Tifa was shocked, as if she didn't expect that America would be like this now, and that Xiao Bai didn't intend to let America go.

Tifa saw Xiao Bai's appearance and said to Xiao Bai:"Bai, I want to stay and join the Avengers. I hope to contribute to world peace.""

"If you want world peace, then staying by my side is the best thing. Only if you stay by my side can you contribute to world peace.

【Tifa still wants to stay in the Avengers and contribute to world peace? Don't you know that staying by my side is the best contribution? 】

Tifa naturally saw the diary recorded by Xiao Bai, but Tifa still planned to stay in America and join the Avengers.

"Tifa, you promised me. If you want to go back on your word, I will never agree. You must follow me back to Neon!"

"Sorry, I can't leave, at least not now, Bai, I don't want to be the canary in your cage. Tifa looked at Xiao Bai firmly, and Xiao Bai looked at Tifa with a headache:"You promised me that you would return to Neon with me, and now you go back on it, which makes me very angry!""

【Sure enough, I shouldn't have been soft-hearted. If I had known better, I would have waited until everyone in America was dead and then dealt with the T-Virus. Damn it, Tifa actually regretted it. I'm so angry. ]

A trace of guilt flashed across Tifa's face, and then she said to Xiao Bai:"I can make it up to you!"

"This is not a matter of compensation or not. Tifa, you must return to Neon with me. I will not let you stay in America. There is no negotiation on this!"

"I wear black stockings!"

Xiao Bai looked at Tifa's legs. It was a pity that these legs were not wearing black stockings. But Xiao Bai quickly shook his head. Now is not the time to talk about this.

"If black silk is not enough, add white silk, silver silk, and garter stockings!"

Tifa looked at Xiao Bai's look and said immediately, with the little XP this guy Xiao Bai has, Tifa is still not sure about it.

"Don't tempt me. I, Xiao Bai, am not the kind of person who will be tempted. Just give up. I will definitely take you back to Neon!"

【What a joke, Tifa actually used black stockings to seduce me. If the black stockings were not enough, she even added white stockings, silver stockings, and garters. Am I, Xiao Bai, the kind of person who will be tempted by you?】

【That's it, that's it, you have to raise the stakes! 】

Tifa with a black hair looked at Xiao Bai, looking at Xiao Bai's righteous words. If she hadn't heard what Xiao Bai said in her heart, Tifa would have been deceived by Xiao Bai. This guy

Looking at Xiao Bai speechlessly, Tifa said to Xiao Bai:"Adding the bunny girl!"

Xiao Bai:""

【No, I can't stand it any more. Tifa actually raises the bunny girl. This is really no good, I can't stand it anymore! ]

Looking at Xiao Bai, Tifa laughed:"If you are still not satisfied, then there is nothing you can do. I have to go back to Neon with you!"

"This oneIn fact, it’s not impossible to consider, but you have to try all the stockings to see which stockings are more suitable for you! Seeing Xiao

Bai like that, Tifa rolled her eyes fiercely and then said:"Okay, then it's a deal!""

"But I'm not worried about letting you stay here!"

【Although Tifa convinced me to let her join the Avengers, with Tifa's ability as a three-legged cat, I really doubt whether my Tifa who walks in front of me and walks in the back will really become the heroine of the 3D zone. In Hell's Kitchen, if I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid she wouldn't be right now】

Tifa couldn't hold back her fingers and pinched Xiao Bai hard.

"Hiss, Tifa, why are you pinching me?"

"I sense you are thinking bad things!"

【Sure enough, none of the girls around me are fuel-efficient, and every one of them really has a crush on me. I can clearly understand everything I'm thinking! 】

Tifa turned pale, and then said:"The egg of the black goat, didn't you give this to Natasha? It can give Natasha power, but can't it give me power?"

"Yes, you can, but if you do this, your life and death will be completely in my hands!"

"I don't care what you have to worry about. With the Egg of the Black Goat, you can maintain peace more effectively. I won't just crush Hell's Kitchen by then."

Speaking of Hell's Kitchen, Tifa's face turned black for a while. Tifa knew very well that this joke would probably follow her for the rest of her life. This dark history


A seed appeared in Xiao Bai's hand, and he looked at Tifa and confirmed again:"Are you sure you want to"

Tifa grabbed Xiao Bai's hand, and then put Xiao Bai's hand on her heart!

Xiao Bai's hand holding the seed suddenly pierced Tifa's heart, and then he pulled out his hand and said to Tifa:"Tifa, to be honest, you have made it difficult for me, whether it is the T virus or this time It’s really embarrassing for me to go back on my word!"

A look of guilt appeared on Tifa’s face. Of course she knew that Xiao Bai had accommodated her again and again, but Tifa really couldn’t ignore the sense of justice in her heart.

"At worst, I'll make it up to you before you go back to Neon!"

Tifa said to Xiao Bai with a slight blush.

"Then what you said, I didn’t force you!"

Tifa quickly regretted it. Before she was unconscious, Tifa wanted to ask Xiao Bai if this guy was an animal!

But Xiao Bai looked at Tifa who fell asleep and put his palm on Tifa's face. As soon as Tifa was touched, she immediately fell asleep. Then Xiao Bai went out and directly met Kingpin, the underworld overlord of Hell's Kitchen.

Then he directly transformed Kingpin into a faceless man. (Read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I will give you three tasks. In the first task, I want you to split America as much as possible, then control the state governments, and then restore serfdom. At the same time, issue an order to kill gangsters. If you find criminals, you will kill them directly. In the last task, I want you to You protect Tifa Lockhart. Even if you die, she won't lose a hair. Do you understand?"

Facing Jin Bing, who was transformed into a faceless man by himself, Xiao Bai said coldly

"Yes, follow your command, my great master!"

Jin Bin, who was transformed into a faceless man, responded to Xiao Bai with a fanatical tone. Even if Xiao Bai asked him to die, he would not hesitate to kill the fake one directly!

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