When Xiao Bai saw Sawamura Eri's look like this, he immediately said loudly:"When your mother was played by me in front of you, I didn't see you shed a single tear. As a result, An Yilun also changed his mind." Your eyes will immediately turn red when you look like this. Sure enough, Sayuri, you have no status at all in Sawamura Eiri's heart." Although Sawamura

Sayuri didn't say anything, there was a trace of sadness in her eyes. At the same time, Sawamura Sayuri inevitably felt a little angry towards Sawamura Eiri, and felt that the sacrifices she had made before were not worth it. In order to protect Eiri, she ended up in this ordinary situation, not to mention that Eiri had sacrificed for herself. Even a single tear is enough.

But after seeing An Yilunya, Sawamura Eiri's eyes turned red all of a sudden. She, a"853" mother, was not as good as an outsider like An Yilunya.

Sawamura Sayuri suddenly felt a little funny that her efforts were like a joke. What was the use of her persistence?

At this moment, Sawamura Sayuri's heart suddenly felt like she could simply fall like this. Anyway, having such a daughter now is no different from having one.

At this moment, Eiri Sawamura seemed to realize that there was something wrong with her emotional expression just now. She immediately looked at her mother and then a somewhat forced smile appeared on her face, but Eiri Sawamura What he saw was the disappointed look in Sayuri Sawamura's eyes.

At this moment, the trace of luck that Sawamura Eiri had in her heart completely disappeared.

Xiao Bai hugged Sayuri Sawamura into his arms and said:"Look, you have paid so much for this bitch Eiri Sawamura, but in her eyes you are always inferior to An Yilun, even now An Yilun has also become like this, neither human nor ghost. She still sheds tears for An Yilun, and you were so humiliated by me that I didn't let Eiri Sawamura shed a drop for you. Tears, is the sacrifice you made for this bitch Eri Sawamura worth it?"

"The moment she saw An Yirunya, Sawamura Eiri's eyes instantly turned red. A bitch like Sawamura Eiri only cares about herself and doesn't care about others. Understand, in Sawamura Eiri In her eyes, you are no longer her mother."

Eri Sawamura's face changed when she looked at Xiao Bai and shouted:"Xiao Bai, don't sow discord. Do you think you can drive a wedge between my mother and me with such despicable means of sowing discord?"

"Whether it is driving a wedge between you and Sayuri Sawamura, you know it in your heart, and Sayuri Sawamura also knows it in her heart!"

Artolis also felt that Sawamura Eiri was a little too much, but he didn't say anything. Sawamura Eiri's face became a little ugly.

Sawamura Eiri didn't know where she was at this time. , he was tricked by Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai deliberately brought An Yilun in front of him in order to alienate the relationship between himself and his mother. Now Xiao Bai's purpose has been achieved.

His own Her mother was obviously disappointed with herself because of Xiao Bai's methods.

Sawamura Eiri's fists couldn't help but clenched tightly, and the sting caused by her nails digging into her flesh was completely unable to offset Sawamura Eiri's. The anger and hatred towards Xiao Bai in Li's heart.

Sayuri Sawamura didn't say anything more, but her attitude towards Eiri Sawamura obviously changed. Xiao Bai hugged Sayuri Sawamura and said,"You have paid so much for it." My daughter doesn't care about you at all, so why do you have to be so sentimental? From now on, you just need to live for me. At least I still care about my belongings!"

【It’s so funny. Sawamura Eiri is such a bitch. Originally, I just had such an idea, but I didn’t expect that such an idea would come true. Sawamura Eiri actually knows how to do it. I also cried for An Yilun, but when I saw my mother being teased and humiliated at will, I only felt angry. Sawamura Eiri is truly worthy of you, a complete self-centered bitch!】

【Sayuri Sawamura is really miserable. She fell in love with such a daughter, and she was so stupid that she went against me for this daughter. Now she’s fine. She gave everything for Eiri Sawamura, but Eiri Sawamura didn’t care at all. I won’t shed a single tear for you, how miserable! 】

Looking at the contents of Xiao Bai's diary, Sayuri Sawamura felt a little bitter in her mouth, and her heart felt cold. She had paid so much for Eiri Sawamura, but Eiri Sawamura didn't even shed a tear. Not willing to shed for themselves.......

Sawamura Eiri showed anger when she saw herself being repaired by Xiao Bai, but was that anger really for herself?

I'm afraid it's not for herself, but for Eri Sawamura herself. She feels angry because her mother was played wantonly by Xiao Bai and her face is dull, not because Sayuri Sawamura's mother is played with.

【This time Sawamura Sayuri should have completely given up on Eiri Sawamura. What was originally just a test result has come true. In the future, Sawamura Sayuri should also completely give up on Eiri Sawamura.】

【No matter how you look like this, Sayuri Sawamura will no longer have to worry about Eri Sawamura in the future. Although she has no feelings for Sayuri Sawamura, she is still in love with a woman who can completely love Sayuri Sawamura. It is also a good thing to become my possession. I believe that after this time, Sawamura Sayuri 0.9 will completely turn into my shape. After today, Sawamura Sayuri will definitely become my possession.】

【Don't call me mean, everything was your choice Eri Sawamura. If it weren't for your ruthlessness, Sayuri Sawamura wouldn't have given up.

After seeing Xiao Bai's diary, Sawamura Sayuri suddenly asked for a kiss from Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment and then kissed her without any courtesy.

On the other hand, Sawamura Eiri's face was extremely ugly. Looking at Sawamura Sayuri in front of her, Sawamura Eiri asked in a low voice:"How can you be so shameless!" After hearing Sawamura Eiri's words,

Sawamura Sayuri was shocked. Xiao Bai started to kiss her more and more cooperatively, and Sawamura Eiri's face became even more ugly. She even had the urge to step forward and kill Sawamura Sayuri..

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