A trace of cunning flashed in Nakiri Alice's eyes. She looked at Xiao Bai and said,"If you let me be your girlfriend, Bai-kun, I will listen to you in everything, no matter what it is!"

Nakiri Alice said Silk pointed her finger at her lips and looked at Xiao Bai and said, while Xiao Bai followed Alice Nakiri's fingers and looked at the lips. The lips covered with lipstick looked crystal clear, making Xiao Bai want to take a bite. impulse.

But Xiao Bai forced himself to look away. If he continued to look, Xiao Bai felt that he would not be able to help but kiss her, but if he kissed her, Xiao Bai would be finished.

Next to her, Erina Nakiri was still watching eagerly. After hearing the conditions put forward by Alice Nakiri, Erina's slightly narrowed eyes stared at Xiao Bai.

As long as Xiao Bai dared to agree, Nakiri Erina might not have taken out a kitchen knife on the spot and killed Xiao Bai. This look was too dangerous, so how could Xiao Bai continue to stare?

【It is impossible to promise Alice. I will never give up an entire forest for a tree. I, Xiao Bai, want to become the harem king. I don’t want to learn from my senior, at least the three thousand beauties in the harem. I also want three hundred beauties in the harem, yes, that's it, so I can't agree to Alice. Once I agree to it, I will be Barbie. ]

When Alice Nakiri saw the diary recorded by Xiao Bai, she was immediately furious. She stepped hard on Xiao Bai's instep, and then broke away from Xiao Bai's arms.

"Mr. Bai, you Baga, you big Baga, I don’t want to care about you anymore."

Nakiri Alice walked back to the car angrily, and then ignored Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai looked at this scene with some bitterness. I just want to give all the girls a warm home. What's wrong~ Really?

Nakiri Erina put her worries back, then looked at Xiao Bai and said:"Okay, it's time for us to leave, so don't waste any more time here."

After saying that, Nakiri Erina got into the car, and Xiao Bai followed. After entering the car, Nakiri Alice snorted directly, and then turned her head away from Xiao Bai. No matter how Xiao Bai coaxed him, it was useless.

The car stopped at Narukami Taisha Shrine, and then Xiao Bai saw the Yae Shenzi. There was no change at all from the Yae Shenzi half a month ago, and he was still so disdainful!

"The Great Ceremony of Divine Sakura will start tomorrow. Remember to come and help when the time comes. Now, take a good rest. I have asked the miko to prepare a room for you. You go and have a good rest now. It will be a fierce battle tomorrow."

Xiao Bai stopped Yae Shenzi:"Wait a minute, I have a question. I need to find out what the situation is. What do you want to do by letting Erina and Alice come? I will not allow them to use the kitchen core to make dishes!"

Ye Shenzi stopped and looked at Xiao Bai:"Don't worry, our shrine has a secret method that allows them to use the kitchen heart without damaging their roots, and the most I guarantee is to make them weak for a few days without causing any damage. Is there any big problem? Are you satisfied with this guarantee?"

Xiao Bai looked at the Eightfold God Son with some doubts. Is there really such a secret method?

Xiao Bai didn't believe that there was such a secret method, so Xiao Bai asked:"I want to know if this secret method has any sequelae?"

"Don't worry, I won't harm these two little girls. I guarantee that nothing will happen to them."

Xiao Bai looked at Yae Shenzi in front of him:"With your ability, it is not easy to find two special chefs, but it will definitely not be difficult. But why did you choose Erina and Alice. Xiao

Bai questioned Yae Shenzi. Yae Shenzi looked at Xiao Bai with a half-smile but said,"It's good. Are you sure you want me to replace him?""


Xiao Bai doesn't really believe it. What good can this do? Although Xiao Bai doesn't believe it, he seems to have to believe it now.

"I hope what you said is true. Once something happens to Alice and Erina, I will not let you go."

A trace of black flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes, but Yae Shenzi looked sad.

"Oops, does the little guy just not believe me? I've poured out my heart and soul to you, but you still don't believe me."

Xiao Bai looked at the eighth level god son coldly.

"I'm not kidding you, Yae Kamiko, remember what I said, Erina and Alice cannot suffer any harm."

Xiao Bai's words moved Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice, but neither of them showed it.

Nakiri Alice even looked at Xiao Bai, she would not forgive Xiao Bai just for this reason.

"Okay, okay, let's go and have a good rest. I don't want my legs to get weak during the Shenying Festival tomorrow."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yae Shenzi was also a little unhappy. Xiao Bai's attitude made Yae Shenzi very dissatisfied. He said that she seemed to be some vicious female supporting character, which was simply hateful.

It's a shame that I have planned so much for this guy. If I want to take this opportunity to help Xiao Bai solve the problem of Nakiri Alice and Tikiri Erina.

After the filth of Kamizura Daizu is purified, he can The two sisters, Alice Nakiri and Erina Nakiri, were able to get huge benefits from this.

But the result was that good intentions were not rewarded, and Xiao Bai suspected this and that.

Seeing Yae Xiao Bai knew that he had misunderstood and wanted to apologize to the Son of God, but he did not give Xiao Bai this chance.

Xiao Bai was led by the witch to a room, and Xiao Bai also took a plane for more than ten hours. Feeling a little tired, and the sky outside was getting dark now, Xiao Bai was preparing to take a rest.

But Xiao Bai vaguely seemed to feel something calling him.

After a moment of hesitation, Xiao Bai followed the call. Arriving in front of the sacred cherry tree, Xiao Bai looked at the sacred cherry tree and whispered to himself:"Is it you who is calling me?"

Xiao Bai's palm was placed on the trunk of the sacred cherry tree, and then the sacred cherry tree bloomed with a faint light. Xiao Bai instantly felt as if his consciousness had entered another space.

"Where is this?".

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