The process of eating breakfast was very embarrassing. Xiao Bai lowered his head the whole time with a dead expression!

Rem's face turned slightly red, and she didn't dare to look at Xiao Bai.

Ram had a proud expression on his face, as if he was very proud of what he had done.

Xiao Bai hurriedly finished his meal and went directly to school.

This villa is some distance from the school, so Xiao Bai rode a bicycle there this time.

When Xiao Bai came to school, he went directly to the student union. In the morning, he saw a message from Shinomiya Kaguya on his phone, asking him to go to the student union when he got to school. He had something to explain to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai came to the student union. At this time, there were only two people in the student union, Xiao Bai and Shinomiya Kaguya.

"Kaguya, here I come!"

Xiao Bai shouted to Shinomiya Kaguya who was looking down at the"Zero One Zero" book.

He moved his eyes away from the book and raised his head to look at Xiao Bai.

"Nothing is wrong!"

Understanding what Shinomiya Kaguya was asking, Xiao Bai nodded.

"Don't worry, it's completely fine!"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded, and then started talking about business!

"Exchange students from the two schools will come next Monday, so you need to take the exchange students from the two schools to get familiar with the school during the weekend. Of course, if you don't have time, I will ask someone else to take them to get familiar with the school."

Xiao Bai noticed the word"them" and thought of Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Alice and the little secretary Feishako, and couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

"Leave it to me, but Kaguya, you need to give me the other party's contact information when the time comes!"

Shinomiya Kaguya took out a list from the side and handed it to Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai just looked at it and couldn't help being slightly surprised.

【List of exchange staff of the private Hyakukao Academy.

Third grade: Momochi Roli, Momogo Rika, Igarashi Qinghua, Huangquan Yueluna.

First Grade: Snake Ghoul Yumeko】

【List of Totsuki Academy exchange staff.

Third grade: Kobayashi Gentian.

Second grade: Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ji.

First grade: Erina Nakiri, Alice Nakiri, Hisako Nito】

【List of exchange staff of Otonogizaka Academy.

Third grade: Eri Tsunase, Nozomi Tojo.

Second grade: Sonoda Umi, Minami Kotori, and Takaita Ekinoka.

First grade: Nishikino Maki】

【List of exchange staff of Didan High School.

Third grade: Miyano Akemi.

Second grade: Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko.

First grade: Gui Yanye, Xiyuanji World, Qingpu Setsuna. 】

Xiao Bai's eyes couldn't help but look at the last name on the list of Didan High School.

【Miyano Akemi? Isn’t that Xiaoai’s wife’s sister? But is Miyano Akemi only in her third year of high school? That's not right. Miyano Akemi was 25 when the plot started. How could she still be in her senior year of high school? Her sister Miyano Shiho and my future wife, Xiao Ai, are already 18 years old. This is obviously wrong. Speaking of which, Miyano Akemi is also a bit naive. Not only was Akai Shuichi, the alias of Morohoshi Dai, the Buddha, used him to enter the winery, but after Akai Shuichi was exposed, he actually believed that Gin said that he could let her and Xiaoai's wife go for only one billion, and planned to rob a bank for this reason. After the plan was successful, I negotiated with Gin and was shot dead by Gin.】

【But why does Miyano Akemi’s name appear on the list? Could it be that they have the same name?】

【And what is going on in this world of Gui Yanye and Xiyuanji? Although I know that there are plots in this world, the appearance of Gui Yanye and Saionji in the world once again woke me up. Speaking of this, the campus drama is really fucked. Yanye was raped by Taisuke Sawaga. It's really fucked upThen came the world of Saionji. At first, Katsura Kanha and Ito Makoto were brought together, and then Katsura Kanha crossed the wall and had sex with Ito Makoto. After that, Katsura Kanha slashed the Saionji world with a single blow. It was a bit fun to watch, and it was also fun to watch the scene where Ito Makoto’s head was cut off at the end.】

【Overall, this show on campus is painful to watch, but don’t mention it, Kotonoha’s mother Katsura Manami is really awesome, but the plot is a bit unreasonable. Katsura Manami is so unreasonable because of her husband’s neglect of her. , she felt frustrated in the relationship between men and women and began to have a relationship with a young employee and eventually had a sexual relationship with Ito Makoto.】

【By the way, I almost forgot about this scumbag Ze Yuezhi. Hiss, I have to find an opportunity to kill him. Who would have thought that the world of Xiyuan Temple, Gui Yanye, and Qingpu Setsuna can be compared with Ze Yuezhi. The connection, the blood relationship is so outrageous that people can't bear to look at it. This is a typical example of how chaotic the real family is. I even wonder if there is something wrong with their family's genes.....】

Shinomiya Kaguya's face looked a little ugly.

The expressions on the faces of all the diary copy holders were also grim.

Shinomiya Kaguya even contacted Hayasaka Ai in the chat room and asked Hayasaka Ai to investigate the relationship between Sawagotsu, Ito Makoto, Katsura Kanye and Saionji Sekai.

After calming down, Shinomiya Kaguya said to Xiao Bai:"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Sawamura Eiri has transferred to another school and left for Britain!"

Xiao Bai was stunned, and then his eyes His eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then a smile gradually appeared on his face. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's okay, just leave, she can't run away, just let this hatred settle in my heart for a while, and aren't there An Yilun and the others? Let's collect interest from An Yilun and the others first."

Eri Sawamura can't escape, Britain?

Haha, although Britain in this world is considered one of the powerful countries, it is not like the original world. It once colonized the world in 4.0, so its background is not even as good as Xiao Bai's time travel. The previous Britain.

As long as Xiao Bai becomes stronger step by step, even if Sawamura Eiri is hiding in Britain, Xiao Bai's attempt to deal with Sawamura Eiri will be just a matter of hands.

At that time, If Britain dares to stop herself, then Britain will be overthrown together.

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded.

"Then you can do whatever you want next."

After finishing speaking, Shinomiya Kaguya signaled to Xiao Bai that he could help himself!

Xiao Bai looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who was holding a book and looking at it and couldn't help but smile.

"Kaguya, there is actually no need to work so hard, your results cannot surpass mine!"

Shinomiya Kaguya's face darkened. If you have the ability, stop talking to me!"

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