【Vatican, here I come, let me see what is so great about this place that is called the Kingdom of God on earth. How many divisions does Jesus have and how many armies does Jehovah have? How dare you call it the Kingdom of God on earth!】

【But Satan probably had the same idea as me, and came to the Vatican specifically to blaspheme Jesus and Jehovah. Well, forget it, let’s look for it first. Although this Satan is in the Vatican, even though the Vatican is not big, But it is not easy to find a hidden Satan. ]

Just when Xiao Bai was thinking about this, a white palm gently patted Xiao Bai's shoulder. Xiao Bai's body tensed up subconsciously, and he exuded a dangerous aura and was ready to take action.

But just when Xiao Bai was about to take action, he saw this person and immediately stopped what he wanted to do.

"Well, what's the matter?"

【Why does this girl look familiar? She seems to be a village girl. Yes, she is the village girl from Zhenggong, or the village girl’s spiritual body.The golden hemp braid is so recognizable】

"I just saw you standing here, so I wanted to ask if you need help."

The girl seemed to be frightened by Xiao Bai. She shrank her neck and said to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai smiled awkwardly, and then said to the girl in front of him:"Sorry, sorry, I'm a little too nervous. I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder when I was out."

"It's okay, I was too reckless and caused you trouble!"

The girl also waved her hands quickly. Xiao Bai looked at the girl in front of him and said,"I'm just feeling a little emotional that there are so many people in the Vatican. I'm just a little surprised."

"Of course, the Vatican is the kingdom of God on earth and the center of religious belief in the entire West, with the most devout believers here!"

Xiao Bai smiled when he heard this sentence and said nothing, but his eyes were full of sneers.

【The girl in front of me actually said that the Vatican has the most devout believers? Haha, I have never believed in any pure faith. Everything in the world is for profit, and temples and camps are all for fame. These so-called believers are just because they don’t have enough bargaining chips for betrayal. There is nothing in this world that cannot be betrayed. , the reason why there is no betrayal is just that there are not enough chips, let alone something as illusory as faith.】

【So these so-called believers, haha! 】

Although Xiao Bai did not speak, his eyes stung the girl's devout faith.

The girl in front of me looked at Xiao Bai and couldn't help but said:"You don't seem to agree with what I said."

"No, I just thought of something funny!"

"No, you just think what I said is ridiculous!"

The girl looked at Xiao Bai and directly exposed Xiao Bai's inner thoughts. Xiao Bai laughed, and then decisively told the girl in front of him:"Okay, this is what I think, piety is ridiculous, the world Everyone in the world has their own demands. Even the so-called fanatic believers, why don't they use their faith to satisfy their empty hearts?"

【Betrayal means betrayal without enough chips. I have always believed in this sentence. If you give anyone enough chips, then betrayal will be betrayal!】

"No, your idea is wrong. You are doubting human nature by saying this. You don’t believe in anyone and you don’t believe in love."

"No, I believe in love, I have someone to love"

"So can you trust the person you love completely and wholeheartedly?"


【What a joke, you actually ask me if I can trust the person I love. Isn’t the answer yes?】

【My answer is naturally belief. I am not sure whether they will betray or not, but this does not mean that I do not believe them. Doubt and belief are not contradictory. 】

The girl looked at Xiao Bai in front of her and pouted in anger, then looked at Xiao Bai in front of her and didn't know what to say.

"Well, thank you for your kindness. In order to repay your kindness, I personally suggest that you leave the Vatican as soon as possible. The current Vatican is not suitable for you to travel!

But the girl said to Xiao Bai:"I'm not here to travel!""

"In short, leave quickly. This place may be in ruins soon. Satan has come to the Vatican."

Xiao Bai's joking words failed to win the girl's trust. On the contrary, the girl looked at Xiao Bai in front of her and said stubbornly:"Since you don't believe it, then let me take you to see true piety. Believers are well!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After finishing speaking, the other party took Xiao Bai's hand and moved in one direction. Xiao Bai tried to pull his hand away several times, but was only given a push by the girl. He couldn't pull it back.

But Xiao Bai soon discovered a problem. This girl seemed to have a high status in the Vatican.

Some people in the Vatican saw the girl pulling Xiao Bai and did not stop her at all. Xiao Bai and the girl entered some forbidden places.

The girl took Xiao Bai to visit, but Xiao Bai was secretly searching for the existence of Satan.

However, something happened very quickly. After the girl took Xiao Bai, When Bai arrived at the place where the ascetic monks were, Xiao Bai smelled a smell in the air.


Why is there such a strong smell of sulfur in the Holy See?

You must know that the most common smell in hell is the smell of sulfur.

Xiao Bai grabbed the girl who wanted to go in hastily (the money was good), and then Covering the other person's mouth:"Smell if there is a smell of sulfur in the air."

The girl's originally tight body relaxed slightly, and then she discovered that the air was really full of the smell of sulfur.

Then Xiao Bai quietly led the other party to a hidden place, and then Xiao Bai carefully He observed carefully.

If you don’t observe, you won’t know. Upon observation, Xiao Bai and the girl were shocked.

The shadows of those ascetic monks were not human shadows at all, but instead had goat horns and bat wings. The shadow of the devil.

Xiao Bai knew that he had found the right one, Satan was here!

Xiao Bai laughed, but the girl in Xiao Bai's arms was shocked to the point of being stunned.

She seemed to be unable to believe it , these ascetics in the Vatican are actually demons!.

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