The egg of the black goat was planted in Yuriko Gaocheng's body. Xiao Bai looked at Yuriko Gaocheng and said,"Bring Saya Gaocheng, too. Go and ask her to come over!" Yuriko Gaocheng went out and brought

Saya Gaocheng in. After seeing Xiao Bai, Saya was a little stunned:"Ryosuke Yagami, why are you here?"

Yuriko Gaocheng slapped Saya Gaocheng's face directly:"Saya, call me master!"

Saya Gaocheng looked in disbelief. He looked at his mother, and then looked at Xiao Bai:"Ryosuke Yagami, who are you!"

"My name is Xiao Bai, the master of Takagi Souichiro and Takagi Yuriko, and I will also be your master in the future!"

A cloud of black mist appeared in the palm of the hand, and then the black mist instantly wrapped around Takagi Saya's body. Knowing what it was, Takagi Yuriko closed her eyes. At least Takagi Saya didn't have to die! After a sound Amid the screams, Takagi Saya struggled, cried, and asked for help, but Takagi Yuriko never glanced at Takagi Saya. The pain now was only temporary. Although Takagi Yuriko loved Takagi Saya, she also knew that she could not go too far. She loves Gao Cheng Saya.

In the end, Gao Cheng Saya's screams gradually disappeared, and the black mist also merged into Gao Cheng Saya's body. Gao Cheng Saya was transformed into a faceless man by Xiao Bai.


Looking at Xiao Bai, Gaocheng Saya's eyes no longer showed hatred, but enthusiasm, as if he was seeing his own god!

Xiao Bai looked at Gaocheng Saya and waved:"Climb over here!"


Gaocheng Saya immediately climbed to Xiao Bai's side, and then Xiao Bai looked at Gaocheng Yuriko:"Climb over here too!"

Gaocheng Yuriko knew what was going to happen, but Gaocheng Yuriko did not hesitate and crawled in front of Xiao Bai like a bitch.

"Come on, let me see who is better between you two!"

Following Xiao Bai's words, Gaocheng Yuriko and Gaocheng Saya, mother and daughter, began to please Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai felt a sense of joy in his heart when he saw the two mother and daughter. After finishing his rice bowl, Xiao Bai looked at Gaocheng Yuriko and Gaocheng Saya. Takagi Saya said:"Takagi Yuriko, please teach me how to manage a game guild within three days. Takagi Saya, you go back to Takagi Souichiro and help Takagi Souichiro enter the senior level of the Restoration Association.""

"Master, can't you let me stay by your side? I want to serve you better!"

"Are you going to disobey my order?"

Xiao Bai looked at Gaocheng Saya indifferently. Gaocheng Saya's body stiffened slightly, and then shook his head. Xiao Bai ignored Gaocheng Saya and continued to say to Gaocheng Yuriko:"Can you do it in three days?"

"Please leave it to me and I will make you a satisfied master!"

Xiao Bai nodded, then looked at Gaocheng Yuriko and said,"That's it, I will contact you in three days."

"Master, please wait a moment, there are two gifts for you!"


Xiao Bai looked at Gaocheng Yuriko. Gaocheng Yuriko didn't say anything and just walked out. Not long after, Gaocheng Yuriko came in with Busujima Saeko and Marikawa Shizuka.

"Master, this is my gift to you, please accept it. Xiao

Bai looked at Marikawa Shizuka and Busujima Saeko with interest. He looked at Gao Cheng Yuriko and said,"How did you convince them two?""

"What Miss Busujima needs is strength, and Master, can you give Miss Busujima two"

"As for Miss Marichuan, it's even simpler, as long as the master satisfies her material life."

Xiao Bai glanced at Marikawa Shizuka and Busujima Saeko, laughed, and the black goat's egg appeared in his hand and was implanted into the bodies of Marikawa Shizuka and Busujima Saeko.

"Leave it alone for now. I will look for them next time if I am interested. Now they will be arranged by you. You can also find a chance to die by yourself, and then use this as an opportunity to let Takagi Souichiro go further!"

Takagi Yuriko was stunned for a moment, and then she immediately understood that this was to make her fake her own death, and then let the people of the Restoration Association reuse Takagi Souichiro.

"Yes, Master, please rest assured that I will do it flawlessly and I will never let the Guangfu Association see any problems."

Xiao Bai nodded and left.

【Tsk, the rice bowls of Takagi Yuriko and Takagi Saya are pretty good, but I didn’t expect Takagi Yuriko, a woman, to be so decisive. When Takagi Souichiro was about to kill Takagi Saya, she directly sold herself and her daughter in exchange for Takagi Saya. To survive, I would not have agreed to Yuriko Gao Cheng's request if it weren't for her talent, which could be used to manage the guild. ]

Rice bowl for Takagi Yuriko and Takagi Saya, mother and daughter? Those who saw this diary were stunned for a while before they realized what Xiao Bai was talking about.

Ram: Damn it, the sisters’ rice bowl is not enough, this pervert master actually targets the mother and daughter’s rice bowl!

Nakiri Erina: Bastard, this damn bastard pervert!

Shinomiya Kaguya: Damn it, one by one, when will it be my turn!

Tifa: It seems that even in Neon, Xiao Bai is still engaged in all kinds of debauchery, and even after returning to Neon, he didn’t even mention me once, this heartless man, a scumbag!

【But not to mention, there is no emotion, simple slave play makes me feel a sense of pleasure, unlike Kaguya, Yukino, Erina, Alice and Rem, Ram, Tifa, Yuan Guo, Xiao Mei These girls I need to care about what they think, and this pure venting is a little addictive. 】

I don’t know how many people fell silent after seeing this diary. They didn’t even know if Xiao Bai would break free from the shackles he had put on himself.

【It’s okay to just play around, as long as I make a clear distinction, I can treat the person I like with my heart and my feelings. As for those who don’t care and are simply interested in the other person’s body, then I can simply vent.】

【That's it. It's time to go back, otherwise Yuan Guo will probably be worried again. I always feel that Yuan Guo is so clingy to me these days, as if he is trying to spy on me.】

【Maybe it's just an illusion. After all, Yuan Guo has just transformed from a girl into a woman. It's not incomprehensible that she hopes to be by my side. 】

A group of people almost thought that Xiao Bai had noticed something, but luckily Xiao Bai figured out the reason himself!.

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