
Sawamura Eiri reacted, screamed and rushed forward to separate Xiao Bai and Yukinoshita Yukino.

Yukinoshita Yukino pushed Xiao Bai away slightly, and then slapped Sawamura Eiri again. Pear's face

"Sawamura Eiri, I advise you to leave here now, don't continue to embarrass yourself!"

Eri Sawamura looked at Yukinoshita Yukino:"Yukishita Yukino, you are such a shameless woman, you actually hooked up with Xiao Bai!"

"Oh, no, what is my relationship with Xiao Bai? Does it have anything to do with you? Who are you Xiao Bai?"

Eri Sawamura looked at Xiao Bai and Yukinoshita Yukino with red eyes.

"Stupid bitch!"

Xiao Bai raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said to Sawamura Eiri, it was as if Sawamura Eiri was struck by lightning.

""Seven or eighty-three""I don't believe it, Xiao Bai, you must still like me, right? Everything you are doing now is just to attract my attention, right?""

Eiri Sawamura looked at Xiao Bai and said.

Xiao Bai raised his hand and slapped Eiri Sawamura directly.

"Is it clear now? If it's not clear, then I can continue to slap you!"

Covering her face that was beaten by Xiao Bai, Sawamura Eiri looked at Xiao Bai and Yukinoshita Yukino, and then looked at Yukinoshita Yukino:"Yukishita Yukino, you Bichi, it must be you. , if it weren’t for you, Xiao Bai wouldn’t treat me like this!"

Eri Sawamura blamed everything on Yukinoshita Yukino. It must have been Yukinoshita Yukino who seduced Xiao Bai, so Xiao Bai treated her like this. If Yukinoshita Yukino hadn't seduced Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai would be the same now. Bai must still be his licking dog

【Yukino's wife's lipstick tastes really sweet, no, now is not the time to talk about this. Yukino's wife is really considerate. I didn't even take the initiative to speak, but Yukino's wife understood what I meant, in front of that bitch Eri Sawamura. Here comes a kiss

【Hey, hey, Yukino's wife is awesome, but don't tell me, she slapped Sawamura Eri twice in the face today, not to mention that she felt relieved, she let out a little bad breath!】

【But now looking at Eri Sawamura, she seems to think that I treat her like this because Yukino's wife seduced me, so I treat her like this?】

【Haha, I really don’t know how this bitch Eri Sawamura had the courage to say I still love her?】

【However, Yukino’s wife is hated by this bitch Sawamura Eiri. What if Sawamura Eiri, a bitch, targets Yukino’s wife?How about turning Eri Sawamura into a vegetative state first? 】

Yukinoshita Yukino's body froze slightly.

Sayuri Sawamura, who had already arrived downstairs in the apartment, also jogged and then went upstairs. Finally, she appeared in front of Xiao Bai before Xiao Bai took action.

"Yinglili, go back with me!"


Sawamura Eiri looked at her mother who appeared, with a look of surprise and confusion on her face.

Sawamura Sayuri looked at Sawamura Eiri's swollen face, flashing a hint of distress, and then said to Xiao Bai :"Sorry, Yinglili has caused trouble to you again, I will take Yinglili back now!"

In response to Sayuri Sawamura's apology, Xiao Bai just sneered and said nothing.

Sayuri Sawamura's heart thumped, and she became more and more determined to send Eiri Sawamura abroad.

After returning today, she will immediately send Eri Sawamura abroad. Sawamura Eiri was sent to Britain.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Sawamura Sayuri and said:"If there is nothing else, Mrs. Sawamura please leave with your daughter-in-law!""

Sayuri Sawamura nodded slightly to Yukinoshita Yukino, and then directly pulled Eri Sawamura to leave, but Eri Sawamura broke free from Sayuri Sawamura's hand.

"Mom, I won’t leave!"

"Yinglili, shut up and leave with me!"

Sayuri Sawamura didn't want to joke with Eiri Sawamura, so she said coldly to Eiri Sawamura.

Eiri Sawamura also wanted to play tricks, but Eiri Sawamura ignored her at all and directly let her side The female bodyguard who followed forcibly took Eri Sawamura away.

"I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you today!"

Sayuri Sawamura bowed and apologized again, and then left with Eiri Sawamura............

After the other two left, Xiao Bai looked at Yukinoshita Yukino.

Yukinoshita Yukino blushed slightly at Xiao Bai's gaze.

"It's just because Sawamura Eiri's behavior before was too disgusting, so I kissed you now, don't think too much about it!"

Xiao Baiqian laughed twice.

"Um, I understand, I understand"

【How can it be fixed? Fortunately, I was still expecting Yukino's wife to confess her love, but it turned out that we only kissed Eiri Sawamura because she was too annoying! 】

Yukinoshita Yukino's face turned slightly hot.

"Then nothing will happen!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After saying this, Yukinoshita Yukino quickly opened the door and walked in. Then Yukinoshita Yukino slowly slid down against the door and squatted on the ground..

Yukinoshita Yukino's face turned red with her head buried between her legs!

"Idiot Xiao Bai!"

Xiao Bai rubbed his nose, and then opened the door of his apartment and walked in.

Neither Rem nor Ram were there. He looked at the note left by Rem, saying that he was going out to buy ingredients and would meet at Come back before eight o'clock in the evening.

On the other side, Sayuri Sawamura, who forcibly took Eiri Sawamura away, then said to Eiri Sawamura:"Eiri, you clean up after you go back, and I will send you to Britain." Your father's side."

Sawamura Eiri was stunned.


Eiri Sawamura didn't understand why her mother sent her to Britain.

Sayuri Sawamura looked at Eiri Sawamura's face:"I continue to let you stay here, but I don't know what kind of trouble you will cause. Come, so you have to leave Neon before everything is too late, Yinglili, remember, Xiaobai is no longer the Xiaobai who liked you and was willing to devote everything to you in the past. He hates you now, hates you, And it also has the ability to make your life worse than death!"

Sawamura Eiri looked at her mother blankly.

"Yinglili, when you get back, pack up and salute. I will send you to Britain tonight!"

"Mom, I don’t want to go!".

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