The dough was very fluffy and soft, and the filling of the buns was also very delicious. After eating it, Ji Zhiguo Ningning felt that her whole body had calmed down.

The steamed buns are not only delicious, but the soul-soothing secret contained in them makes Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji feel as if he has exerted a forced calm BUFF.

"Obviously I should be very shocked, but the result was that I couldn't be shocked at all."

"Well, although it is a failure, the secret of soul-soothing still exists!"

【The old noodles made the Sishen Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns, which was indeed further improved, but it still failed. I have always been missing a key, which is one of the secrets of the Bailuo family, the Bailuo snake chain!】

【Without Bailuo's Bailuo snake chain, it would be impossible to make dough that can meet the requirements of Sishen Seafood Eight Treasures Steamed Buns. The dough step is the key, but the fillings are not important.】

【Old noodles, soul-soothing secrets, and Bailuo Snake Chain. Only by gathering these together can we completely reproduce the highest secrets of the Bailuo family, the Four Gods Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns, and although the century-old noodles can barely do it, but I want to use it to worship He, but I feel like it’s not enough, a century-old noodle!】

【Moreover, the current Bailuo Snake Chain Chain has no whereabouts at all, just like the thousand-year-old noodles. The Sishen Seafood Eight-treasure Buns can be declared a failure. Tsk, does this mean that the world is finished Barbie?】

【Forget it, take it one step at a time. Relying on the soul-soothing secret, I can still barely let the anger affect me. If it doesn't work, I will find a way to vent it.~!】

Xiao Bai retracted his thoughts and then looked at Ji Zhi-Guo Ningning.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning looked at Xiao Bai and wanted to say something, but in the end she said to Xiao Bai:"Although it failed this time, I believe that you will be able to successfully reproduce the Four Gods Seafood in a short time." Eight-treasure buns!"

"Ning Ning, do you know?"

"Although he is not an orthodox pastry chef, he is at least related to pastry. Naturally, he knows about the legendary four-god seafood eight-treasure buns!"

Xiao Bai touched his nose, then spread his hands and said,"It's a pity that it failed!"

"I believe you will succeed, even if it is not now, you will be able to succeed in the future, as long as I give you time!"

Xiao Bai didn't understand why Ji Zhiguo Ningning believed in him so much, but Xiao Bai still smiled in response!

"I hope so. It's getting late, Ning Ning, how about you stay for a late dinner?"

"No, I just came here as an exchange student, so I still have some things to deal with."

"In this case, I won’t keep you here. If you need any help, please feel free to contact me!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning showed a smile, which made Xiao Bai slightly surprised!

【Wife Ning Ning is indeed very beautiful, especially Wife Ning Ning, who looks abstinent. Suddenly she smiled, and suddenly I understood why those perverts who wanted to be stepped on by Wife Ning Ning had such perverted thoughts.】

【If it were me, I would also like to say, Ning Ning, my wife, step on me! ]

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning's face suddenly turned crimson. Ram on the side looked at Xiao Bai with sharp eyes and said:"Master pervert, if you keep staring at a girl like this, you won't be thinking about something in your heart." What a perverted idea!"

"Nonsense, Ram, you are slandering, you are slandering me, your master!"


Ji Zhiguo Ningning lowered his head, his ears slightly red.

"Well, I'm leaving first!"

After saying that, Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ji left quickly. Looking at the panicked footsteps, Xiao Bai couldn't help but glared at Ram fiercely!

"Ram, if you slander me like this, believe it or not, I will spank you!"

"Has the perverted master finally been unable to suppress the perverted desires in his heart and is about to take action against Ram? It's really terrible. Master Pervert, please point your magic hand at Rem and let Ram go!"

"My sister has gone too far, and Rem has not slandered her master, so I’d better ask her master to punish her properly. The best thing is to have her butt swollen!"

Xiao Bai looked at the two of them with a speechless look!

Then he handed the Sishen Seafood Eight-Treasure Bun to Ram!

"Eat, it’s good to have more time!"

0 Asking for flowers. Ram looked at Xiao Bai and made the Sishen Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns. Although it was a failure, it also added a year to Ram's time!

And Ji Zhiguo who left Xiao Bai's home It took Ning Ning a while to calm down the turmoil in her heart!

Even the soul-soothing secret could not completely calm down the turmoil in her heart. Of course, this and Xiao Bai's cooking were a failure. It has something to do with the fact that the soul-suppressing secret has also become incomplete!

At this time, Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji suddenly discovered that someone was constantly writing about himself in the diary!

【Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo: Is there something wrong with Teacher Nangong?】

【Nangong Nayue: You were by Xiao Bai’s side just now, right? Did Xiao Bai’s Four Gods Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns really fail?】

【Ning Ning of Ji Zhiguo: It failed. Although Xiao Bai summoned the spirits of the four gods, the spirits of the four gods collapsed in the middle. It should be the reason Xiao Bai said!】

【Kobayashi Ryodan: Hey, Ning Ning-chan, that steamed bun, steamed bun, bring back some steamed buns! 】

Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji can almost imagine the drooling look of Kobayashi Ryodan at this time.

【Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning: Sorry, senior sister, I have left Xiao Bai’s house, so I can’t bring you steamed buns. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Nangong Nayue: How is Xiao Bai’s mood in Ningning, the Kingdom of Ji?】

【Ning Ning from the Kingdom of Ji: A little depressed, but there should be no problem】

【Ram: After Ram’s enlightenment, the current pervert master has no problem at all!】


At this time, Xiao Bai looked at the news pushed on his mobile phone and his face became extremely serious.


Xiao Bai is no stranger to this game, and the reason why he is familiar with it is because of an anime, King of the Immortal!

【I never thought that a virtual reality game would actually be YGGDRASIL, but no matter what, it is basically certain that virtual games will be integrated with the real world. Even if they are not integrated, this YGGDRASIL game is definitely not simple! scholar】.

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