Xiao Bai left Yukinoshita's house without stopping, and if he continued to stay at Yukinoshita's house, Xiao Bai felt that he would be in danger.

Xiao Bai really didn't expect that Mrs. Yukinoshita would look like that secretly, but it had to be said that behind every decent woman, or in their hearts, there was always a beast lurking.

Yukinoshita Yukino watched Xiao Bai leave Yukinoshita's house not far away and felt slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai did not disappoint himself. Although Xiao Bai's heart was definitely moved, as long as Xiao Bai did not act, Yukinoshita Yukino would not think it was a big deal.

Yukino Yukino, her mother, knew very well that she was a very attractive woman. If she expected a normal man to remain indifferent to her mother's seduction, then the most likely possibility was that that man was a wimp.

Although Xiao Bai said that he was moved, he did not take action. This was enough.

Yukinoshita Yukino returned home and looked at her mother:"I won this time!"

Mrs. Yukinoshita had a smile on her face. This smile made Yukinoshita Yukino feel uncomfortable all over, because now Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her mother and had only one feeling, that is, she was too charming. Yukinoshita Yukino finally understood why Xiao Bai left in a hurry.

With her mother's appearance, Yukinoshita Yukino almost didn't think that normal men could be indifferent. Even a girl like Yukinoshita Yukino would feel a little excited just looking at her, let alone those men.

"Xueno, this time you win. I will not make any further moves against Xiao Bai within three months, but after three months I will definitely take Xiao Bai into my hands."

The tip of her tongue slightly licked her lips. This charming look made Yukinoshita Yukino's body tense up. It was really hard for Yukinoshita Yukino to imagine that the person in front of her was really her mother?

Which one was there ? The mother in my impression should not be dignified, virtuous, graceful, but is this one who looks like a succubus really her mother?

Yukinoshita Yukino can't help but start to doubt life, Yukinoshita Yukino After taking a deep breath to calm down his mood, he left expressionlessly. After returning home, Xiao Bai had almost calmed down. However, after returning, Xiao Bai looked at Ram's newly grown horns and was stunned. Living

"Ram, what's going on? Why did your broken horn suddenly grow out?.?"

"Not long ago I noticed that it suddenly grew out."

Xiao Bai didn't ask any further questions. After checking, he found that there was nothing wrong with Ram and didn't say anything more.

【Ram's horn was repaired for no reason. Although I don't know what happened, it is generally a good thing, so there is no need to worry about it. ]

There was nothing to say all night, but on the second day, Akita Kazuo, who was in Britain, called Xiao Bai. The content of the call was only about one thing, that is, Sawamura Eiri was about to marry her fiancé Artolis. Return to Neon to visit family!

Xiao Bai, who was still a little sleepy, suddenly woke up.

Nowadays, the only person Xiao Bai has a grudge against is Sawamura Eiri.

Naturally, there should be a resolution between Xiao Bai and Sawamura Eiri.

"Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Sayuri Sawamura for more than two years!"

Xiao Bai suddenly thought of Sayuri Sawamura, and it was time to see Sayuri Sawamura.

He stood up, removed Rem and Ram's pink arms and legs that were pressing on him, and then Xiao Bai washed and put on his clothes. After getting dressed, she went out and arrived at Sayuri Sawamura's house. Xiao Bai's appearance surprised Sayuri Sawamura.

After taking a look at Sayuri Sawamura, she saw that two years had not left any trace on this woman's body. The traces are still like those of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

Xiao Bai's first words after meeting Sayuri Sawamura were:"Eiri Sawamura is coming back, are you happy?""

The expression on Sayuri Sawamura's face changed slightly but then she fell silent. In two years, Sayuri Sawamura has also given up.

Xiao Bai looked at Sayuri Sawamura in front of him and said:"My enemy There are quite a few, but now there is only one Eri Sawamura left. Sayuri

Sawamura was silent and then said:"I have fulfilled my responsibility as a mother by sending Eri-ri away two years ago. What Eri-ri will do next is beyond my control."

Xiao Bai sneered and stepped forward:"I really want to know what Sawamura Eiri would look like if she saw her mother turned into a ball of flannel by me." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Of course, it is also possible to be indifferent. After all, I have known for two years that you fell into my hands, Sawamura Eiri, but I have never thought about saving you from the sea of ​​misery."

Sayuri Sawamura remained expressionless and did not react in any way to Xiao Bai's words. Xiao Bai suddenly felt a little bored. Sayuri Sawamura was like a dead fish. However,

Sayuri Sawamura thought this Will it make Xiao Bai lose his sexual interest?

Obviously not, Xiao Bai will change Sawamura Sayuri into the shape he wants. For this kind of woman who has no need to talk about feelings, Xiao Bai will not have any respect for them. Warmth.

He directly untied the belt around Sayuri Sawamura's waist, and then watched the kimono fall off Sayuri Sawamura's body. She didn't look like a woman in her thirties at all, with a fair complexion (Zhao) The skin is still full of elasticity

"I will make you become the shape I want!"

Sayuri Sawamura's body trembled slightly, and then she closed her eyes without speaking.

Speaking of which, Sayuri Sawamura is really stubborn. In order to make Sayuri Sawamura change into the shape she wants before Eiri Sawamura comes back, Xiao Bai also taught Sawamura Xiaobai mercilessly both physically and mentally.

Eri Sawamura, who was far away in Britain, was looking at the direction of the neon lights at this time.

"Xiao Bai, just wait for me. I'm back. This time I will make you pay the price."

Sawamura Eiri's eyes flashed with strong hatred!

A handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes suddenly came over:"Eiri, let's get ready and set off!""

"Okay, let's go, Artolis."

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