Only then did Xiao Bai find out what happened from Nangong Nayue's mouth. It turned out that after he fell into a coma, Mr. Ke went berserk and directly shattered the neon-shrouded Kyushu barrier.

If Nangong Nayue hadn't used Xiao Bai as an excuse to stop it, it might have been more than just Neon's Kyushu barrier.

As Neon's Kyushu barrier was broken, the current Neon can be explained by the revival of spiritual energy. The number of demons and monsters increased significantly. In just three days, Nangong dealt with no less than ten evil spirit incidents that month..

Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue

"So what do you want me to do?"

Xiao Bai asked Nangong Nayue, Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai, and then said:"It's very simple, just comfort the two people who are staying with you."

"This is probablyI can't do it, at least not with my current cooking skills."

Xiao Bai is helpless. He can't do such a thing now.

"Hold a sacrifice, I believe that the sacrifice, coupled with the hearty dishes you made, will definitely appease those two people."

Although I felt that Nangong Zuoyue's plan would definitely fail, in any case, Nangong Yanyue's face must be given, so Xiao Bai still nodded in agreement.

【Although I know that it will definitely fail, Na Yue’s wife must give her face, so let’s give it a try. If it doesn’t work, I will think of another way. Na Yue’s wife’s idea is too simple. I have a feeling that if at that time, I'm dead, this world will definitely be destroyed. Although I don't know why I was chosen, I can guarantee that the anger flowing in my body cannot be solved by the so-called sacrifice! 】

Nangong Nayue frowned.

"By the way, have you found Yue-chan? Who installed the bomb in my room!"

Although he knew that his good brother must be behind this, Xiao Bai still wanted to find the person who installed the bomb. Unless the other party died, Xiao Bai would not be able to vent his anger!

"If you are looking for it, don't worry, you will find it soon."

Not only Nangong Nazuki, but Shinomiya Kaguya and the others are also mobilizing their own strength to find the person who installed the bomb. The other party has definitely not left Japan yet, so it is not difficult to find the other party!

Even before coming, Nangong had already caught the opponent's trap that month. If nothing happens, the person who installed the bomb would be caught in a day or two at most.

"Okay, then Nazuki-chan, can you go get a container?"

Xiao Bai said to Nangong Nayue


Nangong Nayue was stunned, and then seemed to think of something. He nodded and turned to leave. Not long after, Nangong Nayue brought back some containers.

Xiao Bai divided the century soup that had been taken out into four parts. After four days of accumulation, A total of 400 ml of century soup!

A trace of desire flashed in Nangong Nayue’s eyes, but he restrained himself from touching it!

"One of them will be regarded as payment for your labor Nayue-chan. Of the remaining three, one will be given to the person who caught the person who planted the bomb, one will be used to reward the person who completed the reward, and the last one will be used to reward the person who completed the reward. Handing it to Yukino can be regarded as compensation for Yukino being implicated by me this time!"

Nangong Nayue raised her eyebrows while holding these century soups.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"OK, any questions?"

"No, since you have decided to act this way, then just act as if you are qualified!"

Nangong Nayue turned over the container of Century Soup and disappeared.

Then Nangong Nayue said goodbye and left, and Rem and Ram came back first. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

"Master, Miss Nakiri and the others are preparing dinner. Let’s eat some of Rem’s food first!"

Looking at the food that Rem brought in front of him, Xiao Bai naturally started to eat it unceremoniously.

After eating, Xiao Bai said:"Our house was bombed, so we have to find a new house next. Rem and Ram, please pay attention!"

"Regarding this, don’t worry, Miss Shinomiya has made arrangements. Miss Shinomiya said that the security work was not done well this time, so she compensated the master with a villa. Master, you can help directly after you are discharged from the hospital. Rem and Ram has tidied up the villa and prepared all the daily necessities and clothes the owner needs!"

0Request for flowers

Xiao Bai:"!!!"

Listening to what Rem said, Xiao Bai felt as if he was eating soft food.

But when he wanted to think about it, Xiao Bai didn’t refuse.

【Kaguya's wife actually arranged a new place for me. Hey, I won't refuse. I will repay Kaguya's wife in the future. That is to say, I haven't confirmed my relationship with Kaguya's wife yet. Otherwise, Kaguya's wife It's mine, and what's mine belongs to Kaguya's wife. But will it cause trouble to Kaguya's wife if I act like this? After all, Kaguya's wife doesn't have any rights now. Even Xiao Ai's wife was sent by Shinomiya Huangguang to monitor Kaguya's wife? ]

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Hayasaka Ai next to her. Hayasaka Ai had no expression on her face, but secretly she secretly wrote down this grudge. You are the only one with a big mouth, right?

【I have explained everything, and with the help of my wife Na Yue, I believe that everything will not be a problem. Now the top priority is how to calm the spirits that reside in me. Their anger is flowing in my heart, which seems to be like wanting to The urge to destroy everything can still be controlled now, but】

Everyone was shocked that something like this actually happened to Xiao Bai.

【Wait for a checkup, and if there is no problem, I will be discharged directly, and then try to appease He. To be honest, I feel that He is so angry because of the issue of face. After all, they are here, and I was almost killed. This thing is completely unacceptable. I have to become stronger. Otherwise, if something like this happens next time, I may not be able to survive.】

【Wait, when I talk about the word comfort, I think of a dish, if it is thatIt's a pity that I don't have that kind of strength now, and I don't know the specific recipe. I only know a rough idea. It's too difficult to copy it, and I still lack the necessary ingredients for that dish. Otherwise, I want to appease you. There is absolutely no problem with the sum that stays on your body! 】

A group of people with dark faces can die without stopping?

What kind of cuisine are you talking about?.

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