Opening her eyes, Tifa looked at Xiao Bai next to her, and her heart was full of complicated emotions. She actually had sex with a man she had only known for a day.

Of course, Tifa had no regrets, she just felt a little weird. Before this, Tifa had no interest in men. Even the little sisters in the police station thought that Tifa might be a lesbian.

But who could have imagined that after just knowing Xiao Bai for a day, the two of them would have sex so naturally, and they would be so crazy that they would leave traces of fighting everywhere in the house.

What's even more unimaginable for Tifa is that she knew that the other party came to America to spread the virus, but she didn't arrest the other party!

Even Tifa could only convince herself that the other party was too powerful and she was trying to prevent the other party from causing greater damage.

Tifa opened the diary chat group, and then asked questions in the group

【Tifa Lockhart: Is there any way to prevent Xiaobai from releasing the virus? The people of America are innocent. As a police officer, I cannot just watch the people of America suffer a large number of deaths because of Xiao Bai!】

【Ram: Here comes another one. Are there so many Holy Mothers? Stop it, why stop it? Just allow you people from America to come and release the virus. Are we not allowed to retaliate with a tooth for a tooth or an eye for an eye?】

【Tifa Lockhart: To be precise, although the virus came from America, the person who poisoned it was Soichiro Takagi, so what happened in Bed Host City is not considered America’s fault~】

【Kirishima Shoko: Don’t say that America doesn’t know why the Restoration Society wants the virus, and Souichiro Takagi was also tricked by America, so don’t say that America means well!】

【Nangong Nayue: It's useless to say anything here. If you stop Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai can't complete the contract with Hastauruk. No one knows what price Xiao Bai will pay, so I won't stop him!】

【Shinomiya Kaguya: Yes, I think Xiao Bai did the right thing in this matter. If someone doesn’t hurt America, should Xiao Bai hurt himself? 】

Tifa had no way to refute the contract between Xiao Bai and Hastauruk. Xiao Bai would put the virus somewhere else to complete the contract with Hastauruk.

In fact, Tifa didn't know that Xiao Bai could cancel the contract with Hastauruk if he wanted to, and as a price, Xiao Bai only had to do the Eight Demon-Breaking Formations for Hastauruk!

Ever since the Sichuan-style catfish and beef liver double fight, Hastaulyk has been obsessed with the Eight Demon-Breaking Formations. If Xiao Bai uses this as an exchange price, then Hastaulyk will definitely agree to Xiao Bai's termination of the contract.

【Tifa Lockhart: Is there really no way to stop it?】

【Yae Shenzi: Little guy, even you shouldn’t stop it. Between the others and Xiao Bai, you need to make a choice. If you can’t abandon everything for Xiao Bai, I suggest you break it off as soon as possible. The relationship with Xiao Bai is relatively good, because he might do more extreme things in the future, such as genocide or something like that.】

【Asuna Yuki: Yaegamiko, are you kidding me? Genocide or something like that?】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: As far as I know about Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai will never commit such a thing as genocide. Yae Shenzi, you must be talking nonsense!】

【Nangong Nayue: No, the vixen Yae Shenzi is not talking nonsense. Xiao Bai is really likely to commit genocide. The specific reasons are not convenient for me to tell you now. ]

Looking at the speeches of Yae Shenzi and Nangong Nayue in the diary, the rest of the people in the chat room couldn't help but feel terrified. Could Xiao Bai commit such a thing as genocide? this

【Yamada Fairy: I think unless someone does something that makes Xiao Bai extremely angry, Xiao Bai will not do such cruel things as genocide, right?】

【Yae Shenzi: Haha, who knows!】

【Tifa Lockhart: Isn't what we should be discussing now about Xiaobai releasing the dead body virus in Los Santos?】

【Kikuchi Sonoko: Regarding this matter, we will not provide you with any help, because providing help to you would be a betrayal of the tens of millions of people who have died in Bedlord City!】

【Nakiri Erina: I stand by Xiao Bai on this matter. The people in America are really bastards. They actually released such a virus in Bedlord City. If it hadn’t been stopped in time, the entire neon world might have been destroyed. We are already infected with this virus. By then, hundreds of millions of people in Neon may have died because of this virus.】

【Nakiri Alice: Yes, I stand with Erina on this matter. Xiao Bai made the right choice this time. I support and approve of Xiao Bai going to America.】

【Momochi Luoli: Support +1】

【Yumeko Snake: Support +2. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Kirishima Shoko: Support +3】


【Ram: Support +10001, okay, then you see that most people in the chat room agree with Xiao Bai’s approach, so if you want to find a way to stop Xiao Bai in the chat room, I think you are wasting your time.! ]

Tifa looked at the content in the chat room and smiled bitterly without saying anything. Tifa could understand the emotions of those in the chat room, but Tifa still couldn't watch Xiao Bai spreading the dead body virus.

So Tifa made a decision, that is, as long as Xiao Bai is in America, she will stay close to Xiao Bai and not give Xiao Bai any chance to release the virus!

As soon as she thought of it, Tifa directly called the police station to ask for a long leave. As for whether the director would approve the leave, Tifa said let that damn bald man die. I am saving America now.

Xiao Bai slowly opened his eyes, and then looked at Tifa who was looking at him.

He smiled, then hugged Tifa and kissed her!

"Good morning, my Miss Jerusalem!"

Tifa immediately became angry when she heard the title Miss Jerusalem.

"Try calling me Miss Jerusalem!"

The West cannot live without Jerusalem, just like the 3D zone cannot live without Tifa, right!

Let's see whether it is your mouth or my fist that is stronger!"

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