I brought people from Class F to the student union.

Everyone else has already arrived

"Sorry, I'm late because of the summoned beast war!"

"It's okay, Xiao Baijun, you asked me to inquire about YGGDRASIL's agency companies before, but I didn't find any companies that took YGGDRASIL away. It's like the game YGGDRASIL suddenly appeared overnight."

Yuki Asuna told Xiao Bai the results of her investigation.

"I also haven't found any information about YGGDRAS-IL. Yukinoshita

Yukino continued.

"The Shinomiya family also failed to investigate who is the agency for the game YGGDRASIL.

Xiao Bai pinched his chin:"Is there a possibility that it's official?""

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes twitched slightly.

"There aren't many things that can't be done at Neon Shinomiya's house. If it were official, then it would be understandable."

"If that's the case, then you don't have to worry about it. You can just enter the game when the time comes. However, I personally suggest that the best choice for the race at that time is humanoid. You should not do it either.I hope that if one day the game really merges with reality, then you will become inhuman monsters, right?"

"Mr. Bai, don't worry about this, we are not stupid."

Nakiri Alice rolled her eyes at Xiao Bai.

In addition to the original first batch of club members, Xiao Bai also brought in Nakiri Alice, Nakiri Erina, the little secretary, and Jin Zhiguo Ningning. Then Kobayashi Rgentan shamelessly joined in.

"Then there are the justice value and evil value. I suggest keeping them at zero. This should not affect the original character."

"What I want to say is these two points for now. What do you think?"

"I created a group chat, everyone added it, and I will notify the group of any new news."

Kato Megumi looked at Xiao Bai and asked:"Mr. Bai, can you tell our family this news?"

Xiao Bai was silent and then Xiao Bai spoke:"Don't talk about the integration of virtual games and the real world for the time being, but you can let your family enter the game and play."

"Got it, we'll keep this a secret"

"Well, to be honest, I am just guessing, and even if it is absolutely true, the official has not announced it, so there is no need to worry."

Then everyone left. Xiao Bai looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and asked:"Kaguya, how long will it take to get to the Dusk Annex?"

"It would be a bit troublesome to stay at the twilight annex!"


"The Dusk Annex was bought many years ago. The current Dusk Annex is under the name of Suzuki Jiroyoshi, the consultant of the Suzuki Group. It is not easy to buy the Dusk Annex from the other party. I am currently trying to negotiate with the other party.."

A hint of surprise flashed through his eyes.

【Suzuki Jirokichi, it’s interesting. Xiao Ai’s wife was imprisoned in a pharmaceutical company under the name of Suzuki Group. Now Dusk Annex is actually overtaken by Suzuki Group. Could it be that Suzuki Group has something to do with the black organization?. ]

Suzuki Sonoko's expression suddenly changed. After seeing this diary, Suzuki Sonoko immediately realized what was going to happen next.

【I said before that I am determined to win Dusk Villa, and whoever stops me will die. If people from the Suzuki Group are stopping me now, then there are only two consequences for the other party. The first is to give up, and the second is to send their whole family on the road. And now The black organization wants to kill me, and the Suzuki Group and the black organization are not clear about it. The Suzuki Group and the Suzuki family have a right to death. ]

Suzuki Sonoko smiled silently and bitterly at this time. She felt that she was really wronged. She did nothing and was blamed.

One bad person will make the whole family rich!

And is there really any relationship between my family and the black organization?

Suzuki Sonoko had a headache.

No, I can't just sit back and wait for death. It seems that I should ask my uncle for a proper inquiry.

But the most urgent thing now is to prevent Xiao Bai from taking action. Suzuki Sonoko doesn't want her to die inexplicably.

At this moment, Suzuki Sonoko took action immediately. Who knew if something would happen later.

0 flowers requested

"Kaguya, please ask the other party if they are willing to sell the Dusk Annex. If they are still unwilling, then don't worry about it."

Shinomiya Kaguya agreed.

"Then I'll go first."

Just then Xiao Bai left, Shinomiya Kaguya received a call from Suzuki Sonoko

"Miss Shinomiya, I am Suzuki Sonoko, and I will convince my uncle about the Dusk Annex, so Xiao Bai, please stay calm for the time being!"

"Miss Suzuki, I can promise you, but please remember, it’s only this once, and your Suzuki Group and the black organization don’t know what the relationship is yet, so I hope you can understand one thing, if your Suzuki family wants to harm Xiao Bai, I won’t let you go!"

"If I want to hurt Xiao Bai, the copy of the diary will kill me immediately, so you can rest assured about this."

Suzuki Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief.

"So please do it as soon as possible."

The call ended, and Suzuki Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, OK, it's not too late!

Then Suzuki Sonoko immediately contacted her uncle. Originally,

Suzuki Sonoko thought that her uncle or her family really had something to do with the black organization. There is no connection, but Suzuki Sonoko easily obtained the Dusk Annex from her uncle, and even found out why her uncle bought the Dusk Annex. The reason why Suzuki Jirokichi bought the Dusk Annex was because of the Dusk Annex. According to rumors about the twilight annex, Renya Karasuma hid his huge wealth in the twilight annex, so Suzuki Jirokichi purchased the twilight annex. After the treasure was not found, Suzuki Jirokichi did not take care of the twilight annex..

Suzuki Sonoko now wanted the Dusk Annex, so Suzuki Jirokichi did not hesitate and directly gave the Dusk Annex out.

After knowing that her uncle had nothing to do with the black organization, Suzuki Sonoko also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sonoko, why do you want Dusk Villa?"

Suzuki Jiroyoshi also asked

"Hey, a person I know also heard the legend of the Dusk Annex just like you, uncle, so he wanted to find the treasure, so he dragged me to ask about it!".

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