Chapter 358: Fujiwara Toyoshi’s Answer, the identity of Heaven!!!

“Ah, Sister Fengshi, the so-called fate is probably really inevitable.”

The three of them looked at the three Daji in Lilixiang’s hands with a convincing face, and Fujiwara Toyoshi also said with a smile: “It’s still Daji, the same signature paper, it’s really powerful.” ”

Qilori nodded and said, “That’s pretty much it, but… Senior Zi’an, you should have also asked for three sheets, what are you asking for? ”

“Hmm… It’s life, health and the kid I saw again. ”

“Ah, has Senior Zi’an been secretly in love for many years?”

“Dark. Crush?! No no! I just want to see him again. ”

Fujiwara Chika looked at Zi Anyan, who had red ears and ears, and also showed a smile of humble (evil) thick (devil), and always felt as if she had found something interesting.

Fujiwara Toyoshi breathed a sigh of relief and said: “It’s really powerful, Qianhua, you and Zi’an go eat something, New Year’s Eve Udon, Mengye is also there, look at your appearance, you know that you haven’t eaten much.” ”

“Okay, Senior Zi’an, you seem to be very nervous just now and didn’t eat.”

“Well, then I’ll lose company first, Happy New Year.”

“Happy New Year.” ×2。

Lilixiang nodded without speaking, maybe she was embarrassed to say, looking at the two girls who left, Qiloli said with a smile: “Sister Fengshi, don’t you really want Qianhua to know that you already have a fiancé.” ”

Fujiwara Toyoshi’s face turned red but he still smiled and said, “It’s okay. I feel that there is no need to let her know for the time being, otherwise, it is estimated that the family will be chaotic, at least it is estimated that it will bother me. ”

“I don’t know what you think at all, but I feel that you are still quite dark, after all, after getting along with Xiao Mu for a long time, I am still more sensitive to dark belly.”

“Huh? I think I’m pretty simple. ”

“I’m also quite simple, otherwise how can there be so pure love?”

Fujiwara Toyomi sighed and said, “I really don’t understand it, but when can I meet it?” ”

“Hmm… This question… It depends on what kind of identity you use, how you appeared, and how long you have been there. ”

Fujiwara Toyomi was stunned for a moment, and Kiroli nodded and said, “Yes, do you want to appear as Fujiwara Toyoshi?” Or Qianhua’s sister? Or the eldest daughter of the Fujiwara family? Or is Fengshi also his heavenly fiancée? ”

Fujiwara Toyoshi’s face turned red and said softly, “Is there any difference?” ”

“Of course there is, Fujiwara no Toyoshi’s words may just get to know each other, you will not have a deeper language understanding and intimate behavior.”

“Hana and Moeba’s sister’s words, at most, are familiar, and they may talk more, but the topic will be very fixed, and the eldest daughter of the Fujiwara family will be very serious, and he doesn’t like to follow the rules.”

“Last but not least, you might know what it’s like to be in love.”

“That. Then use the heavenly fiancée of the Fujiwara family daughter? ”

“Poof. It’s better to use Fujiwara no Toyomi and Tenkaku’s fiancée, and then it’s how you’re going to appear. ”

Fujiwara Toyomi was stunned for a moment before he said softly, “How did it appear?” I go straight to him? Or about a place? ”

Qi Luoli thought for a moment and said: “Forget about the spring break, the time is too short, the summer vacation is good, before that, I will arrange for the two of you to meet, the location is in the far moon, is there an arrangement for the summer vacation?” ”

“Summer vacation… I was going to go around, but now this is the case. I don’t have any plans now, do you have any considerations? ”

“Then it’s decided for you, uncle and aunt will not object, you will find time to get a passport, eh?” You should have it. ”

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“It’s almost time to get a visa during the summer vacation, and then go with it, which just satisfies the idea of wanting to go around.”

“Good! Wouldn’t it be sudden, though? ”

“No, otherwise why would I arrange for the two of you to meet?”

Fujiwara Toyomi nodded and said, “Clear, then what?” What does that time mean? ”

“It’s simple, are you planning to meet and leave now, or do you want to talk for a while, or go shopping, or stay at night?”

Fujiwara Toyomi swallowed his saliva before he said softly: “Let’s talk, didn’t you just set off with you during the summer vacation?” ”

“This is a wise choice, rest assured, I will make it clear with the gentian and them to receive you.”

“Oh yes, tell me about him, I am curious about a lot of things.”

Qiloli thought for a moment and said, “Although it would be better to explore by yourself, your level still tells you something, what do you want to know?” ”

“Hmm… I want to know what kind of person he is like in life. ”

“This one. It’s very simple, he, ah, he has a desire to dominate and challenge, he is also very good at controlling his life, the biological clock is very good, and he will try everything that can enrich life. ”

“And then his challenge is combined with his talent and absolute effort and perseverance, and he will have very good results in this field.”

Fujiwara no Toyomi thought for a moment and said, “It’s like music? ”

“Yes, it’s like music, and there’s a lot more, he’s a fascinating guy, and he doesn’t have to do anything when you really start getting interested in him and start studying him, you’ll fall in love with him yourself.”

Fujiwara Toyomi swallowed his saliva, as if his fiancé was more powerful than he imagined, and Kiroli thought for a moment and said, “Hmm… By the way, I almost forgot to say. ”


“He attaches great importance to feelings, and he definitely doesn’t have to think about it, but he will not be biased, so a person who values feelings”

“Don’t I look like a loyal and single-minded person?”

“Ah, I mean, a person with heavy feelings may need more family company emotionally.”

“I… I’ll follow him! ”

“Ah, this is qualified, don’t worry, he won’t force you to be free, after all, he is also free, my Xiao Mu is great~”

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