Just like in the morning, Xiao Bai was not too strict. As long as there were no major defects, Xiao Bai would be punished. The only thing that surprised Xiao Bai was Ye Shanliang. Xiao Bai originally thought that Ye Shanliang had touched the heart of the kitchen. The traces were correct, but in the end, the boy couldn't touch them at all, which made Xiao Bai a little surprised and suspicious at the same time.

Hayama Ryo didn't even touch it, so how did Sakaki Ryoko touch the traces of the kitchen heart?

The current strength of Ryo Hayama in the original plot should have surpassed that of Soma Yukihira as the protagonist, but even Ryo Hayama was not able to touch the threshold of the kitchen heart, so how did Ryoko Sakaki touch it? Chef's heart?

Xiao Bai couldn't understand, but he still gave Ye Shanliang the pass. After all, the other party's cooking was indeed good.

After returning to Yuanyue Palace, Xiao Bai received a message from Yamada Tifeng. They had already booked a room in Yuanyue Resort. Xiao Bai put away his phone and found Yamada Tifeng in Yuanyue Resort.

"My Lord!"

When Yamada Torifu and Yamada Choji saw Xiao Bai, they immediately knelt on the ground to greet them. The members of the Yamada team behind them also knelt down immediately when they saw the team leader kneeling.

"Those are the people, right?"

"Yes, my Lord, these people are all my confidants, and each one of them is loyal. Please give them strength, my Lord!"

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Bai glanced at these people, and then stretched out his hand. Black mist appeared in Xiao Bai's hand. The next moment, the mist instantly merged into the bodies of the people in front of him.!


Screams rang out all over, followed by screams one after another. Yamada Choji and Yamada Torifu didn't say anything, they just looked at these people silently. They didn't know how many of these people could survive. Before they came, Yamada Tifeng had made it clear to these people that everyone decided to accept Xiao Bai's power and was willing to risk their lives for it!

After more than half an hour, these people turned into deep divers one by one. Feeling the power they had gained, these people looked at Xiao Bai with fanaticism in their eyes.

"My Lord!"

"Disperse to Yuanyue Resort and check every person who may be in danger. Once discovered, they will be investigated. If you kill ten thousand people, you can't let anyone go, but you can't alert the snake!"

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Xiao Bai gave this order.

"yes! The cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang:"Hey, Yuan Guo, um, I'm doing something outside and will be back soon.""

Xiao Bai turned around and left immediately after hanging up the phone. These deep divers do not need too much explanation from Xiao Bai. Each of them is Xiao Bai's most loyal subordinate. They will unconditionally execute any order of Xiao Bai, and Perfectly executing Xiao Bai's orders.

Returning to Yuanyue Resort, Xiao Bai found Mujiuzhi Yuanguo:"Have you missed me since you haven't seen me for a while?"

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo looked at Xiao Bai, smiled and did not answer. She was afraid that Xiao Bai would kill all the neon lights. She now has a heavy responsibility and must be responsible for watching over Xiao Bai and not letting Xiao Bai Randomly.

In the chat room, everyone pinned their hopes on Kikuchichi Sonoko, so she had to keep an eye on Xiao Bai. Did

Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice come over? After hearing the conversation between Xiao Bai and Tongmu Jiuzhienguo, he suddenly complained:"I said you two can pay more attention!"

Kiku Chienka's face suddenly turned red, while Nakiri Erina looked at Xiao Bai and said with slightly gritted teeth:"Can you two consider the impact?"

Kikuzhien Guo's pretty face turned red, while Xiao Bai boldly hugged Nakiri Erina and kissed her

"Your mother sold you to me. If you don't obey me in the future, don't say that I bullied you!"

【Erina's jealous look is so cute, but after buying Nagi Nakiri, Erina can't run away even if she wants to. Erina, you don't want to be bullied after you get married, Jie Jie Jie! ] stepped hard on Xiao Bai's instep, and Nakiri Erina's face turned red.

Alice Nakiri also gritted her teeth:"Bai-kun, can't you consider my feelings?"

Xiao Bai hugged Alice and kissed her:"I'm angry, how about I open a small stove to cook a big meal for you tonight? Just gather the wool for a while, and then use the ingredients from Yueyue Riggong to cook a Manchu-Han banquet for you!"

【Speaking of which, Sabu and the others are already urging me to bring out the Manchu Banquet. I just want to take this opportunity to pick up Totsuki's wool and open their eyes to Erina and the others. With Erina and the others' talents, Maybe he could directly reproduce the recipes for the Manchu-Han Banquet. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nakiri Erina's face turned slightly hot. Her family knew about her own affairs, how could she be a replica of her?

When Yae Shenzi saw this diary, he slammed the table angrily,"I'll tell you the truth, mom, you don't know to call me if there's something delicious!"

【However, this time I am not cooking all the 108 dishes, I am just trying them out first. After all, although I know the recipe for the Manchu-Han Banquet, this is definitely a test for the first time.】

"`~By the way, I got the news. Someone seems to be planning to do something here. I will ask someone to protect you later. The best thing you can do is to stay out of each other's sight as much as possible!"

Understanding what was going to happen next, Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice nodded.

"But don’t worry, I have arranged all these things and everything will be fine (Okay Zhao), don’t worry!"

Xiao Bai suddenly felt a sense of peeping coming from him, his face remained calm, and then he said to Mikushi Yuono, Alice and Erina:"I need to go to the toilet!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he walked towards the toilet. After entering the toilet, Xiao Bai found that no one spoke:"Yakumo Purple, come out!"

Following Xiao Bai's words, a tiny gap appeared in the air.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I just felt a sense of peeping. I thought there would be no one else but you, a peeping tom. What are you doing here?"

After answering Yakumo Purple's question, Xiao Bai asked the other party's purpose of coming.

"Yae Shenzi asked me to come over and take a look, lest you kill all the neon lights when you get angry."

"Tsk, don’t tell me, I look like some kind of murderous maniac!".

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