"There are only two ways to exit the dark cooking world. The first way is to destroy the dark cooking world. Seven Star Sword Renn also used this method to successfully retire. Otherwise, he will be a member of the dark cooking world. , death is the dead person in the dark cooking world, and the second way is to become the leader of the dark cooking world!"

"But in addition to these two options, there is a third option, which is that the leader of the dark cuisine world is indifferent to your withdrawal from the dark cuisine world, or that on the surface you are still staying in the dark cuisine world but in fact you are no longer in it at all. Has anything to do with the dark culinary world?"

"So as long as we find the leader of the dark cooking world, the problem will be solved!"

Xiao Bai said that if he only needs to find the leader of the dark cooking world, then all problems will naturally be solved.

Nakamura Ji shook his head:"I'm afraid this is impossible. The leader of the dark cooking world is very mysterious. People know who the leader of the dark cuisine world is! Xiao

Bai looked a little weird and just said to Nakamura Ji:"If you want to become the leader of the dark cooking world, then I can help. It shouldn't be a big problem!""

【Fortunately, Liu Pleiades had a hand in saving things. It would be great fun if people knew that the leader of the dark cooking world is Liu Pleiades, the God of Cooking. Strictly speaking, I am the leader of the dark cooking world now. It’s just that Liu Pleiades has not appeared for hundreds of years. Can the current dark cooking world still recognize Liu Pleiades as its leader?"]

Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice's eyelids twitched slightly, and then they said to Xiao Bai:"In that case, then"

"I disagree!"

Nakiri Shinagi directly interrupted Xiao Bai's words. Nakiri Shinagi said that he did not agree with Nakamura Thistle becoming the leader of the dark cooking world.

"I don’t want this guy to continue to have anything to do with the dark cooking world. If possible, I will destroy the dark cooking world directly!"

After Nakiri Shinagi finished, he looked at Nakamura Ji:"Tell me, do you still want to tangle with the dark cooking world? I saw that one named Ichijo Ao was flirting with you before. Are you and her Have a leg! Nakamura Ji shook his head repeatedly:"I promise there is absolutely no cheating. I was just decadent for a period of time before I met you. After marrying you, I promise I will never cheat!""

Nakiri Shinagi looked at Nakamura Thistle in front of him:"Then I want you to withdraw from the dark cooking world. Is there any problem? At worst, I will activate the energy of WGO. I don't believe that the dark cooking world can really cover the sky with one hand!"

"Got it, I quit the dark cooking world!"

Facing the strong look of Nakiri Managi, Nakamura Jiba gave in decisively.

When Xiao Bai saw the couple's appearance, he pinched his chin and said:"To be honest, it is quite difficult to destroy the dark cooking world. , unless all the people in the dark cooking world are caught in one fell swoop, as long as one fish slips through the net, there will be endless troubles. In fact, the Seven Star Sword Renn only had the leader of the dark cooking world controlling behind his back, which allowed the other party to succeed. Retreat."

When Liu Pleiades was the leader of the dark cooking world, Liu Pleiades controlled behind the scenes to prevent those people in the dark cooking world from looking for the Seven-Star Sword Renn. This was regarded as allowing the Seven-Star Sword Renn to successfully retire. Otherwise, the dark cooking world would The crowd is crazy, and Seven-Star Sword Ren also wants to enjoy his old age in peace

"Mr. Bai, how about you become the leader of the dark cooking world? In this case, we can choose the third path!"

Alice looked at Xiao Bai and said with twinkling eyes. Knowing that Xiao Bai was the leader of the dark cooking world, Alice immediately came up with the idea of ​​making Xiao Bai the leader of the dark cooking world again. Just like this, she could You can sit back and relax without having to go to war.

There was a trace of tangle on Erina's face. Seeing that Xiao Bai wanted to say something but was embarrassed to say it, Xiao Bai saw Erina's look:"Okay, no problem, but as a price. Rina and Alice, you want to be my girlfriend and stay with me for the rest of your life, okay?"

"I disagree."

Nakamura Hisagi next to Nakiri Shinagi said unhappily. This guy Xiao Bai used himself as a threat, which Nakamura Hisabe would never agree to. Nakiri Shinagi rolled his eyes at Nakamura Thistle:"A pair made in heaven, it's your turn. Is this monster going to object?"

Although Nakiri Shinagi also objected at the beginning, Xiao Bai's cooking heart cannot be deceived. Xiao Bai is serious about liking Erina, so Nakiri Shinagi no longer objects to the relationship between Erina and Xiao Bai. Nakamura Thistle wanted to say something else, but was shut up after being glared at by Nakiri Shinagi. Nakiri Shinagi asked Xiao Bai:"Are you really okay?"

"It’s not a big problem, and my goal is to find legendary kitchen utensils and the dark cooking world has the same goal, so it would be a good thing if I could conquer the dark cooking world."

"So please, if you need anything from us, just ask!"

"OK, I'll speak up if necessary!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So let me take a step first and look for information about the dark cooking world."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he left.

【It seems that the relationship with the dark cooking world can't be broken, so let's become the leader of the dark cooking world again. Then first we need to find the back-ups from back then. If there are no problems with the back-ups from back then. Then the current dark cooking world should still be under my control. 】

Seeing the contents of Xiao Bai's diary, the holders of copies of the diary couldn't help but take a breath. How much backhand did Xiao Bai keep?

Thinking of Xiao Bai's scheming appearance, a group of girls couldn't help but feel a little cold all over. Is this guy Xiao Bai a little more safe?

【Fortunately, I played it safe back then, otherwise it might not be that easy to get in touch with the dark cooking world now. But even so, I'm afraid it's not possible to make those people in the dark cooking world obey my orders one by one. not easy】

【However, with Tushan Fengqi's ability, the dark cooking world should not be out of control in the hands of Tushan Fengqi. 】

Tushan Fengqi?

Seeing this name, Tushan Honghong felt that her fist became hard again..

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