Xiao Bai and Tifa came to Raccoon City. Before coming, Xiao Bai and Tifa agreed that if the T-virus did not spread out of Raccoon City, then Xiao Bai could only confine the virus to Raccoon City. However, after arriving in Raccoon City, Xiao Bai But it was discovered that the virus had already spread out of Raccoon City.

"Tifa, my agreement with you is that if the T-Virus in Raccoon City does not spread out of Raccoon City, then I will control the virus in Raccoon City, but unfortunately, the virus has already spread."

【God helps me. Not only did I get Tifa's promise, but I don't have to fulfill the agreement with Tifa. The T-virus has already spread out of Raccoon City, so the agreement between Tifa and me is completely invalid. Tsk tsk, The executives at Umbrella are really nice people! 】

Xiao Bai couldn't help but sigh in his heart. As for Tifa's mood at this moment, it was not very beautiful. After all, Raccoon City had become a hell on earth, and now the virus had actually spread.

"Bai, you said that the virus will spread through the air, right? You don’t want the virus to spread to the whole world, right?"

【I don’t want the virus to spread to the whole world, but I want the virus to spread to America, so after the virus covers America 24, I ask Hastauruk to limit the virus to America, and watch it every day America News, look at how many people died here today and how many people will die here tomorrow! ]

Tifa couldn't help but harden her fists when she saw Xiao Bai's inner voice, and looked at Xiao Bai with a smile but not a smile:"Bai, you are very happy now, right? You don't have to fulfill my agreement with you!"

"Um, Tifa, if you say you're unhappy, that's a lie. I hate America very much, so please allow me to gloat that America is like this. And I want to make it clear that this was not my fault, it was you, America. The person who got stuck did it himself, so even if you want to be angry, you shouldn't be angry with me, but those Umbrella executives!"

Tifa loosened her clenched fists in despair. Xiao Bai was right. It was not Xiao Bai who was wrong, but the capital of those who did not treat people as human beings. Seeing

Tifa's disappointed look, Xiao Bai coughed dryly. :"Okay, Tifa, maybe we should leave. There will be nuclear bombs falling from the sky soon, and the entire city will be reduced to rubble by then."

Tifa stared at Xiao Bai. She looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief, wanting to know whether Xiao Bai was telling the truth.

"I can tell you clearly that all of this is true. Don’t overestimate the bottom line of capital. Those who can become capital cannot be good people. Capital requires blood to accumulate!"

Xiao Bai knows what America's capital is like. If there is no war, start a war. Whether it is to experiment with new weapons or to sell old weapons, America's capital does not mind as long as it can make money. to do anything that would go to hell

"Bai, I know you have a way, you can"

"Sorry, Tifa, I can't. I promised you that I would fulfill my promise to you if the virus was limited to Raccoon City, but now the virus has spread to the entire state of Colorado!"

Then Xiao Bai was about to leave with Tifa, but suddenly Xiao Bai looked at this hell-like Raccoon City and felt a slight movement in his heart.

【Maybe I can use this incident to split America. Even if America is not destroyed, it won't matter. In this way, I can agree to Tifa's request, and if I successfully split America, I can control it a little bit. The separatist officials asked them to issue an order to massacre the black people, or even restore serfdom and let Xiaohei go back to grow cotton! ]

Tifa looked at the boy next to her and couldn't understand why Xiao Bai hated those little blacks so much, but Tifa suddenly thought of some cases in the Los Santos Police Department.

Xiao Hei’s sexual assault case, Xiao Hei’s robbery case, Xiao Hei’s murder case, Xiao Hei’s zero-dollar purchase

Well, Tifa suddenly found that she also felt disgusted with those little blackies. If there were no little blackies, it would seem that the security of America would be much better?

"Tifa, I promise you to confine the T-Virus to Colorado. You should be satisfied with this!"

"If you don't have any other bad ideas, I'd be happy."

Xiao Bai never expected that Tifa would suddenly notice that he had other thoughts. Then Xiao Bai looked at Tifa and said,"Just tell me whether you want it or not. If you don't want to, I won't do it."

"I think, okay, you bastard, no matter what bad things you want to do in the future, but now I hope you can stop the spread of the virus. The virus is a bad thing for all human beings. This is not just It's about America."

Having no choice but to do so, I still hope that Xiao Bai will confine the virus to Colorado!

After talking to Hastauruk and confirming that the other party will control the T-virus and confine it to Colorado, Xiao Bai said to Tifa:"OK, Done, but I think we need to report the truth about Raccoon City, what do you think, Miss Tifa?"

Knowing that Xiao Bai's move was intended to split America, but Tifa was unable to stop 357 and did not want to stop it. It was also time for America's senior officials to realize that civilians were not toys in their hands.

As Xiao Bai moved a large number of Photos of Raccoon City were posted on social platforms, and with the guidance of caring people, Umbrella Company was soon put on fire.

In addition, Xiao Bai also discovered something According to the news that Hastauruk passed to Xiao Bai, the dead virus he released was actually a weakened version of the T virus, which means that the dead virus was created by Umbrella.

On the social platform, after it was revealed that the virus would spread through the air to the world, America panicked! If it were just Raccoon City, people in other states and cities would most likely say a few sarcastic remarks, but it was related to their own vital interests. , even thinking that she might become that kind of monster, America's tradition broke out, and countless people began to march, demanding an explanation from the White Palace. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And At this time, the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau also sent their agents into Raccoon City to investigate!

And the agent they sent was the famous Black Widow Natasha Romanoff!.

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