Everyone just held their breath and stared at the location of the exit, is the newly incorporated student coming? What does it look like? Is it a handsome guy or a beauty? What kind of personality is it? What kind of strength?

For a while, everyone was quiet and looked at it, but soon everyone saw the host’s face red, and the other students were stunned, why are you blushing, is it a beautiful woman with the color of a small black house?

A sound of footsteps sounded, everyone just saw a long leg in slacks stepping out, and the next moment they saw a handsome young man with a wolf tail, slender figure, and a delicate face with a slightly cold expression walking up.

For a while, everyone had only one thought, this guy seems to be a little handsome….

Crimson and Erina, too, were a little stunned, not because they were fascinated, they were surprised, this person didn’t look at all as arrogant as he imagined or…. In general, it’s not like cooking, it’s more like a model.

Ye Mu stood in front of the microphone and looked at the students below, and at this moment the students saw Ye Mu’s face, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, red lips and white teeth, skin that made girls a little envious, and the exquisite face satisfied all their thoughts about Gongzi Ruyu in the Celestial Empire novel.

Ye Mu looked at the students below and said softly with a gentle smile: “Hello everyone, I am Ye Mu who just transferred from the Celestial Empire. ”

“To be honest, I don’t know what to say, but the chief coach has already said it very clearly, so I hope that in the next three years, everyone can continue to hone their cooking skills with the spirit of competition and strive to climb to the top.”

“I will be one of the people who climb the top, and I hope to see more people climbing it, because everyone wants to be jade, because then they won’t be bored to reach the top.”

“Whether or not you can become jade is not by words, but by doing, I recognize Yuanyue’s style, in a place where strength is respected, with all the fighting spirit to live, survive to be happy and look forward to the next day of survival struggle.”

“I don’t feel pitiful if I’m eliminated, in general, in the next three years, no one will guarantee that I won’t step on the shoulders of others, but I don’t like to be stepped on very much, so I will do my best to move towards the top, and during this period I may step on whose shoulders to move forward, so welcome your challenges and exchanges, but I hope you …

“You have to be able to play, and if you challenge me, you have to be able to lose, then…. Please take care of the next three years. ”

Ye Mu’s words were very pertinent, but they also showed his arrogance, and the students also silently remembered this teenager who said relatively strong words with a very gentle smile.

Erina, after thinking for a while, also nodded and said, “Crimson Sand, don’t you think his words are strange?” ”

“Maybe it’s because Senior Ye said such things with a smile.”

Erina thought for a moment before whispering, “No…. How do I feel…. This Ye looks like…”

“What do you think?”

“It’s like….. What about mocking these people in secret, and then letting people take the initiative to eat halberds with him under reasonable circumstances? And don’t you think that Senior Ye’s words also have a meaning… I hope that there will be a lot of excellent cooks, so that he will not be bored because he has no opponents after reaching the top…”

Crimson thought for a moment and said, “Miss Erina, you think too much, Senior Ye, I look pretty good.” ”

“Huh? Crimson sand, you won’t fall in love at first sight, right? ”

Crimson Shazi’s face turned red and hurriedly said, “No!” No! Miss Erina, you are overwhelmed, I just think that this senior has a very warm temperament, even if it looks a little cold. ”

“This one, it feels very gentle, not bad….. Okay, I see, Ye Mu…. Very recognizable look, scarlet sand, go and try it. ”


Erina’s first impression of Ye Mu is very good, first of all, Ye Mu is her senior, and secondly, Ye Mu’s appearance and speaking style, as well as his behavior in the world, are annoying.

Then there is Ye Mu who has a strong cooking strength, and finally…. Ye Mu hadn’t provoked Erina, let alone felt evil.

After everyone dispersed, Ye Mu sighed, and had to carry his luggage and carry a guitar for another day, because Dongying’s high school lunch break is not particularly long, how can he find his dormitory and then put his luggage and run to another place to attend class….

Ye Mu sighed and said, “I suddenly feel like a singing boy pursuing his musical dream…”

Thinking so, Ye Mu also looked at the previous envelope according to Shapel’s instructions, and the back of the address in the envelope was also written with the class schedule and location.

Ye Mu also twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the class bell, sure enough, he was late, and the distant moon was really not ordinary.

“Teacher, my group is only…”

As soon as the voice fell, a knock was heard, and the students in the class all turned their heads to look at the door, and then they heard a voice that was not very happy and said: “Enter!” ”

The door opened, Ye Mu walked in with a suitcase and a guitar, Shapel saw that it was Ye Mu who was also angry, and Ye Mu nodded and said: “Sorry Mr. Shapel, I don’t know the way, I found it after turning around.” ”

“Well, go back, just put your luggage aside, this is a group cooperation course, there is only one person left, you two in a group.”

Ye Mu nodded, put down his luggage and walked to the stove where there was only one person, the girl was wiping the kitchen knife, Ye Mu said softly: “Hello, classmate.” ”

“Hello, let’s prepare the food.”

Ye Mu also knew very well that this was not Tian Suohui, but it didn’t matter, after all, he was used to it, Ye Mu looked at the topic of the blackboard in front of him before he said softly: “Burgundy red wine beef stew…. For a limited time of two hours, that is, at twelve o’clock at noon, I will see your works, so that the ingredients and dishes will not fail too much, so I will write the recipe. ”

“By the way, my class, I didn’t get an evaluation of A, all according to E and so on, then, the cooking begins!”

Ye Mu looked at the time, and then looked at the beef in the pot that had already begun to stew in advance, sighed and said softly: “I thought it would be boiled in cold water…”

The girl on the side was stunned for a moment before handing over the kitchen knife in her hand and said softly: “You handle the ingredients, I am responsible for seasoning.” ”

Ye Mu turned his head, and only then did he see the girl’s face, but this time, Ye Mu was stunned, because this person Ye Mu felt very familiar, although the girl was wearing a mask….

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