Natasha looked at Xiao Bai without any hesitation, and raised her hand again to give Xiao Bai another shot, but at this time Tifa shot the gun away from Natasha's hand, and then Stare a gun at Natasha's head

"Don't move, I won't allow you to shoot my boyfriend in front of me! Natasha

's body couldn't help but tense up, while Tifa looked at Xiao Bai:"Are you really planning to do this?" Let everyone in the world die?"

"If I really plan to do this, then Tifa, what will you choose? Or should you follow me to rule the world or stop me from ruling the world? Xiao

Bai held the disintegrating agent in his hand and asked Tifa with an undiminished smile. Tifa answered without any hesitation:"If you really plan to kill the"977" people all over the world, then I I will stop you. As a police officer, I will not allow you to do such a thing!"

"Oh, you want to stop me? Even if you want to kill me, you still want to stop me?"

"Yes, even if I kill you, I will stop you, but after killing you, I will also commit suicide!"

Xiao Bai laughed, then looked at Tifa and said:"It's really scary, but I can't bear to let you die, and there are other people who I can't bear to die, so I'm just joking, Rule Although the world seems very interesting, I can't rule the world at the expense of the death of the people I care about. If everyone I care about dies, then what's the point of the existence of this world, let alone ruling the world?"

"Doesn’t that mean that if you prepare yourself and place the people you care about, you will kill everyone and rule the world? Xiao

Bai chuckled, looked at Natasha who asked and said casually:"If I'm interested, then why not?" Do those unknown people have anything to do with me? I am a very selfish person!"

Sneering, Xiao Bai looked at Tifa and said:"For the people I care about, I can become the devil who destroys the world. Similarly, for the people I care about, I can also be the savior of the world."

Then Xiao Bai directly crushed the disintegrating agent in his hand. The moment it came into contact with the air, the disintegrating agent vaporized.

"The disintegrating agent spreads through the air, so it takes a while. I don’t know how long this period of time will take. I’ll help you a little bit!"

A green wind blew around Xiao Bai. Tifa and Natasha were instantly blown around by the wind, and in the next moment, a blue wind could be seen everywhere in the world. However, the rioting zombies in the city instantly fell to the ground and lost their lives after being blown by the wind.

"The disintegrating agent has been blown to the whole world through my wind, and the crisis of the T virus has been officially resolved, so am I the savior, Miss Jerusalem?"

Xiao Bai blinked at Tifa and asked. Tifa didn't say anything, just threw away the gun in his hand, then hugged Xiao Bai and kissed him in front of the whole world's live broadcast. Countless people gritted their teeth when they saw this scene.!

How they hope that the person in Xiao Bai's arms and Xiao Bai kissing are themselves!

Natasha also breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly the Bluetooth headset in Natasha's ear came out and Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D. With the order, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. asked Natasha to rescue all the politicians and members of the major families in the dormant warehouse, and never let the other party die. For a moment,

Natasha felt like Nick Fury Rui, a damn nigger, was embarrassing himself and deliberately letting himself die. How could a monster like Xiao Bai save people from the opponent's hands?

But Nick Fury instantly told Natasha a way, that is, through Ti Tifa comes to rescue these politicians and family heirs. As a policeman with a very sense of justice, Tifa can use Tifa's sense of justice to achieve her goals, such as letting these people stand trial! After hearing

Nick Fury's words, Natasha I feel that Nick Fury is treating Xiao Bai as a fool!

Who will be tried?

Maybe he went back to his bank account that night, so Natasha obviously doesn't want to fulfill Nick Fury's order. , directly pressed the Bluetooth on his ear and said to Nick Fury:"Do you think this monster is a fool? I refuse to carry out such an order!"

"Agent Natasha Romanoff, I ask you to complete the order. You must know that if all these high-level officials die, America will collapse in an instant!"

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Natasha glanced at Xiao Bai subconsciously, and then found that Xiao Bai was looking at her with a half-smile, and Natasha's heart tightened........

"Agent Natasha, I hope you can do your best for America, and according to the information we investigated, this man has a common male problem, and there are many women around him, so"

After hearing this sentence, Natasha's face turned dark, and then she yelled:"Go to hell, you nigger, you son of a bitch, I quit, let America go to hell, Damn Fuck!"

Natasha yelled angrily, then took out the Bluetooth from her ear and threw it to the ground to crush it.

Xiao Bai retracted his gaze from Natasha, then pointed the gun at Tifa and said:"Tifa, give the criminal a trial. I promised him not to kill him, so you can only come.!"

Isaac, who was thinking about how to survive, suddenly stared at Xiao Bai:"No, you promised to let me go for 2.5 days, you can't"

Xiao Bai laughed when he heard this sentence:"I promised to let you go, but the others did not agree. Don't worry, no one here except you can escape, you will all die!" (Read Baoshuang Novel! , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai blew a whistle, Tifa raised her hand, took the pistol handed over by Xiao Bai, and shot Isaacs in front of her. A bullet instantly penetrated Isaacs's body. On the forehead, Xiao Bai then said to Tifa:"Fire a few more shots, and the best thing is to smash them, so that the other party will not pretend to be dead!"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Isaac, who seemed to be dead, suddenly said with resentment Looking at Xiao Bai, Tifa's eyes twitched, and then without saying a word, she picked up the rifle and pointed it at Isaacs' head..

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