"You mean Caibo Chaoyang? Well, that's right. Saiba Chaoyang should have gone to Neon to take part in the Master of Cooking candidate assessment. He should indeed be in Neon now, but Erina, how did you know that you have a half-brother? ? I remember I didn't tell you this."

Nakiri Erina:"???"

Nakiri Erina:"Do you know about Asahi Saiba?"

Managi Nakiri:"Well, it's a coincidence. As a chef like Asahi Saiba has emerged, shouldn't I, the only special executive officer of WGO, take care of it? Who is this cook? I just didn’t expect that after an investigation, I actually found out that this guy is your half-brother. When your father hadn’t married me yet, he was very angry because of some things. Decadent, and then I got you as my brother by chance."

Nakiri Shinagi seems to have already known about the existence of Zaiha Chaoyang, so Nakiri Shinagi is not surprised at all.

"But what do you think happened to Caibo Chaoyang? The opponent's power is not small, but from what you said, it sounds like Zaibo Chaoyang is going to be finished soon."

"I'm not kidding you. Caibo Chaoyang offended Xiao Bai. The dark chefs under Caibo Chaoyang have probably been made into cement pillars and sunk into Tokyo Bay. Now Caibo Chaoyang is the only one left. Xiao Bai still has I don’t know that I know about Caibo Chaoyang, so I don’t want to alarm me. I plan to deal with Caibo Chaoyang after Caibo Chaoyang comes out of the moon."

Nakiri Shinagi on the other end of the phone took a breath:"This Xiao Bai is really cruel. Back then, he said that if I stopped you from being with him, he would kill me too. It seems like This boy is really good at it. Erina, if your mother and I die one day, you can go find Xiao Bai, that’s right!"

Nakiri Erina, who had a black line on her head, said with a dark face:"Shut up, now we are talking about Saiba Chaoyang, so what should we do with Saiba Chaoyang? Should we ignore him or save him?"

Hearing Nakiri Erina's words, Nakiri Shinagi asked on the other end of the phone:"What specifically happened that made Xiao Bai kill Saiba Chaoyang?"

"As soon as the idiot Caibo Chaoyang came to Neon, he attacked the restaurant of senior Yuan Guo, Mu Jiuzhi, without even asking about it. And senior Yuan Guo happened to be related to Xiao Bai, so Xiao Bai wanted to attack Cai Ba Chaoyang. By the way, Interpol is also chasing Caibo Chaoyang. The other party's purpose is also to secretly manage people, and the other party is also one of Xiao Bai's lovers, so"

Nakiri Shinagi on the other end of the phone said with a headache:"Erina, you said that the person you like is a little too carefree. Although you say you don't ask for monogamy, is the person you like like a little too much?"

"This has nothing to do with you. Now that we are discussing Caibo Chaoyang's matter, just tell us how Caibo Chaoyang is going to solve it."

Nakiri Shina thought for a while, and then said to Nakiri Erina:"Help your brother once, after all, he is your brother by blood, and the other person has not had father's love or mother's love since he was a child, although It's not our fault, but it's all the fault of your irresponsible father, so if you help him once, you can make up for your father's fault."

Hearing what her mother said, Nakiri Erina hung up the phone without saying anything. Then she called the bodyguard to bring Saiba Chaoyang over.

Saiba Chaoyang was brought to Nakiri Erina. When I was there, I was very puzzled. What did Nakiri Erina have to do with me?

"Caibo Chaoyang, your current situation is not good. All your subordinates outside have been arrested, and they are probably sinking into Tokyo Bay now. Once you leave Yueyue, you will inevitably have the same result."

His pupils shrank, Saiba Chaoyang looked at Nakiri Erina and his eyes became sharp:"You did it?"

"It has nothing to do with me, it’s just because of some relationship that I don’t want you to die like this, so I plan to save you once. If you stay in Yuanyue, I guarantee that nothing will happen to you! Saiba

Zhaoyang looked at Nakiri Erina, and then said to Nakiri Erina:"That man asked you to do this?""

Zaiba Chaoyang thought of Saiba Seiichiro. This time, in addition to participating in the examination for candidates for the God of Cooking, the most important purpose of Saiba Chaoyang's return was to defeat Saiba Seiichiro!

And before, Saiba Chaoyang was in private He had already had a duel with Saiba Seiichiro, so Saiba Chaoyang thought it was Saiba Seiichiro who asked Totsuki for help.

"Just think of it as him. As a father, he is unqualified, but as your relative, I can't watch you die!"

Father? Relative? Could it be that

Saiba Asahi looked at Nakiri Erina with a trace of astonishment in his eyes. It was obvious that Nakiri Erina had misunderstood that the person Saiba Asahi mentioned was his father, Nakiri Thistle.

".You mean father? Are you my relative?"

Saibaki Chaoyang looked at Nakiri Erina with sharp eyes. Nakiri Erina knew from the look of Saiba Chaoyang that she had misunderstood, and thought that Saiba Chaoyang knew about the relationship between her and him. Because of the relationship, he was slightly surprised, and then said to Saiba Chaoyang:"You and I are half-brothers and sisters. Your father is Nakiri Hisagi. Before he joined the Nakiri family, his name was Nakamura Thistle, and I It’s your half-sister Erina Nakiri!"

Caibo Chaoyang was silent. He didn't expect that when he came to Yuanyue to see his adoptive father's son, he actually met (Li Mohao) his biological sister, and also found out about his biological father.

"Nakiri Hisagi, he doesn’t know your existence. Nakamura Hisabu, who had not entered into the Nakiri family because of certain things, met your mother and gave birth to a child when he was frustrated while traveling abroad. It was just an accident, so he had you. He doesn't even know he has a son like you."

Caibo Chaoyang's expression was a little downcast. He never thought that one day he would know his life experience in this way!

"If you stay in Yuanyue and don't go out, I guarantee that nothing will happen to you!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at his brother, Nakiri Erina said.

Saiba shook his head towards the sun and said to Nakiri Erina:"No need, I will solve this problem myself. thing, and at the same time find out whether what you said is true."

"If you go out, you're dead, you know?".

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