After everyone left, Shinomiya Kaguya's face was extremely gloomy. She was very angry about Sakayanagi Yusu's sneaking behavior, but soon Shinomiya Kaguya was no longer in the mood to continue to care about these things. Got it!

Because an investigation report given by Hayasaka Ai to Shinomiya Kaguya directly frightened Shinomiya Kaguya.

Ze Yuezhi’s investigation report!

After reading this, Shinomiya Kaguya felt completely unwell. Shinomiya Kaguya felt that she really couldn't bear it for a moment. This Sawakoshi must die, as well as Ito Makoto and Sawaga Taisuke. , he didn’t dare to close his eyes unless Sihui felt like he was really sleeping.

"Hayasaka, find Sawagotsu, Ito Makoto and Sawaga Taisuke, and then you will understand!"

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes are cold!

"Someone has been arranged to do it, but when investigating Ze Yuezhi, we also found that other people were also investigating. Do we want to find out who they are?"

Hearing Hayasaka Ai's question, Shinomiya Kaguya hesitated and shook his head.

"There's no need, we'll meet sooner or later!"

Shinomiya Kaguya replied calmly.

"Yes, the master seems to know about your investigation, Miss Kaguya, so the master has sent a message and needs you to go back and explain.-!"

"Got it, is there anything else-?"

"there is none left!"

"So is there any news about Lao Mian?"

"It is said that there is a century-old noodle in Ji Zhiguo, but other than that, there is no information at all about the Shuhan old noodle.

Shinomiya Kaguya frowned and finally said:"Let it go, don't force it.""


Xiao Bai, who left school, couldn't understand why a group of girls suddenly started gnashing their teeth, but his wife Yuqi left with a smile.

【Hey, no, what Arisu's wife said just now is similar to what he confessed to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka in the original plot? Is it possible that Mrs. Arisu was confessing her love to me just now, and the reason why Mrs. Kaguya and the others suddenly gritted their teeth was because Mrs. Kaguya and the others were jealous? 】

Xiao Bai felt that his head suddenly became enlightened.

Those holders of copies of the diary all had ugly expressions on their faces, Sakayanagi Yusu, that despicable female fox!

Suddenly, Xiao Bai noticed that many evil spirits were wandering randomly in the streets and alleys.

These evil spirits are just like those in Yotsugamiko's comics, they are ugly and disgusting.

However, these evil spirits did not dare to approach Xiao Bai, and even avoided Xiao Bai from a distance, so Xiao Bai was too lazy to care about these things. Ordinary people could not see these evil spirits at all. There is no way to cause any harm to ordinary people who cannot see it!

However, when Xiao Bai passed by a girl while passing by a convenience store, he couldn't help but take another look at her!

【This girl looks a bit familiar, but she's almost finished. To describe it in one sentence, it's dark. 】

Xiao Bai complained in his heart, but he didn't think about meddling in other people's business. Last time, Xiao Bai helped Yotsuya Miko and almost got him involved, but this time, Xiao Bai didn't bother to care.

However, just when Xiao Bai turned around and was about to leave, someone grabbed his sleeve.

Xiao Bai stopped and turned around, and saw the girl he had just seen reaching out and grabbing the sleeve of one of his arms.

"Something's wrong? Hearing the question

, the other party nodded, and then looked at Xiao Bai:"You can exorcise evil spirits, right?""

"No, you have found the wrong person. If you want to exorcise evil spirits, you should go to the priests and witches in the shrine!"

Xiao Bai doesn't intend to get involved in such troublesome things. He was lucky last time, but this time he might be in trouble if he does this kind of thing. What Xiao Bai needs now is to keep a low profile and bide his time. In short It’s just Gou!

Waiting for it to develop, as soon as it develops Xiao Bai will kill indiscriminately

"I went to those priests and witches, but they couldn't solve my problem at all. But just after I passed by you, I clearly felt that the thing that was pestering me disappeared!"

The other party looked at Xiao Bai with prayer in his eyes.


Xiao Bai frowned and pulled back his sleeves, looked at the girl in front of him with stupid hair like cockroach tentacles and said,"Tell me first, what is your name!"

0request flowers 0


The other party directly said his name, or a pseudonym.

"Kuroyukihime, are you sure this is a name?"

Kuroyuki-hime, no, Kuroba Hayuki said her real name after hesitating for a moment:"Kuroha Hayuki!"

【Sure enough, it’s Kuroyukihime. Tsk, life is worse than Accelerator Pig, and death is worse than Scissor Dog. I didn’t expect to meet a heroine who is as good as Accelerator Pig. I really don’t know why Kuroyukihime in the original plot likes that guy Haruyuki Arita. , short, fat and ugly. She is obviously a good-looking girl, but she is blind! ]

Xiao Bai complained in his heart, and then Xiao Bai did not immediately agree to save Kuroyukihime, but fell into thinking.

Whether he should save her or not, Xiao Bai felt that with two big bosses endorsing him, it shouldn't be a problem. Moreover, although Kui Xueji was not his wife, Xiao Bai was also greedy for her body. Although it was despicable, Xiao Bai didn't realize this thought. What's wrong with

【In the original plot, as a level 9 accelerator, known as the King of Black, Kuroyukihime's strength should be undoubted, so he can recruit Kuroyukihime to join his game club.】

【Well, then at the end, I lusted after her body, I was mean, but as a time traveler, there is nothing wrong with liking to hang out with cute and beautiful girls, right?】

"From Jixia College?"

Xiao Bai asked, thinking of Kuroyukihime.

"Yes, Class B of the first year! Xiao

Bai nodded, then hesitated and said,"If you have the courage to go home with me, I won't mind helping you!""

Kuroyuki-hime looked hesitant for a moment, but then she nodded firmly.

"Okay, I'll go back with you! Kuroyukihime said firmly. Xiao Bai didn't say anything else and turned around to leave. However, he said to Kuroyukihime:"Follow me!""

Kuroyukiji looked at Xiao Bai's back, hesitating slightly, and then strode to follow Xiao Bai's footsteps!

Feeling Kuroyukihime following behind him, Xiao Bai took him home directly, and then Facing the eyes of Rem and Ram, Xiao Bai couldn't help but swallowed his saliva!

This pressure is a bit high!

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