After removing the pink arms and legs of Rem and Ram that were pressing on him, Xiao Bai got up and looked at Rem and Ram who were still sleeping!

He smiled and covered the two of them with quilts. Xiao Bai got dressed and went out to prepare breakfast for the two of them. Then Xiao Bai went out!

After leaving home, Xiao Bai saw a person from the Yamada group not far from his home. The other person immediately saluted and greeted Xiao Bai respectfully, and then looked at Xiao Bai hesitantly.

"what's the matter?"

The other party immediately came over, and then said to Xiao Bai:"Sir, the person you asked us to see."

"What, dead?"

Xiao Bai's tone couldn't help but darken, and he looked at the person in front of him and asked, but the direct look in his eyes almost scared the"250" member of the Yamada group to faint.

"No, he's not dead, he's just crazy!"


Xiao Bai didn't expect that An Yilun was actually crazy. Xiao Bai glanced at the other party, and then walked directly in the direction of An Yilun, looking back at the person lying on the ground. The ground was like a puddle of mud. An Yilun also

"An Yilun, I heard that you are crazy, but it doesn't matter. Regardless of whether you are crazy or not, I guarantee that you will live a long life!"

Xiao Bai said, sizing up An Yilun in front of him who was exuding such a stench, took a few photos and gave them to the Yamada team.

"I gave this photo to Akita Kazuo and asked Akita to send the photo to Sawamura Eiri. I want to see if Sawamura Eiri can still like Aki even after seeing the current Aki!"

As he said this, Xiao Bai suddenly thought of Sayuri Sawamura.

【I came to see An Yirunya early in the morning, and took a few photos to send to Sawamura Eiri and Rison. I wonder if An Yirunya and Sawamura Eiri will be able to see him like this now. I also like An Yilun!】

【But speaking of Eiri Sawamura, I thought of Sayuri Sawamura. Gee, I almost forgot about it. I’ll go find Sayuri Sawamura after school, and then take some artistic photos for Eiri Sawamura. I think Eri Sawamura would also like to know what is going on with her mother now. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I’m such a good person! 】

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned as she looked at the diary in her hand. Xiao Bai's handling of this matter was simply a scumbag villain who did not hesitate to do anything. But the good thing is that apart from this matter, Xiao Bai It's so white that there hasn't been much change, and I haven't really turned into a scum villain. It's really something to be thankful for and congratulations to!

Yukino's deep winter voice reached Yukinoshita Yukino's ears

"I actually feel that Xiao Bai did nothing wrong in this matter and did not take his anger out on others, which is good!"

Yukino Deep Winter is not like Yukinoshita Yukino who pities Sawamura Sayuri. Poor people must be hateful. Sawamura Sayuri herself also has a copy of the diary and is also the holder of a copy of the diary. However, Sayuri Sawamura herself It’s all self-inflicted. Who can blame the current situation?

Yukinoshita Yukino sighed. Yukinoshita Yukino knew that it would be useless even if she told Xiao Bai about this matter!

When she came to the classroom, Xiao Bai He took more than half a month off, but Yuji Sakamoto and others in the class were all curious. Because of Cthulhu's characteristics, Yuji Sakamoto and the others had forgotten the good things Xiao Bai had done in America, so they didn't know that Xiao Bai had taken half a month off. What did Yue Duo do?

After some exchanges, Xiao Bai realized that Yuuji Sakamoto had not been idle during the half month of his absence. Yuuji Sakamoto could not release the summoned beast war because of A, so Yuuji Sakamoto thought of it. One way.

That is, since you can't launch a Summoned Beast War, then let the other party take the initiative to launch a Summoned Beast War against you. So after being harassed for a week, Class D finally couldn't bear it and launched a Summoned Beast War against Class F. , and then Yuji Sakamoto relied on his superior conspiracy to successfully plot against Class D and kill Class D!

However, with this battle with Class D, Yuji Sakamoto also realized that Class D was continuing It's impossible to challenge the class.

You can't win. The scores of Class F are much worse than those of Class C. The average score of Class F is only about one-fifth of that of Class C, which means that the full score of Class C is 150. The score can be about 120 points, and Class F generally has a score of about 20 points!

Therefore, the top priority is to improve the performance of Class F, at least to bring their scores to passing!

For this reason, Sakamoto Yuji A strict tutoring plan has been designated, and even in order to allow these scumbags to tutor, Sakamoto Yuuji also gave a series of generous conditions. What Xiao Bai couldn't understand was that Yoshii Akihisa's women's photos actually became the most popular Good thing!

After knowing this result, Xiao Bai immediately felt stupid, and then subconsciously stayed away from Yuji Sakamoto. He didn't want to bear the name of Brokeback Mountain......

At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya's voice came from the classroom broadcast:"Xiao Bai, vice president of the student union, please come to the student union!"

Xiao Bai said to Yuji Sakamoto and then came to the student union! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After seeing Shinomiya Kaguya, Xiao Bai smiled:"Kaguya, what do you want from me?"

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Xiao Bai, and then said to Xiao Bai said:"Do you still remember what we agreed on before?"

"Of course, remember, as long as my test scores exceed yours this time, then I will be the new student council president, and Kaguya, you will be my vice president!"

5.8 Shinomiya Kaguya heard Xiao Bai's words and then said:"Then I want to raise the bet!"

Add a bet?

Xiao Bai was stunned and looked at Kaguya Shinomiya in confusion. He didn't know what Kaguya Shinomiya wanted to add!

"If my grades this time are better than yours, then you have to confess to me. If my grades are worse than yours, then I will confess to you!"

Xiao Bai looked at Shinomiya Kaguya in shock, but then

【Kaguya actually wants to make such a bet with me. If my grades are not as good as Kaguya's in this exam, I will confess. If Kaguya's grades are worse than mine, I will confess. But the problem is that what is difficult for me now is not to confess, but to confess. I want to open a harem, can Kaguya agree to my opening a harem?】

"Kaguya, I have one thing to declare regarding my confession. I want to have a harem."

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