Xiao Bai's movements did not change at all. He just leaned on a pillar with his arms folded as if watching a show.

Joan of Arc looked at Xiao Bai, as if she regarded Xiao Bai as an enemy, but Xiao Bai said to Joan of Arc indifferently:"Are you going to burn me, a human being who is collaborating with the devil? Saint Joan Virtue?"

"I can't do it. Not to mention that now that my spiritual base is broken, I am no match for you. Even when I was intact, I was no match for you. I just have a question to ask."

"question? Just ask, for the sake of destroying these demons, I can answer you as long as it's not something I don't want to answer."

"You are obviously here to destroy these demons, why did you end up collaborating with these demons, watching these demons being released, and even preparing to watch the demons treat humans as livestock?"

Xiao Bai fell silent, not wanting to answer the question. Looking at Xiao Bai, Joan sighed:"Is it because what the devil said before made you confused and even world-weary?"

"It's time for you to disappear, Joan of Arc, has anyone ever told you that you're annoying? Especially this kind of revealing situation makes people hate you."

Laughing lightly, Joan just expressed her helplessness at Xiao Bai167's words:"Okay, then I'm sorry that I left such an impression on you in the end. Finally, can you please take care of Laetitia?"

"Go die in peace, if Leticia is still alive, then I will take good care of Leticia and you don't need to worry about it."

Hearing these words, Joan of Arc finally felt relieved. The next moment, Joan of Arc's body seemed to shatter like glass, the lenses scattered in the air and disappeared into little bits of light, while Leticia fell into a coma. fell to the ground

"I feel like Satan is not dead yet, but since the Black Channel has been destroyed, let’s just wipe this place out."


Following Xiao Bai's voice, the next moment Cthulhu's figure appeared behind Xiao Bai. That huge body seemed to cover the entire sky. Cthulhu stretched out a palm and Xiao Bai hugged it. Then Letitia stepped onto Cthulhu's palm. After Xiao Bai stepped onto Cthulhu's palm, Cthulhu's figure gradually flew into the sky, and the other palm stretched out a little in the void. , the land of the Vatican disappeared in an instant, and all that was left was a bottomless pit.

In the gap, Zhi Nan Gong Na Yue and his party all felt hairy all over their bodies when they saw this scene. There was a trace of fear.

Xiao Bai hugged Laetitia and disappeared to the site of the original Vatican.

Watching Xiao Bai disappear, at this moment, Nangong Nayue and his party had some ugly expressions on their faces. Xiao Bai What we did this time was too scary.

"Sure enough, he was still affected."

Yae Shenzi's tone was full of solemnity. She had no doubt that the last thing Xiao Bai wanted to see now was them. Nangong Nayue didn't speak, Yakumo Purple didn't speak either, and even Hagoromo Fox didn't speak.

"Now let's let those girls appease Xiao Bai. He probably just wants to see them now, and he has doubts about us."

When Leticia woke up, the scene of Jeanne d'Arc's last spirit base shattering and dissipating still remained in her mind. Then Leticia got out of bed and walked out of the room, and saw the figure on the small coffee table and sofa next to the floor-to-ceiling window. Xiao Bai

"woke up!

Before Leticia could speak, Xiao Bai spoke first. Leticia walked over and looked at Xiao Bai:"You broke your promise. You said before that you would destroy those demons.""

"Well, I regretted it, what next?"

Laetitia was choked all of a sudden. Looking at Xiao Bai, she didn't know what she should say at this time.

Xiao Bai picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, and then looked at the TV As the news was playing, Laetitia's pupils contracted.

Above the TV was a high-altitude aerial photography. The original land of the Vatican had all disappeared, leaving only a big pit. Leticia looked at Xiao Bai, wondering what was going on. What's going on

"The Vatican has been completely destroyed, and this matter will be buried in the dust of history. It is up to you to decide where you want to go."

Xiao Bai originally thought that Leticia would be confused and didn't know what to do, but what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that Leticia actually said something that shocked Xiao Bai.

"I want to be a demon hunter and hunt those demons. I don’t know if there are any demons in this world, but I want to hunt those demons. I don’t want the tragedy of the Vatican to happen again."

Xiao Bai was silent. After a long time, Xiao Bai took out a battle flag and handed it to Letitia. It was the iris battle flag, the noble phantom of Joan of Arc!

"This is"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Although I don’t know why Jeanne d’Arc’s battle flag remains, but since you want to become a demon hunter, I’ll leave this thing to you."

Reaching out her hand to take the iris battle flag, Leticia expressed her gratitude to Xiao Bai:"Thank you! Xiao

Bai was noncommittal and stood up:"Since you're awake, I should leave too. Finally, I wish you good luck!""

Xiao Bai stood up and left. After Xiao Bai left, Letitia discovered a diary on the small coffee table.

"A copy of Xiao Bai's diary (exclusive to Laetitia)?"

Did he leave it behind?

Xiao Bai's appearance appeared in Leticia's mind, but soon Leticia shook her head and rejected the idea. He didn't leave any diary just now. This The diary seemed to have appeared after Xiao Bai left.

Although Leticia felt that it was immoral to peek into other people's diaries, this diary seemed to have a fatal attraction. In the end, Leticia still did not Being able to resist the temptation, she opened the diary. As the diary opened, Leticia's expression gradually became serious after reading Xiao Bai's diary.

"It seems that things have become very bad. Xiao Bai is fine, right?"

The way Xiao Bai left before reminded Leticia, she felt as if something was about to happen.

"Your Excellency Joan of Arc, what should I do?".

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