Xiao Bai seemed to be watching each picture like a bystander.

Xiao Bai couldn't remember most of the pictures clearly, but there was one picture that was firmly carved in Xiao Bai's mind!

"I, as decreed by Heaven, may live forever!"

The domineering words were not about accepting the destiny of oneself, longevity and prosperity of the empire. Instead, one was entrusting the destiny to God and asking God to protect the empire forever! After the other party finished speaking, he seemed to see Xiao Bai, and then step by step, step by step. He walked towards Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai wanted to take action, but for some reason, he lost control of his body. Finally, the other party came to Xiao Bai, and finally his whole body was integrated into Xiao Bai's body. In the body!

Then Xiao Bai woke up suddenly, and at this time, Yae Shenzi opened the door of Xiao Bai's room and walked in.

But after seeing Xiao Bai's eyes, Yae Shenzi suddenly stared. His eyes are wide open, he is back!

At this time, Xiao Bai's eyes are indescribably domineering, and the domineering revealed in those eyes even makes Yae Shenzi feel as if he has returned hundreds of years ago.

That one The man's eyes at that time were so domineering, as if the whole world was just a fleeting cloud in his eyes.

But soon, the domineering look in Xiao Bai's eyes gradually disappeared. Xiao Bai then looked at Yae Shenzi:"I say Yae Gongji, isn't it good to just casually enter a male's room like this!

Yae Shenzi looked at Xiao Bai and then smiled frivolously:"Little guy, I came to see if you did something bad. I heard that boys tend to do that in the morning, so I came here specially to see if you did the same." Same! Xiao

Bai raised his eyebrows when he heard this sentence, then looked at Yae Shenzi and said with an unhappy look:"I mean Yae Gongji, I can understand that you are a hundreds-year-old vixen without a man, but we really can't." suitable!"


The Eight-Level God Son looked at Xiao Bai with a confused look on his face. Then he bared his teeth and looked at Xiao Bai:"Little guy, the best thing you can do is give me an explanation. Otherwise, I guarantee you will die this time." Come on!"

Regarding the Xiao Bai in front of him, the Eight-level God Son was not polite to Xiao Bai at all. If Xiao Bai couldn't give an explanation, then the Eight-level God Son would be more beautiful than Xiao Bai!

In a place with beautiful mountains and rivers in the Ming Dynasty, a huge city stands here, with two words written above the city gate: Tushan!

Looking from afar, a big pink tree stands on the top of the highest mountain in Tushan Mountain.

That's a tree called the tree of bitterness!

Under the tree of bitterness.

A plain-clothed fox demon hurriedly ran into the archives room in the tree of bitterness!

"The third person in charge, that name appeared."

The person who is called the third master is a man with emerald green hair, long hair, and bangs. Among the green hair, there are two fox ears exposed, and there is a bunch of hair at each ear with fox-shaped hair accessories. The woman with pigtails appeared next to the plain-clothed fox demon in an instant, then snatched the scroll from the plain-clothed fox demon's hand, and then looked at the name displayed on the scroll with excitement on her face. , but her expression soon changed, because the revealed name gradually disappeared.

"Rong Rong, I heard that his name appeared!"

A voice came from far away. The voice came first, followed by a fox demon wearing a red ancient skirt, golden-orange waist-length hair, bare feet, and a bell ring on his ankle.!

After the other party arrived, a cold breath followed, and then a person appeared in front of Tu Shan Rongrong, and the dark blue fox demon with one side sleeveless and one long wide sleeve also followed closely.

"Eldest sister and second sister, you came so fast. Indeed, the other party’s name has appeared on the scroll, but the name is disappearing after appearing!"

Tu Shan Rongrong spread out the scroll, and a name appeared on the scroll!

Xiao Bai!

At this time, Xiao Bai's name was gradually becoming dim. Finally, under the gaze of the three fox demons, the name The final and complete disappearance!

Tushan Honghong looked at Tushan Rongrong:"Rongrong, do you know what is going on? Why did the name on the scroll disappear?"

Tushan Yaya also looked at Tushan Rongrong, and she couldn't help but exude a cold breath, and the entire library was instantly covered with a thin layer of frost!

"Second sister, calm down for the time being. He is fine. I estimate that his memory may have been sealed. But this time it may have been triggered, and then it was sealed again, so his name appeared again. Then it disappeared again!"

Hearing this sentence, the cold air on Tushan Yaya's body suddenly erupted. What was originally just a thin layer of frost now directly turned into a world of ice and snow!

"That naughty fox of Yae Shenzi, or that bitch Nangong Nayue, or some woman who doesn’t know how to live or die!"

Tushan Honghong pressed a hand on Tushan Yaya's shoulder750

"Yaya, you are so old and you still can’t calm down.

Tushan Rongrong also looked at Tushan Yaya and said,"Second sister, it couldn't have been done by anyone else. They also want him to come back just like us.""

"So who could have sealed his memory? Tushan

Yaya asked with a stern face, while Tushan Rongrong smiled, and then said to Tushan Rongrong:"Those spirits on Xiao Bai's body!""

Tushan Yaya and Tushan Honghong's bodies froze slightly, and their eyes were full of disbelief when they looked at Tushan Rongrong!

"They are the only ones who don’t want Xiao Bai to get his memory back!"


"Who knows? Maybe it's because they don't want his memory to have some impact on Xiao Bai."

Tushan Honghong's expression was a little heavy!

Tushan Yaya gritted her teeth:"Okay, I don't believe those things are really that strong. I'll go to Neon now!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tu Shan Honghong stopped Tu Shan Yaya:"Yaya, calm down!"

"Sister, do we have to wait forever?"

Tushan Yaya looked at Tushan Honghong and asked unwillingly.

"Second sister, don’t worry, since Xiao Bai has remembered this time, then next time, and the next time, sooner or later he will come back!".

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