America releases the T-Virus to the world? Not to mention Tifa and Natasha didn't believe it, even Xiao Bai himself didn't believe it, but what's the use of not believing it, the facts have already happened and are in front of you

"You can take out your mobile phones and take a look. This matter should be mentioned on social platforms now!"

Following Xiao Bai's words, Natasha and Tifa spontaneously took out their mobile phones and opened the social software. Then the two of them were stunned!

It's actually true. Every one of the fifty states in America has A similar thing happened, and then the two of them looked at foreign social platforms and found that they were almost the same, with similar emotions everywhere. At this moment, Tifa felt like she wanted to kill those senior executives of America. The impulse, but Natasha looked at Xiao Bai, with suspicion towards Xiao Bai in her eyes!

Why did Xiao Bai know about the outbreak of the virus around the world?

But if Xiao Bai was the one who released the virus, then everything would be possible It hurt to say it, and then Natasha received Xiao Bai's identity from the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack 820 and Logistics Bureau. He was a tourist from Neon, a student, but related to Governor Neon.

So Xiao Bai The probability of poisoning was much higher, and Natasha was almost unable to bear it and subdued Xiao Bai on the spot. However, considering the hive base Xiao Bai mentioned, Natasha did not take action, but planned to After figuring out the hive base, I'll try to find a way to arrest Xiao Bai.

【The top executives in America are crazy and actually released the T-Virus to the whole world. Aren't they worried about playing with fire and burning themselves? Even though they have the antidote to the body virus in their hands, what good does it do them to do this?】

【My head hurts. I was originally just here to take revenge on the bed host. Who would have thought that something like this would actually happen? Could it be that I am a disaster star? Disasters happen wherever I go.】

【No, how is this possible? It's just a coincidence. How could I be a disaster? I'm not Kudo Shinichi, the god of death elementary school student!】

【Forget it, first go to the hive base to find out the senior executives of Umbrella Company, and then ask these senior executives to apologize to themselves. These bullshit guys are destroying the earth.】

【The T-virus is not only effective on humans, but also on the earth. It can gradually turn the forest into desert and eventually lead to the death of the planet!】

【etc.There's no Final Fantasy plot in this damn thing, right? Why does it feel like the plot of Jenova Cells in Final Fantasy? Yes, Tifa has appeared, so it seems that it is not unacceptable to have a Final Fantasy plot. 】

Xiao Bai pinched his eyebrows, then turned to Tifa and said:"Tifa, let's go to the hive."

【No matter what, this time we will get rid of the T virus first. Well, after we find out those Umbrella executives, let Umbrella executives do a live broadcast, and then let them try it for themselves. Infected with the T-Virus, these bastards】

"The Hive Base is where you said before that the top executives of Umbrella Company sleep? So what's going on with the Umbrella executives outside?"

"They are just clones. Let’s not talk about this anymore. It’s time for us to set off. If we arrive a second earlier, we might be able to eliminate the T-Virus a second earlier. You also want to solve the T-Virus, right?"

Tifa stopped talking, Xiao Bai took Tifa and Natasha and quickly arrived at the disguised villa on the hive ground.

"Is this the hive?"

Tifa looked at this small villa and looked at Xiao Bai with a trace of doubt in her eyes. Xiao Baiguo (cech) shook his head.

"Of course not, this is just a disguise, the real hive is underground, but you need to be prepared. There are many zombies under the hive, and many of the original hive staff have all turned into zombies!"

With a wave of his hand, countless weapons appeared in front of Tifa.

"Come play a shooting game with me!"

Tifa didn't say anything. She silently picked up the weapon and filled the magazine with bullets. Natasha looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"Can I also take the weapon?"

"Of course, I would be very happy if you are willing to join this game. After all, the game is for more people to laugh and play together."

Natasha silently selected the main weapon and secondary weapon, and then started to load the magazine. No one knows what will happen next, so this weapon is Natasha's next safety guarantee and

She glanced at Xiao Bai from the corner of her eye. So far, Natasha still believed that Xiao Bai was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Soon the three of them entered the hive. As the door of the base opened, zombies emerged instantly.

"Hey, remember to start, otherwise these things will not die."

Xiao Bai reminded Tifa and Natasha that the rifle in his hand had already hit the head of the approaching zombies! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Tifa also followed suit, sending These zombies go to see God, and Natasha deliberately keeps bullets, so unless necessary, she rarely squanders bullets like Tifa and Xiao Bai. After all, she doesn’t know how many bullets Xiao Bai brought. Ammunition.

Under the strong firepower, these zombies were wiped out instantly. Xiao Bai quickly took Natasha and Tifa to the hive base.

"Intruders, stop your steps!"

The figure of the Red Queen appeared in front of Xiao Bai and the others.

"Sorry, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, so"

Xiao Bai waved his hand and disappeared. Then Xiao Bai led people into the dormant warehouse where the senior executives of Umbrella Company were located, and then dragged these senior executives out one by one.

The first words these senior executives said after they woke up made Natasha collapse.

"We were awakened by the Red Queen, and it seems that we have completed the human cleansing plan."

Human cleansing plan?

" Natasha almost collapsed when these words came from the mouth of a senior Umbrella company executive!

Then Natasha stepped forward and hit the other party on the head with the butt of a gun, causing the other party to scream.

"Bitchi, you son of a bitch, tell me what your human cleansing plan actually means!"

Natasha said and was about to shoot.

"Don't beat him to death, but also interrogate the information from the other party's mouth!".

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