Xiao Bai passed the student union's student roster and sent a notice to all his candidate members, asking them to go to the student union after school. Then after school, Xiao Bai took Sakamoto Yuji, Yoshii Akihisa, Tsuchiya Kouta and Kinoshita Hideyoshi. and Himeji Mizuki came to the student union

"Kaguya, good afternoon!"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded, then glanced at the group of people behind Xiao Bai

"Is this the club member you need?"

"That's right, prepare to take them with you."

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai with some confusion.

"Xiao Bai, what's going on?"

"Yuuji, I plan to set up a gaming club, and then you all will join my gaming club."

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai

"I don’t think you would do such a boring thing, so tell me what is going on!"

"Wait a moment, I’ll talk to you when everyone arrives!"

Xiao Bai said and took the others to sit on the sofa, while he asked Shinomiya Kaguya

"Kaguya, where did you put the tea?"

Shinomiya Kaguya sighed and then walked aside and took out the black tea and tea set.

After putting down the tea set, Shinomiya Kaguya said:"Then let me make tea!"

Sakamoto Yuuji looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, and then looked at Xiao Bai, with a flash of shock in his eyes.

The eldest lady of the Shinomiya family made tea for common people like them. If he hadn't experienced it personally now, Sakamoto Yuuji would not have thought of it at all. I would think that one day I would be treated like this.

But soon Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai aside, and an incredible thought appeared in Sakamoto Yuji's heart

"It shouldn’t be!"

Sakamoto Yuuji muttered to himself.

Yoshii Akihisa on the side heard Sakamoto Yuuji's words and asked in confusion:"Yuji, what do you mean you can't?"

"It’s nothing, I’m just thinking about the club Xiao Bai wants to create!"

Sakamoto Yuuji didn't say the scary thought in his heart, but Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Sakamoto Yuji. He had conducted a detailed investigation of Sakamoto Yuji. Shinomiya Kaguya was a genius, although not as good as himself. , but he is also very smart. The other party should have guessed something.

But this is not important. Shinomiya Kaguya does not intend to hide the idea that he likes Xiao Bai, but the only confession requires Xiao Bai to confess to himself. Love is In a war, the one who confesses first is the loser!

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Xiao Bai incomprehensibly.

However, Xiao Bai did not notice this. Now Xiao Bai is recording a diary!

【I am planning to establish a club. Although I don’t know what the situation is, my wife asked me to pay attention to virtual reality games that month, so I must pay attention to it.】

【I don’t know how many people are willing to join the club this time. Yukino’s wife may not be willing. After all, in Yukino’s wife’s eyes, the game club is just a game to waste time.】

【There is also Arisu's wife, who probably won't be interested, and Asuna's wife, oh, what a headache. If virtual reality is really integrated into reality in the future, won't Yukino's wife and the others have to lag behind the others?】

【No matter what, they must be allowed to join the club. If not, threaten them. Well, Yukino, you don’t want your real estate company to go bankrupt, right? Jie Jie Jie! 】

All holders of copies of the diary have a black line on their heads. Where did this low-level villain come from!

But virtuality merges into reality. If this is true, then you absolutely can’t miss it.

I hold all copies of the diary with the thoughts in my heart

【But I don’t know when the virtual game will be released. I can’t wait. Also, Sword Art Online has been withdrawn, so I don’t know what the next game will be. Also, my wife likes to be the Riddler. Without explaining clearly what kind of virtual game it is, is it possible to play it one by one?】

【Also, although I am fine now, the anger of the two big guys who are living in me has not been eliminated, and there is no time to finish the Sishen Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns. Although I have the recipe, it is difficult to make it without old noodles. In the past, the difficulty in making the Four Gods Seafood and Eight Treasures Steamed Buns in the Bailuo family was the soul-soothing secret, but for me, it was the best solution. My cooking heart is special and I can transform into any kind of cooking I know. Heart, so the soul-soothing secret is the simplest for me, but I fell for the simplest one-step old noodle from the Bailuo family. It’s really helpless! 】

Xiaolin Gendan asked Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning with some curiosity:"Ning Ning, what do you think Xiao Bai's cooking ambition is?"

"how could I know!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was speechless.

At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya placed a cup of black tea in front of Xiao Bai and interrupted Xiao Bai's record.


Xiao Bai thanked him. At this time, there was a knock on the door of the student union.

"Please come in!"

The door of the student union was pushed open, and a group of people walked into the student union.

"President, do you have anything to do with us?"

Risa Shiromine looked at so many people present and asked Shinomiya Kaguya. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It wasn't me who called you here, someone else called you here. Shinomiya

Kaguya looked at Xiao Bai.

Honjou Kaede looked at Xiao Bai, and then shouted out in surprise:"It's you!""

"Um, it seems you have heard of me being called a dog licker!"

Xiao Bai said with a laugh to himself.

Shirakine Risa quickly explained to Honjou Kaede

"No, that’s not what Feng meant. Vice President, don’t get me wrong!"

"Don't worry, the things I did before made me want to strangle myself to death."

Risa Shiromine had a dry smile on her face.

"The reason I invite you this time is to invite you to join my game club. I want to create a virtual game club. The theme is to study virtual games. Of course, it is actually a club for playing virtual games!"

Risa Baimine stared, watching Xiao Bai open his mouth, then he laughed dryly and closed his mouth silently.

"It’s hard to believe that I called you here just for this matter, right, but I hope you can listen to what I have to say and consider whether to join the club after hearing what I have to say!"

The holders of the diary copy have naturally known about these things for a long time, but Shiromine Risa, Honjo Kaede and Sakamoto Yuji did not know.

Xiao Bai suddenly snapped his fingers!

The next moment was filled with dark fog. It spread instantly from Xiao Bai’s feet and enveloped the entire student union office.

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