Kinoshita Yuko and Kirishima Shoko left, but their departure left a mess for Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai really didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing, and Kirishima Shoko would actually say something like that. Xiao Bai was really Spartan.

Do you want this, do you want this?

Xiao Bai now felt that everyone in the class was looking at him with strange eyes. Xiao Bai looked at Yuji Sakamoto and wanted to explain:"Yuji, Kirishima and I"

"No need to explain, I know that after all, it is the result that I personally brought about. The future of Xiang and Kirishima will be left to you. Treat her well, I regard her as my sister!"

Xiao Bai looked at Sakamoto Yuuji and felt bad. Xiao Bai didn't understand whether Sakamoto Yuuji really said that women are like clothes, brothers are like brothers, or something else. Is Kirishima Shoko so disliked by you?

"You are really sick. What is wrong with Kirishima that makes you so disgusted?"

"It's not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just that I really don't like it. You can't force things on your relationship, right, so it's a good thing that Kirishima likes you. You, a guy like you, will definitely not reject Kirishima. Xiao Bai was unconvinced:"

Which of your eyes can tell that I will definitely accept Kirishima?""

"With two eyes, who can you deceive with your carefree look? Yukinoshita Yukino, Kato Megumi, Shinomiya Kaguya, and I’m afraid there are more others I don’t know!"

After saying that, Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai with a suspicious look on his face:"I even doubt whether all the girls in the club have a relationship with you."

"Slander, you are slandering!"

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Yoshii Akihisa:"Did Class D agree to the summoned beast war?"

"No, let’s talk about this, Yuuji, you bastard, you actually called the people in Class D sissies, do you know that I almost couldn’t come back~"

"Oh, that's fine. Let's be more honest for the time being. The Summoned Beast War will begin in a month."

Listening to Sakamoto Yuuji's words of not giving up, Xiao Bai shook his head without trying to persuade him. Xiao Bai most likely guessed why the school wanted to prevent Class F from launching the summoned beast war. Frequently summoning summoned beasts consumes energy. God, if it was just a normal summon, it would be nothing. But once the summoned beast dies, that is, the score returns to zero, it will cause some damage to the spirit of the summoned beast. It can be recovered once or twice, but once the number of times If there is too much, then the whole person will collapse!

As the class ended, Xiao Bai left the classroom and went to the service department. There was nothing at the student union, so Xiao Bai planned to go to the service department to have a look.

He pulled away the people in the service department, and then Xiao Bai Shiro saw the students at Otonogizaka School learning music theory and basic dance under the guidance of Yukinoshita Yukino. If you want to become an idol, you must be able to sing and dance, but these girls at Otonogizaka School can't even learn the most basic skills. They don’t even understand music theory, yet they are still playing with a hammer. After watching for a while, Xiao Bai discovered that in just a few days, these girls from Otonogizaka had actually made great progress.

"Very good, as long as you are a little more proficient in quota, I will definitely give you a pass when you want to apply for a club."

Xiao Bai praised, but these girls blushed one after another. After Yukinoshita Yukino's introduction, they realized how difficult it is to become an idol, and Yukinoshita Yukino directly They told them that the entertainment industry is not that easy to mess around, and is full of all kinds of dirty deals.

Xiao Bai had reminded these girls before, but these girls couldn't understand it until Yukinoshita Yukino told them, and then they were allowed to Knowing how naive their previous ideas were.

But in the end, these girls still decided to become idols.

Xiao Bai watched for a while

【Sure enough, we have finally embarked on this path, Muse!】

【But these girls are so pretty, and they deserve to be loved by my wife, especially the little bird, which is worthy of being my favorite among the muses, so cute! ]

Just as Xiao Bai was watching Muse and the girls practicing, the door to the service department was suddenly opened. Suzuki Sonoko walked in from the outside. After seeing Xiao Bai, she directly approached Xiao Bai.

"Xiao Bai, can you come with me? I have one thing to ask of you!"

Looking at Lingmu Yuanzi's appearance, Xiao Bai nodded:"Okay, then where are we going?"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly took Xiao Bai's hand, and then led Xiao Bai outside. Then Suzuki Sonoko pleaded to Xiao Bai:"My uncle was targeted by the spirit, so Xiao Bai Can I ask you to help save my uncle?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For a moment, Xiao Bai didn't expect that Suzuki Sonoko came to ask him for this matter, but Xiao Bai quickly reacted and faced Suzuki Sonoko. nodded

".Okay, for the sake of helping me at Dusk Annex before, I can go and have a look with you.

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly showed a smile on her face:"Thank you very much!""

"So let's go now?"

"Let's go now. My uncle's situation is not very good right now, so if possible, I hope to solve my uncle's problem as soon as possible!"

Xiao Bai and Lingmu Yuanzi got in the car and drove to Suzuki's house.

After arriving at Suzuki's house, Lingmu Yuanzi's father and mother did not look down on Xiao Bai because of Xiao Bai's age, but valued Xiao Bai very much.

"I'm sorry that I can't entertain you right now."

"It’s okay, just go see the person you’re talking about!"

Then (Li Hao) took Xiao Bai directly to Suzuki Jirokichi's room. At this time, Suzuki Jirokichi seemed to be dead, and he was lying there.

"Is he unconscious like this?"

"Yes, but according to the examination at the hospital, he is aging bit by bit. We asked the relevant official to check it, and they said that something was sucking my cousin's life force!"

Suzuki Shiro explained the situation to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai stepped forward to check. Xiao Bai opened Suzuki Jiroki's eyes. Then Xiao Bai discovered that there seemed to be a figure reflected in the pupils of Suzuki Jirokichi's eyes. The next moment A jet of black fog suddenly erupted from Xiao Bai's body, and then a majestic shadow appeared in the sky.

But the next moment, the reflection in Suzuki Jirokichi's pupils also appeared in the sky Confronting the majestic shadow!

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