【Yesterday's diary was completed and rewards began to be distributed. You obtained the Joan of Arc Spiritual Foundation.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The drawing is complete, congratulations to XXX (Hagoromo Fox) for obtaining the Tamamo Mae Spirit Base】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Rem. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Rem for obtaining the power of invisible divine will. The powerful and invisible divine will: it can release dozens of magic hands called invisible hands. Although the arm movement speed is average, the destructive power is very strong. 】

This is the diary reward that Xiao Bai received before, the spiritual foundation of Joan of Arc. Although Xiao Bai does not understand why the spiritual foundation of Joan of Arc is this M-shaped headdress, but I have to say that it is really

Taking the tiara handed over by Xiao Bai, Leticia firmly put the tiara on her head without any hesitation. As soon as Leticia put the tiara on her head, the red flames suddenly burst out. Leticia's feet wrapped her up. 14

Then a figure came out of the flames. It still looked like Leticia, but it was no longer Leticia. She is now Joan of Arc

"Just do whatever you want, I'm just a witness, a bystander, don't worry about me, whether it's the door to hell opening, demons running out, or the world becoming a pasture for demons, all of this has nothing to do with me Relationship, you can do whatever you like, all of this has nothing to do with me."

Xiao Bai took a few steps back with a smile and leaned on a pillar of the ruined wall. He looked at Joan of Arc and Satan and said. Satan looked at Xiao Bai. Of course he didn't believe what Xiao Bai said, but as long as Xiao Bai If he doesn't take action, Satan will naturally not be the first to take action. Now Satan's top priority is to open the door to hell first and let his compatriots return. As long as his compatriots return, then Satan will not have to worry about other problems.

Joan of Arc did not respond to Xiao Bai Yan looked at Satan in front of him and said:"Devil, I will purify you in the name of the Lord!

Satan sneered:"Am I not your Lord?" Kneel down and accept the glory I bestow upon you!"

Jean d'Arc ignored it, holding the iris battle flag in her hand, and hanging the silver sword crystallized from the concept at her waist. Joan of Arc waved the battle flag in her hand and planted it down.

"My god is here!"

The battle flag instantly unfolded the invisible realm. All the demons present felt their bodies sink, and their strength was instantly reduced by 30%. Joan looked at the demon in front of her, directly pulled out the silver sword from her waist and launched an attack..

Many demons independently launched attacks on Jeanne d'Arc even without Satan's orders. The iris battle flag was fluttering in the wind, but this was too uncomfortable for the demons, as if they were all thrown away. They felt as disgusting as in the cesspit, so they wanted to destroy the iris battle flag and crush Joan of Arc's body.

Satan was still sitting on the throne, while Xiao Bai was leaning on the pillar on the side, folding his hands and watching The battle between Joan of Arc and the devil

【Tsk tsk tsk, the scene of Joan of Arc fighting the devil is really good, but can Joan of Arc defeat the devil? I'm a little curious. If Joan of Arc loses, will it turn into a bad plot? 】

In the gap, Yakumo Purple, Nangong Nayue, Bai Yuekui, Yae Shenzi, Hagoromo Fox, they looked at the battle outside the gap, their expressions were a little solemn.

"Although Xiao Bai keeps saying that he is himself and he is him, it is not difficult to see from his performance that he is very angry because he feels that he has become his substitute and that we are controlling his life."

"Let's wait and see what happens. We really shouldn't act rashly now. Any action we take may cause Xiao Bai to overreact."

"If Xiao Bai doesn't stop the door of hell from opening, should we intervene? There are millions of angels and demons at least. Once they appear, the consequences will be unimaginable. Bai

Yuekui frowned and looked at the battle outside the gap, and wanted to help, but Yuyihu refused:"I only care about my beloved son. As for other people, it doesn't matter whether they are dead or alive.""

The goal of Yuyihu is very clear. She only cares about her children. As long as the children are okay, it doesn't matter if the world is destroyed.

Nangong Nayue looked at Yuyihu, and then looked at Yae Shenzi:"Are you foxes like this? Are they all yanderes? Yuyihu, Tushan Rongrong, Tushan Yaya and Tushan Honghong all look like this"

"You know slander, you are slandering, I am not!"

"Don't think I don't know about you rolling around on the bed with his clothes."

Ye Shenzi's expression changed, and he looked at Nangong Nayue and gritted his teeth:"You are spying on me!"

"Yakumo Murasaki told me!"

Nangong said that month that he would not take the blame, and even revealed the culprit.

Yakumo Purple: You are selling me out, you are selling me out! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Xiao Bai did not notice the gap between Yakumo Purple. If Yakumo Purple really wanted Xiao Bai to discover it, Xiao Bai would not be able to find it now. Moreover, Yakumo Purple has no ill intentions. The contract on Xiao Bai's body Ling wouldn't care about this kind of thing 017.

So Xiao Bai, Yakumo Purple and the others just watched Joan of Arc killing all the demons.

The silver sword in Joan of Arc's hand cut into the demons' Her body was as smooth as cut butter, and Xiao Bai had the idea of ​​​​taking action.

But in the end, Xiao Bai still did not take action, but watched Joan do it.

For Xiao Bai, these demons and so on No matter what, he just wants to watch the show now, and it doesn't matter even if human beings are destroyed.

He is actually very angry in his heart. He feels that he has been fooled. He feels like he is doing what Nangong Nayue and the others did for him. He progressed step by step like a prepared script, and then finally he came back, what about himself?

He was his substitute, he came back, did he still exist?

This feeling of betrayal made Xiao Bai feel in his heart now. There is a ball of fire. If this ball of fire is not vented, it will either burn Xiao Bai to death or burn down the world sooner or later!

Satan suddenly spoke:"The door to hell is open!"

Following Satan's words, the entire Vatican instantly lit up with red light, a five-pointed star pattern appeared, and then a black dot appeared in the void. The subsequent black dots in the void gradually expanded to form a A huge cavity!.

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