After finally escaping the joint preaching of Rem and Ram, Xiao Bai couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief while hiding in the room. He looked at the time and it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening.

"Receive award!"

【Yesterday's diary was completed and rewards began to be distributed. You will get the full plot of Silk on Campus and all its derivative plots.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary will get it, and one person who holds the diary copy will get the same reward.】

【The drawing is completed, congratulations to XXX for winning the whole plot on campus】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Kuroyukihime. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Kuroyukihime for obtaining the amulet. The amulet can withstand a certain degree of evil spirits' attacks. 】

Looking at the reward, Xiao Bai's face froze for an instant.

【Good guy, what do I need from this crappy game? Is it possible to change the name and then send it out? It's impossible even if you think about it. If you really do this, you might end up going to eat at a public house. How long will the sentence be for publicizing a sordid relationship?】

【Forget it, just throw this piece of crap away.】

【I will study the Sishen Seafood Eight-treasure Buns tomorrow and Saturday, and then take those exchange students to the school on Sunday the day after tomorrow to find their way there. Is this Sishen Seafood Eight-treasure Buns really not good without Shuhan Old Noodles? Otherwise, why don't you go find some regular noodles tomorrow and see if that's okay?】

【sleep! ]

When he woke up the next day, Xiao Bai found a message on his cell phone.

After looking at it, I found that it was sent by Alice Nakiri!

Invite yourself to Totsuki, saying that there is a Shokugeki show of Erina Nakiri today, please go and watch it?

"Is it like this? That's okay, and maybe there are more abundant ingredients in Yuanyue, and maybe there's the old noodles I need."

Putting the phone aside, Xiao Bai suddenly realized that Ram was not in his bed this morning.

【Hey, Ram was not in my bed this morning? Fortunately, I finally don’t have to continue socializing, Ness! 】

Outside the room, Ram looked at Ram, furious.

"Sister, don’t always tease the master!"

Ram snorted.

"I think Rem, you are jealous. Rem, you also want to get into the pervert master's bed, but you are too shy to let go, and in the end, you stop Ram!"

Rem's fair and pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Rem doesn’t, sister, please don’t slander me!"

Looking at Rem, whose ears were red, Ram said I believe you are evil.

Xiao Bai walked out of the room, looked at Rem and Ram:"What's wrong?"

Hearing Xiao Bai's question, Rem immediately raised her head.

"It's okay, Master, breakfast is already ready!"

Forcing himself to calm down, Rem pretended as if nothing had happened.

After breakfast, Xiao Bai said something to Rem and Ram and then went out. Xiao Bai originally wanted to take Ram and Rem with him. , but the two of them said they would not go in order to avoid the incident of being planted with bombs happening again.

Xiao Bai did not force himself, and after calling a taxi, he went directly to the gate of Yuanyue's school.

"Rich man!"

Xiao Bai, standing at the school gate of Yuanyue, sighed, Yuanyue, no, the Nakiri family is really rich, literally.

Xiao Bai stood at the door, and the security guard immediately stepped forward.

"Sir, please"

"Invited by Miss Nakiri Alice, come and watch Miss Nakiri Erina's Shokugeki!"

The security guards didn't dare to neglect. This was the person invited by Miss Nakiri. These security guards invited Xiao Bai to the security room and then contacted Alice Nakiri.

About twenty minutes later, Xiao Bai met Alice Nakiri.

"Mr. Bai!"

Nakiri Alice swooped down and hugged Xiao Bai directly.

Looking at Nakiri Alice hugging him, Xiao Bai subconsciously hugged Nakiri Alice's thin waist with both hands.

"Well, Alice, someone else is watching."

Nakiri Alice heard Xiao Bai's words and said to Xiao Bai:"Let's go, Mr. Bai, I will take you to find Erina!"

Xiao Bai laughed dryly and did not continue to dwell on this issue. He felt a faint fragrance coming from Alice Nakiri's body and was confused!

【emmmmm Why do girls always have a faint fragrance on their body, the fragrance of shower gel or shampoo?】

【Alice's wife was so enthusiastic that she hugged her as soon as they met and almost made a fool of herself! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【My wife, Alice, is the best in the world! 】

Xiao Bai suddenly found that Alice Nakiri looked at him a little strangely!

"What's wrong?"


Nakiri Alice denied it. Regarding Xiao Bai, a man who has transformed into a eel, Nakiri Alice said, I don't believe the nonsense you are telling me! She said before that Alice is the cutest in the world, but in the end, she met Yu Sakayanagi. After that, Yusu Sakayanagi became the cutest person in the world. Huh, man!

"Speaking of which, who is Erina and Shouki today?"

Xiao Bai remembers that in the original plot, Nakiri Erina only took action 060 against someone in the sumo hotpot, and then she had to wait for the alliance to eat, and the rest of the time she didn't do anything at all.

"Si Yingshi!"

Si Yingshi?

Isn't this the first seat of the Yuanyue Ten Elites?

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but Xiao Bai didn't say anything.

Alice Nakiri brought Xiao Bai to the Yuetian Room, and even asked Xiao Bai to sit After getting on the referee's bench, Xiao Bai looked at Alice Nakiri suspiciously.

"Am I the referee?"

Xiao Bai asked with astonishment on his face.

"Bai Jun, you have no problem being a judge."

"No, I am a judge and others are not convinced."

Nakiri Alice didn't care.

"It's okay. I believe you will be fine, Mr. Bai. Come on, Mr. Bai!"

Xiao Bai couldn't understand why Alice Nakiri did this, I couldn't understand, I really couldn't understand!

Xiao Bai still sat on the judges' table, and the students watching were also curious about who Xiao Bai was..

Sitting next to Xiao Bai is Nakiri Senzaemon, and sitting next to Nakiri Senzaemon is Dojima Gin.

Xiao Bai feels weird, how can he be with them now? Be a judge!

And Nakiri Senzaemon and Dojima Gin actually have no objections?.

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