Tifa came to Xiao Bai's side almost immediately, then pulled Xiao Bai down and squatted down, using the table as a shield. Then she touched her leg with her hand, and instantly a pistol appeared in Tifa's hand.

When Xiao Bai saw this scene, he stared at Tifa and said,"You come out to eat with me and you still carry a pistol? Are you so worried about what I will do to you?"

Tifa replied to Xiao Bai in embarrassment:"I'm used to it. This gun can bring me a sense of security. As far as the results are concerned, my choice is not wrong. It comes in handy now!"

Xiao Bai glanced at Tifa helplessly after hearing what Tifa said. Then he looked at Xiao Hei who rushed into the restaurant with a gun, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

This Xiao Hei is really annoyed that his date with Miss Jerusalem was interrupted like this.

Just when Xiao Bai was thinking about whether to take action, Tifa beside Xiao Bai suddenly stood up, and then fired two bang-bang shots to directly put the two black men down, and then Tifa aimed at Xiao Bai. Bai said:"Okay, let's solve it!"

Xiao Bai stood up and was about to say something when he suddenly saw 22 another Xiao Hei appeared at the door outside. The other person had already reached for his gun, and Xiao Bai hugged him directly. Tifa's waist, and then one of his hands grabbed the hand holding Tifa's gun, held Tifa in a circle, and shot the little black guy at the door to death!

Tifa's body tensed up, and it took a while before she relaxed.

"You can let me go now."

Xiao Bai let go of Tifa's hand and hugged Tifa's waist and said,"Sorry, the situation just now was urgent, so"

"It's okay, I understand, but we are probably in big trouble. These people are actually Kingpin's people from Hell's Kitchen. I'm okay. As a police officer in Los Santos, Kingpin won't target me openly, but you and I I'm afraid that Kingpin will be used as a punching bag if we are together."

Tifa looked at the tattoo exposed on the little black arm and said with some distress, but Xiao Bai looked at Tifa and said:"Don't worry, I'm fine, but it seems that I can't eat this meal.!"

"At this time, you are still thinking about eating. Kingpin is the godfather of the entire underground gang in Los Santos. There is no problem for the other party to kill someone in Los Santos."

Seeing Xiao Bai's look, Tifa thought that Xiao Bai didn't know who Jin Bing was, so she immediately explained, and then directly pulled Xiao Bai out of the restaurant!

"You go with me first. It's not safe here for the time being. You go to my house to take shelter first. I'll send you away tomorrow."

Tifa said, regardless of Xiao Bai's intention, and directly pulled Xiao Bai away. Soon Xiao Bai was stuffed into a car by Tifa, and then Tifa drove Xiao Bai back to a place. House.

After taking Xiao Bai back home, Tifa said to Xiao Bai:"Tomorrow I will give you a ticket, and then you immediately leave Los Santos and return to Neon!"

Xiao Bai laughed after listening to Tifa's words. Tifa was still laughing when she saw Xiao Bai, and immediately glared at Xiao Bai fiercely:"I'm not joking with you, I will give it to you tomorrow. I don’t want to find your body in a stinky ditch any time after leaving Amelican."

"So will you come with me?"

"Don't worry about me, nothing will happen to me, Jin Pin doesn't dare to do anything to me!"

Xiao Bai didn't say much when he heard this, but Tifa said to Xiao Bai:"Okay, then you go to rest first, I will send you away early tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, but are you really not willing to leave with me? Tifa hesitated for a moment, and then said to Xiao Bai:"I will find you when I have time.""

Xiao Bai doesn't want to say anything more, but it's impossible to leave America without leaving America, and the Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen is probably not the Kingpin in Marvel. Xiao Bai doesn't know what Tifa's background is, but Xiao Bai Bai didn't intend to leave just like this.

If he left, then Tifa turned into the heroine of the 3D zone. Xiao Bai couldn't bear it, so Xiao Bai would naturally end this Hell's Kitchen..

Moreover, it would be a huge regret not to experience the joy of gun battles after coming to Ameili.

Tifa handed the disposable toiletries to Xiao Bai and said:"Occasionally, some female friends will come There are just these things for you to live in. You can use them first."

"As for the room, you sleep in the one next to mine first! Xiao

Bai saw Tifa arranging everything for him and said with a smile:"I think you will be a good wife in the future!" Tifa

's expression froze slightly, and then she said:"Stop talking nonsense, go wash up quickly, and then go to bed early and I will send you away early tomorrow morning.""

"Well, good night then, my Miss Jerusalem!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai entered the room pointed by Tifa with toiletries in his arms.

At night, Tifa tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep. For the first time, he gave a man to Taking it home, Tifa felt that she was really crazy. She actually brought the man she met for the first time home.

Moreover, her mind kept echoing that in the restaurant, Xiao Bai held his waist with one hand. This scene of me spinning my hands in circles.

513 I don’t know if I can see him again after tomorrow!

Tifa got up suddenly, then walked out, went to the next door, and wanted to knock on the door, but she was worried that Xiao Bai was asleep He was woken up by himself.

However, Tifa quickly took out a spare key and opened the door. However, after opening the door, the room was empty.

Just when Tifa was worried, suddenly A diary appeared in the void and fell down. Tifa subconsciously reached out to catch the diary.

A copy of Xiao Bai's diary (exclusive to Tifa Lockhart). Tifa looked at the diary with a smile on her face. With a look of astonishment, she hesitated and picked up the diary, but the diary at the next moment suddenly disappeared into Tifa's hands, but as her mind moved, the diary at the next moment appeared in Tifa's hand. In sight!

Tifa started to look through the diary. After reading the diary, Tifa's expression suddenly changed. She had no idea that Xiao Bai came to Amiliken to release the virus, let alone Xiao Bai. Bai actually had such a bizarre experience, but Tifa now understood what Xiao Bai meant by the Jerusalem lady.

"Damn that guy!"

Biting her lip, Tifa suddenly thought of

"He shouldn't be going to Hell's Kitchen to find Kingpin!".

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