【Tsk tsk, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is really naive, but if Kasumigaoka Shiyu comes to your door to humiliate yourself, then there is no need for you to be polite, right?】

【But to be honest, Kasumigaoka Shiu's figure is a bit better. Among the girls I know, there are really few who can compare with Kasumigaoka Shiu's figure.】

【But An Yilun really couldn't do it. He was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted in just a few moments. I just rubbed Kasumigaoka Shiu's slime in front of him and put my hand into Kasumigaoka Shiu's skirt. In? As a result, An Yilun fainted from anger?】

【An Yilun is so angry. 】

Women: Do you want to hear what you have done?

If it were any man with a little temper, who could stand this kind of thing?

Even An Yilun would be cowardly enough if he didn't fight you desperately.

However, it was a bit gnashing of teeth. Xiao Bai actually took this opportunity to take advantage of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, which was a bit annoying.

Also, why are there really not many people who can match Kasumigaoka Shiyu's figure?

Is Kasumigaoka Shiu's figure that good?

Xiao Bai walked a certain distance, and then Xiao Bai shouted to the person behind him:"Come out!" Xiao Bai had already discovered that someone had been quietly following him since school, but he didn't expect that the person never came out.

Following Xiao Bai's shout, a figure walked out from a short distance away.

Miyano Akemi?

Xiao Bai immediately recognized the person in front of him

"Miyano Akemi-san, why are you following me?"

Miyano Akemi was asked by her sister Miyano Shiho to find Xiao Bai, saying that Xiao Bai could save her sister.

But looking at what Xiao Bai had just done, Miyano Akemi realized that Xiao Bai was not a good person, so her I felt a little confused, should I listen to my sister and ask Xiao Bai for help?

"Looking for me, what's the matter? Miyano Akemi-classmate.!"

After hesitating for a while, Miyano Akemi finally decided to trust her sister

"I'm here to ask you for help!"

Ask for help?"

"This is not the place to talk, please find another place."

Xiao Bai said and brought Miyano Akemi to the student union. In the student union, Shinomiya Kaguya was a little surprised to see Xiao Bai, but then she saw Miyano Akemi's face behind Xiao Bai.

"Kaguya, please borrow a place. I have something I want to talk to Miyano Akemi-san about."

"Please do so."

Xiao Bai took Miyano Akemi to the sofa next to him.

"Tell me what it is!"

Miyano Akemi looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, hesitated for a moment and then told Xiao Bai according to her sister's words.

"I'm here to join your alliance, or I'm here to ask for help. Classmate Xiao Bai, you are being targeted by a very scary organization.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who lowered his head and pretended to deal with things, suddenly raised his head. Xiao

Bai didn't care, glanced at Miyano Akemi and said casually:"Tell me, which terrible organization is targeting me!""

【Miyano Akemi actually came to me, and she still wants to form an alliance with me? And he also said that a terrible organization is targeting me? Could it be the winery?】

【But regardless of whether the winery is targeting me or not, I did this for my wife, Xiao Ai, but now Xiao Ai’s wife has not eaten A yet. What should I do if Xiao Ai’s wife doesn’t eat A after I rescued her?】

【No matter what, the big deal is to rescue Xiao Ai's wife, and then secretly find a way to let Xiao Ai's wife eat A. Then she will be a legal loli, hehehe! 】

Although Miyano Shiho already knew about Xiao Bai's perversion, she still underestimated the extent of Xiao Bai's perversion!

"Everyone in this organization wears wine as their nickname and wears black suits."

"I am a member of that organization, but this was before and now I want to withdraw from the organization with my sister, but wanting to withdraw from the organization is not allowed, and you are targeted by the black organization, the enemy of the enemy Just friends, so I came to find you"

【Is it really the Crow Organization? But speaking of the Crow Organization, I think of the witch Belmode. Who would have thought that Sharon Wynyard, the female star of America, would actually regain her youth or stop aging for some reason. After Sharon Wynyard faked her death, she later claimed to be Sharon. Daughter Chrissy Wynyard. ]

In a certain laboratory, Miyano Shiho's eyes showed horror. Xiao Bai actually knew about the people in the organization?

But then a smile appeared on Miyano Shiho's face, because the more he looked like this, the greater his chance of getting out of the way.

This time, she made a profit and found a powerful helper for herself without any effort.

".So, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Bai asked, thinking of Miyano Akemi.

"My sister is still in the organization. I plan to take my sister out of the organization first."

【Sure enough, Xiao Ai's wife's sister is just a fool. She said she came to me to form an alliance, but in fact she came to seek my protection. She said that she wanted to form an alliance but it was of no use at all. Even what she knew about The organization may not have as much news as I do. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【But forget it, no matter who makes me want to rescue my wife, Xiao Ai, I will love my own wife! ]

Shinomiya Kaguya almost crushed the pen in her hand!

Xiao Bai then looked at Miyano Akemi:"Then do you have anything else to say?"


"I will find a way to find out about your sister (Li Hao). Before that, if you encounter any danger, please contact me at any time. Don't go on adventures alone!"

Miyano Akemi said goodbye and left, and then Shinomiya Kaguya said:"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious!"

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't say much.

"If you need help, just tell me!"

Xiao Bai looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and nodded with a smile.

Shinomiya Kaguya then lowered his head and pretended to continue dealing with things.

Xiao Bai suddenly remembered the matter of Lao Mian.

He found Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo in the student union. The call was dialed!

Was the call connected quickly?

"็ Hello Who are you?"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's slightly cold voice came to Xiao Bai's ears.

"Hello, Miss Ji Zhiguo, I am Xiao Bai!".

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