Xiao Bai didn't let Xiao Bai wait for too long. About half an hour later, Shinomiya Kaguya came out with a somewhat unpleasant look on his face. Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya's appearance, Xiao Bai looked at Shinomiya Kaguya. Comfort:"It's okay, even if the contract fails, it doesn't matter. I will help you find a contractor who is not weaker than Horaishan Kaguya."

Shinomiya Kaguya shook his head:"I succeeded, butForget it, nothing."

The words of Shinomiya Kaguya made Xiao Bai stunned for a while. Since the contract has been successful, why is Shinomiya Kaguya still looking depressed? What is the situation?

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't say anything more and glanced at Xiao Bai. Bai then said:"Then you don't have to worry about me, just do what you want to do!"

Xiao Bai didn't say anything. He looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and shook his head. Then Xiao Bai said to Bayi Yonglin on the side:"If you really want to take action, protect her!"

Bayi Yonglin drank tea calmly:"Don't worry, she is Kaguya's contractor now, I will naturally protect this girl!"

After the words fell, Hakurei Reimu walked in from outside. Then he frowned when he saw Xiao Bai and said,"That friend of yours can't come back. I'll send you away, and I'll pay you the rest. No more!"

Hearing Hakurei Reimu's words, Xiao Bai was not surprised. It was just that his premonition came true. He picked up the teacup and took a sip. Then he put down the teacup and looked at Hakurei Reimu:"Yakumo Purple is not willing to let her go. ?"

"Don't ask, that person can't come back anyway, you'd better leave. For the sake of you giving me two gold bricks, I can send you back! Xiao

Bai looked at Bayi Yonglin:"Send her away first to save me from worries!""

Hakurei Reimu persuaded again after hearing Xiao Bai's words:"Yakumo Purple is not someone you can deal with casually. If you go to Yakumo Purple, you will only be dead!""

"A dead end? Do you look down on me too much or think too highly of Yakumo Murasaki? Since you can't bring her back, I'll go there myself."

Kaguya Shinomiya did not choose to stay. Kaguya Shinomiya knew very well that if she stayed, she would be a hindrance to Xiao Bai. Therefore, Kaguya Shinomiya was taken away from Gensokyo by Yashi Eirin, and Hakurei Reimu looked at Xiao Bai and asked,"Are you really planning to find Yakumo Murasaki?"

"This is natural. I have no intention of leaving on my own. When I came to Gensokyo, I never thought of going back alone!"

Looking at Xiao Bai's look, Hakurei Reimu said helplessly:"If you really want to take action, then I can't stand by and watch!"

"Let's find another place, I don't want to destroy the Lost Bamboo Forest!"

The two left the Lost Bamboo Forest, and then Reimu Hakurei held the royal coin in his hand and said to Xiao Bai:"Are you really going to do it? Even if you gave me two gold bricks, if you really take action, I won't show any mercy!"

Xiao Bai smiled, and a knife appeared in his hand. It was the Dream Isshin that Yae Shenzi had given to him. He raised the Dream Isshin, and the scene of the Hagoromo Fox wielding the Demonic Taming suddenly appeared in Xiao Bai's mind.!

"I should be the one to say this to you. Seeing that you have helped me, I would like to advise you, don’t stop me!"

"Looks like I have no choice but to wake you up!"

After knowing that Xiao Bai couldn't leave just now, Hakurei Reimu didn't speak, but Xiao Bai closed his eyes and recalled the ghost trick used by Hagoromo Fox!

An invisible aura appeared in Xiao Bai's eyes. On the blade of Dream Isshin in Shiro's hand.

Where there were big red eyes, Yakumo Purple suddenly let out a light sigh, and then frowned.

"This feeling, is it him?"

Then Yakumo Purple's body fell backwards, and a black crack appeared behind Yakumo Purple and directly swallowed Yakumo Purple.

The next moment, Yakumo Purple had already appeared in Hakurei Reimu and Xiao Bai were not far away!

Xiao Bai noticed someone appearing and instantly saw Yakumo Murasaki emerging from the gap!


The dream in the hand suddenly swung towards Yakumo Purple. Yakumo Purple looked at Xiao Bai and raised his eyebrows. A gap appeared in front of Yakumo Purple. All the attacks were swallowed up in an instant, and then The next moment, a gap opened up behind Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai's attack was directed at Xiao Bai himself!

Turning around, Xiao Bai blocked his attack with one hand, and he immediately understood why Ba Yi Yonglin would It is said that Yakumo Purple's ability is weird!

Just the way the attack rebounds, I don't know how many people can be troubled! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yakumo Purple looked at Xiao Bai, Purple A trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes:"`.Ba Tang, it's been a long time since I've seen this move, but your Ba Tang is too weak. If it were replaced by his Ba Tang, there would be no way for me to transfer his Ba Tang so easily!"

Yakumo Purple glanced at Xiao Bai and then said, but Xiao Bai put away the knife and said to Yakumo Purple:"Give the person back to me, and I will leave Gensokyo. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen."

Because Hakurei Reimu had helped him somehow, Xiao Bai did not use a more powerful attack method, but this does not mean that Xiao Bai does not have other powers. The mental damage caused by Cthulhu's power is basically is permanent

"I'm sorry, I won't exchange that friend of yours with you. You'd better leave. Since you don't know where you learned how to be domineering, just think of it as giving that man some face. I'll let you go. you left! Xiao

Bai listened to Yakumo Zi's words and didn't care:"You seem to think I have no means?""

"What other means do you have?"

Yakumo Purple's expression suddenly changed as she looked at the shadow that appeared behind Xiao Bai!


Black Goat's voice instantly polluted Yakumo Purple's spirit.

"What, are you still unwilling to hand over my friends?"

Of course Yakumoshi is unwilling to hand over the person, but the threat Xiao Bai poses to Yakumoshi is too big, so Yakumoshi has a headache. It is impossible to hand over the person, but if you don't hand over the person, the consequences

Although it was just a glimpse, Yakumo Murasaki had already discovered the trouble and horror of the black goat!.

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