Looking at Xiao Bai as if he was a glutton, Gan Hinata looked at Xiao Bai and said,"How come you are like a starving ghost!"

Gan Hinata didn't have any scruples at all because of Xiao Bai's status as a special chef, and directly said bluntly

"Starving ghost? You are the only one who dares to say that. If it were anyone else, who would dare to say that about me? But as for Hyugako, you are quite interesting!"

Mian Hinata smiled as if he was heartless and said:"Because I don't want to get benefits from you, so I don't need to please you at all!"

"But if I am more cautious, how will you respond? If I target you, no, as long as I am a little bit interesting, there will be many people willing to target you!"

Xiao Bai took a roasted beef leg and then said to Gan Hinatako.

Gan Hinata looked at Xiao Bai and said:"You don't know how, you are not this kind of person, so I don't have to worry about this at all. matter!"

Throwing the clean ox leg bone in his hand on the table, Xiao Bai wiped his hands, and then said to Qian Hinatako:"You do have exquisite thoughts, but I can tell you that there are too many thoughts. , there is no way to master the cooking mentality like this. Even if you master the cooking mentality, something will happen sooner or later."

Is it really just a coincidence that Gan Hinata appeared here for no reason?

Gan Hinata was slightly silent, and then asked Xiao Bai:"Then what do you do if you want to master the heart of the kitchen?"

"If you want to master the heart of the cook, the best thing for you is to be simple-minded and have an exquisite heart. However, it is precisely because of this exquisite heart that your mind is too complicated, so you cannot master the heart of the cook."

I knew early on why the other party was deliberately waiting for me. Xiao Bai also guessed what the other party was like. It was just for the sake of cooking. How could Xiao Bai know?

"Well, can I ask you a favor?.?"

"Tell me!"

Gigan Hinatako said, took out a card and handed it to Xiao Bai:"This is all my savings, can I exchange it for a chef's dish?"

Didn't pick up the card from Gan Hinata, Xiao Bai said to the Gan Hinata in front of him:"You have too many things on your mind, but if you answer me a question, I will make you a delicious dish."

"what is the problem? Let me tell you first that I won’t answer privacy questions!"

Gan Hinata covered her chest with both hands. Xiao Bai looked sideways at the other person with a look of contempt on his face, and looked at Gan Hinata's body.

"Do, what are you doing? I will never agree to it. You already have a fruit garden. This is absolutely not allowed between us."

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes at this kind of ordinary girl's behavior, and Xiao Bai asked directly:"I just want to know if you like Si Gong!"

Xiao Bai was purely curious about whether Hinatako really liked Kojiro Shinomiya. In the original plot, Xiao Bai was quite curious about whether Hinatako liked Kojiro Shinomiya.

Now that the person was in front of him, Xiao Bai naturally asked him face to face. , looking at Xiao Bai’s gossipy expression, Qian Hinata’s face was full of gossip:"Why are you all so gossipy!"

"What the hell, can’t I have a piece of melon? Aren’t humans a little curious?"

Miki Hinata looked at Xiao Bai sideways, and finally said speechlessly:"I'm just very grateful to Senior Shinomiya, so I usually care about Senior Shinomiya. Why are you guys so gossipy?"

Following Gan Hinata's narration, Xiao Bai finally knew what was going on. Gan Hinata's character was a bit weak when she was in school, just like Tadokoro in the plot, who fucked Hinata with the help of Shinomiya Kojiro. Only then did the Totsuki Ten Heroes arrive at the end of the crane.

So there was a lot of attention paid to Shinomiya Kojiro, which caused misunderstandings among others, but neither she nor Shinomiya Kojiro had any thoughts about each other.

Xiao Bai saw Miki Hinatako He said it seriously, knowing that there was probably no melon to eat. Xiao Bai immediately looked at Qian Hinata with a speechless expression.

"Okay, just think what you said is true. I thought there was something to eat, but it turned out to be okay. Just wait, I'll go to the kitchen."

Xiao Bai suddenly frowned, and the air was filled with gray mist. It was obvious that Gan Hinata also noticed this situation.

"How is this going?"

Xiao Bai didn't say anything, and went out directly to find Mujiuzhiyuan Guo. However, Xiao Bai opened the door and found that there was a gray mist outside.

"Nameless fog!"

Suddenly, a message from Xiao Bai came to Xiao Bai's mind.

"Nameless fog? That was not generated by Azathoth, the source of all things, and generated Yog-Sothoth in an unknown way. How could this Yog-Sothoth appear here?"

At this time, a person was completely confused in the gray mist. The other person was clearly Bai Yuekui who had arrived at Yuanyue Palace. But now Bai Yuekui was directly lost in the gray mist. This gray foggy space seemed to have no end. Bai Yuekui could guarantee that he had moved at least one kilometer in a straight line here, but the result was still a gray fog. At this time, Bai Yuekui suddenly saw A figure appeared not far away in front of him. He was wearing a white robe. The cuffs were embroidered with a pattern of two dragons playing with pearls. His long, dark hair was casually fixed with a wooden hairpin. The rest were It was casually draped over the right shoulder.

But the other party's lazy appearance was filled with a domineering aura, and his cold eyes were devoid of any emotion (money), as if all Everything was ignored!

After just being in a daze for a moment, Bai Yuekui reacted instantly.


With an angry scolding, Bai Yuekui directly pulled out a Tang Dao hanging from his waist, and then slashed at the opponent with the knife!

But at this moment, Xiao Bai suddenly felt a sense of danger. He turned sideways to avoid the knife.

Looking at the person who appeared, a trace of astonishment flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes.

【Bai Yuekui? 】

Xiao Bai's thoughts had just risen, and the next moment Bai Yuekui continued to swing his knife towards him, and Xiao Bai quickly dodged.

Then he took out his hand and suddenly the dream appeared in Xiao Bai's hand.

Bai Yuekui looked at the dream that appeared in Xiao Bai's hand, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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