Xiao Bai directly rejected Sato Miwako’s words

"I won’t issue a letter of understanding, so if there’s nothing wrong with Officer Sato, I’ll leave first!"

Xiao Bai looked at Sato Miwako, and An Yilun also looked at Xiao Bai with hatred in his eyes, but he did not dare to take any action in the detention center.

"You are really a coward. You obviously want to hit me, but you don't dare to do it at all!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he looked at Kato Megumi.

"Xiaohui, let’s go!"

"Well, Mr. Bai, let’s go!"

Kato Megumi didn't look at An Yirunya from beginning to end.

An Yilun also looked at the intimate look of Xiao Bai and Kato Megumi, and his eyes were almost splitting.

Sato Miwako's mouth twitched, this Xiao Bai is really

Sato Miwako was silent for a moment, and then looked at Aki Rinya with a trace of pity in her eyes.

When Xiao Bai was about to walk out, a man stopped in front of Xiao Bai.

"Please wait a moment!"

Hearing the sound, An Yilun also looked at the visitor with a look of joy on his face.


Looking at the person coming, An Yilun also showed hope on his face!

Perhaps An Yilun also thought that the arrival of Akane Hongsaka could bring him out of the detention center!

Akane Hongsaka glanced at An Yilun coldly. Yilun then said to Xiao Bai:"I'm sorry, my incompetent subordinate has brought you some trouble. I will try my best to compensate you, so can you please issue a letter of understanding?"

Xiao Bai looked at the woman in front of him, Hongsaka Akane, with mockery in his eyes. She is really a pitiful woman!

If she knew that she had taken the blame for An Yilun, she didn't know whether she would kill An Yilun. Yes, but Akane Benisaka, who still doesn’t know Aki-Run’s true identity, probably regards Aki-Run as a treasure!

"What if I say no?"

Xiao Bai looked at Hongsaka Akane and asked with amusement.

Hongsaka Akane's eyes turned cold.

"Keep a line in everything so that we can meet each other easily in the future. With many friends and many paths, there is no need to have to do everything!"

Xiao Baipi smiled but said to Akane Kurisaka with gloomy eyes:"I'm really sorry, I either don't do it or I never do it!"

The madness in his eyes flashed away. Akane Benisaka's pupils shrank and the hairs on his body stood up. He was a madman!

Akane Hongsaka was almost certain that Xiao Bai was a madman!

He took a deep breath to calm down. Afterwards, Akane Benisaka looked at Xiao Bai and said,"In that case, I won't bother you anymore, just do as you please! Xiao

Bai looked at Miwako Sato and said,"Officer Sato, I hope you won't let me go before you and let An Yilun go. To be honest, I really don't know what I did to make you unhappy. So much so that you are so biased towards An Yilun!"

Miwako Sato's face changed slightly.

"I'm not helping anyone!"

"I hope it’s like what you said!"

Xiao Bai glanced at Miwako Sato playfully.

Then he and Megumi Kato left the detention center!

Akane Hongsaka looked at Xiao Bai who was leaving, and looked at An Yirunya with sharp eyes!

"An Yilun, tell me clearly what is going on!"

An Yilun was also startled by Akane Benisaka's appearance. Then An Yilun also looked at Akane Benisaka and began to quibble:"This Xiao Bai liked Sawamura Eiri before, but Sawamura Eiri likes her." Me, and I like Kato Megumi, the girl next to Xiao Bai, and then Xiao Bai took that girl away from me in revenge. I saw Xiao Bai and Kato Megumi being intimate before, so I couldn't control myself for a while. I'm really (chdb) sorry for causing you trouble, President!"

The corners of Miwako Sato and Akane Kurisaka's eyes twitched slightly.

This relationship is really

Xiao Bai and Kato Megumi left the detention center and were about to send Kato Megumi home, but Kato Megumi refused.

After sending Kato Megumi into a taxi disguised as Yamada-gumi, Xiao Bai chose to walk home

【I need to reflect on what happened today. I was a bit eager for quick success and did not consider the mood of Xiaohui’s wife. This is quite bad and I should learn from it.】

【An Yilun will most likely only stay in the detention center for three days. Should we talk about An Yilun's protagonist aura? Miwako Sato seems to intentionally favor Toruya Aki】

【But forget it, it doesn’t matter. I also met Benisaka Akane today. It was pretty much what I thought. She was quite strong. She threatened me in the detention center. It’s a pity, I don’t accept this set of threats!】

【I'm a little bit wondering now, what kind of expression would Akane Benisaka have if she realized that she had been tricked by A Yirun and became A Yirun's scapegoat!】

【If he hadn't planned to play it slowly, An Yilun would probably have entered with attempted murder today! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【It’s still a long time, it doesn’t matter, let’s play slowly! 】

While recording the diary, he returned to his apartment unknowingly.

Xiao Bai, who just returned to his apartment, never expected to see Eri Sawamura at the door of his apartment.

"Xiao Bai!!!"

Looking at Eri Sawamura walking toward him angrily, Xiao Bai felt a little amused.

【Sawamura Eiri actually came to the door? It seems that I know that An Yilun was sent to the detention center by me, so I am helping An Yilun to cause trouble? ]

Sawamura Eiri rushed directly in front of Xiao Bai and questioned Xiao Bai

"Why are you doing this to Lun Ye? You have the ability to come at me. What kind of man do you think you are to take revenge on Lun Ye?"

【Good guy, Sawamura Eiri's question really surprised me. Why are you so vindictive to Renya? If you have the ability to come at me, what kind of man do you think you are to retaliate against Renya?】

【Tsk tsk tsk, this Sawamura Eiri is good, she really deserves to be the licking dog of An Yirunya!】

【Haha, if it weren't for the Sawamura family, you would be worse off than An Yilun now. If it weren't for the Sawamura family, who would you be? You actually have the nerve to ask me why I did this to An Yilun? 】

Xiao Bai had a chuckle on his face and looked at Sawamura Eiri:"Why do you treat An Yilun like this? Then I want to ask you, why can't I deal with An Yilun?""

"Also, who gave you the courage to question me!".

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