A plane landed at Tokyo Airport.

Gin walked off the plane with vodka, and not long after Gin got off the plane, a slim figure also walked off the plane.

Soon this graceful figure entered a Porsche 356A

"Belmod, what exactly are you bringing to Neon this time?"

Gin asked Belmode who entered the car. He said it was asking, but it was more like questioning.

"Just think that I am here for a trip!"

"It's best to be like this, I don't want the mission to fail because of you!"

"It's really cold, Gin, but this time the target of the mission is just an ordinary person, but the other party offered such a high price, don't you think there is a problem?"

Gin took a drag on his cigarette, and then answered nonchalantly:"No matter what questions the other party has, I must complete the order issued by the BOSS himself this time. If you stop me, then I will kill you as well."

"You are so callous and heartless!"

Belmod sighed with emotion, then looked at the scenery outside the window and said,"I'm just here for a trip!"

"It's better to look like this!"

"Is the mission target this time called Xiao Bai? A seventeen-year-old high school student actually asked you, the ace of the organization, to take action in person, and also allowed someone to offer you such a big bargaining chip to do it. It really makes people wonder what kind of person the other party is!"

"No matter who the other person is, as long as the task is completed, the rest does not matter to me."

Belmod is no longer speaking, but in front of Bermod's eyes there is only a diary floating in the air that Bermod can see.

"We will meet soon, Xiao Bai!"

Belmod chuckled, and then looked at the night scene outside the car window.

It was just after twelve o'clock

【The diary was completed yesterday and rewards started to be distributed. You got the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Modifier.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The extraction is completed, congratulations to XXX (Tsuchima Mi) for getting the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Modifier (one-time use)】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Miyano Shiho. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Miyano Shiho for gaining the ability of kaleidoscopic change: the ability to transform into anything. 】

Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Modifier: After entering any game, you can call up the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Modifier silently in your mind, modify the data within a reasonable range, and the data abnormalities will never be noticed.

【Good guy, Wind Spirit Moon Shadow modifier? Why don't I just take off? After entering the game, I can directly use the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Modifier. Will I be able to fly directly to the sky in a matter of minutes?】

【Originally, I was going to be a kryptonian in the game, but now I am a kryptonian, and I want to be a bad guy! 】

In another room, Miyano Shiho used the ever-changing transformation to turn into a child, an old man, and a man!

Men, women, old and young, all appeared in the room one by one under the ever-changing transformation of Miyano Shiho. In the end, Miyano Shiho became what he was when he was a child, that is, what Ai Haibara looked like!

"Didn't that guy always want to make me smaller? Then I just satisfy that guy, and after becoming smaller, people in the organization can't find me~."

Miyano Shiho suddenly thought of something.

"Since I have become smaller and have to create a fake identity, then the name"

Xiao Ai!

This name instantly appeared in Miyano Shiho's mind.

"If you have it, let’s call it Haiyuan Ai!"

The next day, Xiao Bai woke up again under the pressure of Rem and Ram.

This time, Xiao Bai didn't know that Rem and Ram must have discussed it..

But Xiao Bai didn't expose it.

After putting on his clothes and walking out, Xiao Bai looked at Miyano Shiho who also walked out of the room. After just one glance, Xiao Bai was dumbfounded.

"How did you become like this?"

Looking at Miyano Shiho who had turned into Haibara Ai's state, Xiao Bai's eyes showed a look of surprise and confusion.

"When I woke up in the morning, I found that I had become smaller, but I could change back to my original appearance at any time!"

Xiao Bai suddenly became confused.

Has the world become a little weird?

"So, are you going to walk around like this?"

"Yes, I even gave myself a new name, Haiyuan Ai!"

Xiao Bai was silent again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The corrective power of plot? When he woke up in the morning, Miyano Shiho turned into Xiaoai's wife. Can he change his size at will? ]

Miyano Shiho, no, it should be said that Haihara Ai's expression suddenly darkened.

Change size at will?

Urinating or defecating at will?

Although it was just an ordinary homophone, Miyano Shiho was still a little angry.

This guy Xiao Bai has simply ruined his reputation and is simply a bastard.

Miyano Shiho probably has other copies of the diary and is probably laughing so hard that he can't stand up straight now.

".I plan to go back to my sister after that."

Xiao Bai took his cell phone and looked at it, and then said to Haiyuan Ai:"I'm afraid not, I received the news that Gin, the strongest killer of the black organization, just came to Neon yesterday evening, and the other party's The target is me, and you will probably be on the other side’s hunting list."(Qian Qian Zhao)


Hui Yuarai's expression stiffened slightly.

The name Gin gave her instinctive fear!

"Don't worry, I will take care of Gin and reunite you with your sister soon!"

Hui Yuan Ai's expression slowed down slightly.

"Thank you, can you come again?? I have something to say to you."

Xiao Bai has no doubt that he has

"Put it over your ear!"

Kneel down and lean in with your ears.

"Thank you, and this is a thank you gift!"

His cheek was kissed like a dragonfly dripping water, Xiao Bai looked at Huiyuan Aihu

"Just thank you for your help, I haven't fallen in love with you yet!"

Xiao Bai looked at Haiyuan Ai and nodded slightly.

There were two pairs of eyes in the gap opened by Xiao Bai's bedroom door, looking at Haiyuan Ai like a sneaky cat!.

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