【Tsk, I have indirectly saved humanity. There is no doubt that I have saved humanity. If it weren’t for my humans, they would have become Cthulhus sooner or later, so it is natural that I saved humanity. of!】

【But it's a pity that the current crappy game is just an ordinary game. It's a pity that I guessed the beginning but not the end!】

【But if someone is willing, I can also open a small stove for them. Although the final result will become distorted, it is not a big problem. After all, some people like power, and I can't stop them. Well, speaking of it, there is no normal human form in the myths, they are all grotesque and terrifying! 】

Xiao Bai looked at Nayako who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles and said:"Nyako, that game world is a real world, right?"


He replied weakly to Xiao Bai and then continued to draw circles. The dull hair on his head was also hanging down.

"043 I suddenly didn’t want to write a new volume of light novels that I had already planned!"

Naiko recovered all of a sudden, then looked at Xiao Bai and said:"That is the small world I created casually!"

"A small world created casually?"

【Although it is true that the Outer God who knows this is very powerful, Nayako said that the game world is actually a small world that He randomly created. Haha, I created the world casually. It turns out that my knowledge is shallow! 】

If Nayako hadn’t said it himself, Xiao Bai himself would never have imagined that such a situation would exist. Nayako could easily create a small world, which was also 666

"By the way, you can create the world, so how many worlds have you created?"

"Who knows, no one has ever cared about this anyway. A world like this that is created casually will be destroyed in as long as a few decades or as short as one or two years. We will not pay attention to this kind of world at all."

"What about this world? Was it also created by you?"

Naiko shook her head, (aicj) and then said in a very pleasant tone:"This world is a naturally born world. A naturally born world like this is very cherished and precious, because the human beings in this world are more precious than those who were created. The human beings who came out are more creative. The light novels and various game toys in this world are simply amazing!"

"Moreover, the world born naturally lasts longer than the world created by us. If there are no accidents, this kind of world can exist for at least hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years."

Xiao Bai was slightly relieved, but suddenly Xiao Bai remembered the world after the Bone King traveled through the world, and whether that world was also created.

When he asked Nayako, he didn't expect to get an answer. But what was surprising was that Nayako actually answered Xiao Bai.

"I really know this world, I know this world, that world is occupied by a group of big lizards!"

Xiao Bai pinched his chin and didn't know what he was thinking about. Nayako on the side said to Xiao Bai:"I say Master, how about we make a deal? I will take you to another world to play, and you will be the new one. How about a volume of light novels for me?"

Xiao Bai looked at Nayako, with a hehe smile on his face and ignored it!

Now Xiao Bai has no interest in traveling or anything like that. Xiao Bai now just wants to finish the things in this world and wait for this After finishing the world's affairs, let's talk about other things.

Then Xiao Bai made a big meal for Sabu and the others as agreed. The next day, Xiao Bai went to school.

After arriving at school, Xiao Bai asked Sakamoto Yuuji and others to finish school. When he arrived at the student union, he had something to inform him later. At the end of the day, Xiao Bai was called to the teacher's office by Nangong Nayue before he went to the student union.

"Yue-chan, is something wrong with you?"

"Regarding the Master of Chef Candidate Competition, it will start in three days, so prepare yourself!"

"Are you ready to start?"

Xiao Bai smiled. Xiao Bai has actually been looking forward to the Master of Cooking Candidate Competition for a long time. After all, Xiao Bai still has a task to complete.

"No problem, so what else?"

"No more, go ahead!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai waved to Nangong Nayue, but when Xiao Bai was about to leave, Nangong Nayue suddenly said:"About Bai Yuekui, she chopped you off. Even if you want revenge, remember to be merciful and don't really chop Bai Yuokui to death."

"Don't worry, Yue-chan, this matter has passed. How could I still be fussing over it and holding on to it?"

【Let Bai Yuokui go? Okay, as long as Bai Yuekui survives being stabbed by me, then I will let her go! ]

Nangong rolled his eyes speechlessly in that month. Xiao Bai was really petty, but Bai Yuekui would be happy to see the result when he was defeated by Nangong in that month. But Nangong would definitely not just watch something happen to Bai Yuokui in that month.

Xiao Bai came to the student union, talked about the game, and then sighed:"I guessed the beginning but not the end, but as a price, I can't change it."

"Well, I have a question, why do you use beep beep to call that pantheon!"

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai in confusion and asked.

"What beep beep beep, I am obviously talking about beep beep beep (Cthulhu)!"

Xiao Bai looked at Yuuji Sakamoto in confusion, but Yuqi Sakayanagi on the other side said:"What we heard from you was the new word beep beep, it must have been blocked."

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, then he snapped his fingers, and the next moment a beautiful girl appeared on the stage!

"There was a loud sound in the sky, and I made a shining appearance, and the sneaking Chaos Nyarlathotep offered you my loyal greetings!"

Nayako appeared, and as Nayako said his name, a group of people immediately covered their heads with expressions on their faces.

Xiao Bai looked at Nayako:"What did you do!"

Xiao Bai's eyes turned cold, and he immediately questioned Nayako, but Nayako spread his hands innocently and said:"This is none of my business. I just started the anti-virus program. Wait a minute. They will recover soon, don't worry Master"

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