you very much, all readers! )。

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