Yukinoshita Yukino's expression was a little stiff. Although Yukinoshita Yukino was a little angry at Ram's words, she was more helpless and silent.

Yukinoshita Yukino also knows that she is a bit of a saint like this, but do the civilians of Amerika really deserve to die?

Is it really reasonable that the top officials of American made mistakes, and then the civilians at the bottom of American were affected by it, and then died because of it?

Those high-level officials can run away and have superior medical conditions. Their chances of survival are definitely higher than those of civilians. However, those civilians are simply implicated. I don’t know how many people will die by then.

【Nangong Nazuki: Yukinoshita Yukino, the struggle between countries is so cruel. Do the ordinary residents of Bedlord City deserve to die?】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: I just feel that we shouldn’t cause more damage. The dead cannot be resurrected, so there is no need to cause more casualties.】

【Ram: If you dislike Notre Dame being too far away, then you can go to Leshan. There is a giant Buddha there. Go and ask the giant Buddha to stand up, and then let it give up its position to you!】

【Momoki Luoli: If your parents and relatives all died in Bed Master City this time, would you still be able to say such a thing? 】

Yukinoshita Yukino's body was shaken. If her relatives died in bed master city, would she still be able to be like this now and say such words? She wanted to understand this. Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt ashamed. She blushed and finally spoke in the chat group.

【Yukinoshita Yukino: I'm sorry, I was too naive. I simply thought of so many people who had died and didn't want anyone to die because of this, but I forgot the pain of those who died and their relatives. My thoughts are undoubtedly It's another harm to those of you!】

【Honami Ichinose: We are not qualified to intervene in this matter, and we are not qualified to forgive anyone on behalf of anyone else. 】

While discussing in the chat group, Xiao Bai's plane had already landed at the Los Santos airport.

After walking out of Los Santos, Xiao Bai looked at the sun hanging in the sky with a smile on his face.

"Los Santos, can this prosperous city still be so prosperous in the future?"

Suddenly Xiao Bai felt that his body was hit by someone. Seeing the little black guy who bumped into him hurried away, Xiao Bai frowned and then found that his wallet was gone.


Xiao Hei Bai didn't know that the pickpocket had stolen his wallet, but before Xiao Bai could take action, a figure chased after him, subdued Xiao Hei on the spot, and then took out the handcuffs and handed him After Xiao Hei was handcuffed, he brought Xiao Hei to Xiao Bai.

"Hello, this is your wallet!"

When Xiao Bai saw the other party, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he subconsciously shouted:"Miss Jerusalem! The other party was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Bai and retorted:"You have the wrong person. I am not Miss Jerusalem. My name is Tifa Lockhart, a police officer from the Los Santos Police Department!" Xiao

Bai looked at Tifa Lockhart and then reacted:"Sorry, sorry, thank you very much, Miss Tifa, if it weren't for you, I might not have even noticed that my wallet was stolen!""

【I didn’t expect to see Miss Jerusalem in Los Santos. Just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem, the 3D Zone cannot live without Tifa. I just don’t know if this Miss Jerusalem is from the 3D Zone or not.But now that I have met her, I can help this young lady from Jerusalem. 】

Xiao Bai looked at the other party, and then asked with a smile:"As a thank you, I would like to treat Miss Lockhart to a meal. I wonder if Miss Lockhart has time?"

Tifa Lockhart looked at Xiao Bai showed a hearty smile, and then replied to Xiao Bai:"Okay, but as promised, it's okay to just eat, but it's not okay if you want to chase me!"

Xiao Bai subconsciously heard this sentence He asked:"Why?"

"Because I have no plans to find a boyfriend yet! After Xiao

Bai heard this sentence, he said:"I thought Miss Lockhart you were married or already had a boyfriend!""

Looking at Xiao Bai, Tifa said with a smile:"You are different from other Ming people. Other Ming people are usually very reserved, but you are different. You are very direct, and I even think you are very likely. It's from Ameliken!"

"Well, I'm usually very reserved, but when I met Miss Lockhart, I took the initiative! Tifa laughed, and then said to Xiao Bai:"Okay, you have won my favor, so let's meet at this place tonight!" Tifa said and gave Xiao Bai a card, and then left with Xiao Hei. Xiao Bai looked at Tifa leaving and smiled. He looked at the card in his hand and found that it was a restaurant business card.

Collect it. After getting his business card, Xiao Bai found a hotel. After putting away the gifts, he sent a message to the girls in Neon, saying that he had arrived safely. Then Xiao Bai was ready to buy some clothes.

Tonight There was still a date with Miss Jerusalem. Xiao Bai still hoped to make a good impression on this Miss Jerusalem, so he still needed to dress appropriately.

Soon it was evening, and Xiao Bai found the address according to the address on the card. After entering the restaurant, Xiao Bai booked a seat and started waiting for Miss Jerusalem.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Bai saw Miss Jerusalem wearing a purple dress. He stood up and waved to Miss Jerusalem. He waved his hand, and soon Miss Jerusalem came over.

"Well, are you here so early?"

"I forgot the appointment time, so I came at five o'clock. I didn't want to be late for a date with a beautiful lady! Tifa laughed, then looked at Xiao Bai and said,"You are very interesting, more interesting than the Ming people I know!""

"That's my pleasure!"

Xiao Bai said and stood up and pulled out a chair for Tifa.


After thanking Tifa, she sat down with a bright smile on her face, which made Xiao Bai feel slightly lost!.

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