Nangong Nayue appeared in front of Xiao Bai with gin and vodka. Xiao Bai did not expect that Nangong Nayue would catch Gin so quickly.

After Xiao Bai asked this question, Nangong Nayue said lightly:"It just so happens that there is one of our people in the other party's organization!"

Xiao Bai did not hear what Nangong Nayue said about us. What does it mean? He just nodded and said affirmatively:"Indeed, apart from trash, the black organization is a traitor and an undercover agent. The only one who can really get things done is Gin, but he will not be the same from now on!"

Xiao Bai Two groups of black mist appeared in his hands, and the two groups of black mist instantly submerged into the bodies of Gin and Vodka!

Gin and Vodka, who were eroded by the black mist, could endure the severe pain at first, but as time went by, Vodka took the lead and couldn't help but let out screams. After Vodka, It's gin.

Even with Gin's tough character, it was difficult to avoid screaming in the end.

Xiao Bai looked at Gin who was screaming, and a hint of revengeful joy appeared on his lips!

Nangong Nayue, Rem, and 827 Ram were indifferent as they watched Ginjiu scream.

By the way, Miyano Shiho went to find her sister after she was able to change her size anywhere, so she does not live in Xiao Bai's house now.

Vodka was quickly enveloped by black mist, leaving only a pair of red eyes that seemed to be glowing in the black mist.

Gin, on the other hand, was still struggling, as if he was resisting something.

"Why bother, give up your resistance. No matter how much you resist, you will eventually become my fanatical believer. Instead of suffering like this, you might as well accept everything and become my believer."

Earlier when Xiao Bai transformed Yamada Tifeng and Akita Kazuo, Xiao Bai discovered that after being transformed into deep divers, they would unconditionally surrender to themselves, so Xiao Bai did not intend to kill Gin and instead wanted to kill Gin. Gin transformed into a deep diver.

But Gin seemed to understand that if he stopped resisting, he might become Xiao Bai's puppet, so Gin still resisted, but this resistance brought Gin extremely severe pain. Not physically, but in the soul. It was as if the soul was being torn apart.

Rem and Ram looked at Gin's constant screams with joy in their eyes. If it weren't for Xiao Bai, If they don't kill, Ram and Rem will chop up Gin and feed it to the dogs.

Even though Gin is holding on, after more than an hour of torture, Gin finally collapsed, and the black mist followed. Gin was instantly corroded.

Then Gin and Vodka transformed into deep divers and appeared in front of Xiao Bai. Nangong Nayue looked at the two deep divers in front of him and said:"They don't have that This kind of pollution, ordinary people will not lose their minds after seeing it. Compared with the monsters we contained before, these two are very different."

"Continue to lurk in the black organization and inquire about the whereabouts of the legendary kitchen utensils for me, and inform me of any important news. You can leave now."

Gin and Vodka left obediently.

Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai and said,"I really can't imagine that if you become a great evil person, who else in this world can stop you!"

Xiao Bai is not Nangong Nayue's opponent now, but Xiao Bai can destroy the whole world. Nangong Nayue has no doubt that in the eyes of those two beings, destroying this planet is probably the same as exhaling. Simple

"No, because I’m not that desperate yet!"

【If I hadn't met these girls, maybe I would really have become the kind of evil person that Yue-chan said (beff), no, I should say that I am an ancestor!】

"Speaking of which, Yue-chan, who are you in the black organization?"

"Belmode! Xiao

Bai was stunned for a moment, then looked at Nangong Nayue:"Who?""

"Belmod, the reason why Gin was arrested so quickly this time was largely because of Belmod's guidance. With Belmod leading the way, Gin was arrested directly."

【Good guy, I really didn’t expect that Belmode was one of our own. If Yue-chan hadn’t said that, I probably wouldn’t have realized it.】

【But this way, there is no need to kill Bellmod. I originally thought that Gin would probably notice something was wrong with Bellmod in the black organization, so I also thought about letting Gin kill Bell. Mod was killed, but I didn’t expect that since Belmod was one of our own, there was no need to kill him, which was great! 】

Belmod, who was teasing Miyano Shiho's sisters, fell silent for a moment. He had gone through hell. If Xiao Bai hadn't known that he was his, he would have been prepared to let Gin know. Go ahead and kill yourself. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Miyano Shiho looked at Bermod:"Oh, I let you escape the disaster, Bermod"

"Shirley, your ability to change size anywhere is really suitable for you!"

"You just defecate anywhere, your whole family defecates anywhere!"

Miyano Shiho was immediately furious!

After Xiao Bai complained about this ability, it directly turned into urinating everywhere. Miyano Shiho said that this is very embarrassing!

After meeting Miyano Shiho, Bellmore was speechless. De then said:"We are all our own people, don't worry, I won't hurt you!"

"You want to hurt me, but can you do it?"

Miyano Shiho sneered. Diary copy holders cannot hurt each other, which means that Belmode can't do anything to her.

"There is nothing I can do against you, but you have forgotten that your sister is not the same!"

Belmod's words made Miyano Shiho's face look ugly for a moment.

In the chat group, Yuki Sakayanagi suddenly looked at Nangong Nazuki.

【Sakayanagi Yuqi: Nangong told Xiao Bai that month that the inheritance of the Bailuo family is all on the Bailuo noodle stick. The Bailuo noodle stick has all the inheritance of the Bailuo family, including the Bailuo snake chain and the old noodles. and recipes】

【Nangong Nayue: Really?】

【Sakayanagi Arisu: It’s true! ]

Nangong looked at Xiao Bai in front of him that month:"There is a rumor about the inheritance of the Bailuo family. The inheritance of the Bailuo family is based on the Bailuo noodle stick. If you can find the Bailuo noodle stick, you can get the Bailuo noodle stick." The inheritance of the Luo family!"

Xiao Bai:? ? ?.

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